
Magic Man

From Orphan to Performing Magician, Ace thought his entire world was just that. However, a run in with an organization bent on keeping the world safe by any means necessary sent him running into a world he could've only dreamed of!

Monkey_Godking · Movies
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189 Chs

Trick 6: Making Weapons of Mass Destruction- Disappear!

1 year passed as Ace researched every possible piece of information on Stark Industries and set up for his great trick.

Ace sat up in bed on this day, he rubbed his face and heard a sweet groan. He turned to the side and smiled happily, rubbing Kate's hair, she curled her lips and curled up under the covers.

During this year, the two had basically confirmed the relationship, dating normally.

Another thing was that Ace had thankfully never heard from that crazy woman and her green monster boyfriend.


Today, Ace had a big show that he had been preparing for an entire year! It was right here in New York.

He got out of bed and cracked his neck as he stood up, walking out of the room to the kitchen.

Bruce turned over in his little bed and nibbled as Ace passed him by.

He got to the kitchen and made himself coffee and breakfast before sitting down to eat, going over a file with a big eye on the cover.

He closed the file as Kate slid her arms around his neck, kissing his cheek as she said softly "You still won't tell me what the big show is about?" Ace smiled and pinched her ear gently, chuckling "Won't that ruin the surprise? Just make sure you're there. It'll be the greatest show you've ever seen!"

She rolled her eyes and scratched her ear, saying "You're so annoying…" as she walked to the fridge, leaning over as she searched for something to eat. Ace looked over and said "I made you breakfast!"

Kate paused and looked up over the fridge door, glancing at the food on the side… She licked her lips and said suddenly "Ah! I forgot, I just had breakfast in my dreams…" Ace froze and his lips twitched as he replied, "Sure… Let Bruce have it…"

Bruce opened his eyes and looked at the food before rolling over and snoring.

Kate looked at Bruce and giggled, glancing at Ace's twitching face with a teasing look in her eyes.

Ace's cheeks reddened and he said angrily "I'm trying, okay!?" She nodded and replied "Of course, honey. I know. You're doing so good…"

Ace rolled his eyes and ignored her, turning to his file once again.

A while later

A spotlight showed on an empty stage as Ace spoke, "Hello everyone! Welcome to our magnificent show tonight! Oh… hold on. You can't see me. Spotlight guy, can you please."

The spotlight flickered for an instant and Ace appeared when the light lit up again. He bowed as people cheered and clapped in amazement, looking at the stage in shock.

It was not even a second, how did he appear there!?

Ace stomped on the ground and smiled mysteriously "Indeed! How did I appear on this stage? Well, I've always been here, I was just invisible! This is how magic works after all. Tsk Tsk~ Normal people…"

He coughed and clapped his hands, waving to the audience "Nevermind that, tonight we have a very special show! Mr. Obediah Stane is here this evening, everyone give him a round of applause, please." as he clapped along and the spotlight shone on Obediah.

Obediah smiled and waved as people clapped.

Ace walked on the stage, smiling "Now people may not know but Mr. Stane here is one of the executive shareholders and Vice CEO of Stark Industries, the top notch weapons manufacturer of the civilized world! Yes, yes, this is all well and good, of course…"

He coughed and reached out his hand, smiling "Mr. Stane, would you mind joining me on stage?" Obediah pointed at himself as Ace nodded and he hesitated before waving his hand and laughing as he got up, walking down.

Ace shook his hand and smiled, "Welcome! Hopefully your check doesn't bounce after the show." the audience laughed and Ace continued, "Mr. Stane, a little bit about yourself… with Mr. Stark's disappearance would you say there was an increase in women walking around or not?"

The audience laughed and Obediah chuckled, replying "Well, I'd like to say increase!" as he rubbed his bald head, adding wryly "Unfortunately, the girls like men with more hair…"

The audience smiled and laughed as Ace smiled and nodded, saying "Would you like to pick a card?" as he fanned out a deck of cards. Obediah picked a card and Ace said, "Alright, show them, not me. Okay, good, now please, sign the card… yes, thank you."

Ace took the card and ripped it into a ton of tiny pieces, throwing the card into the card before saying "Thank you for your cooperation, you've helped me waste your time." as he bowed.

The audience chuckled and Ace turned to Obediah, continuing "Obviously I'm just kidding, but if you were given the chance, would you like more women around you?" Obediah was confused and replied "What guy wouldn't?"

Ace chuckled and gave him a thumbs up, saying "Yes! Exactly, no man wouldn't want a ton of women around him… maybe one of every race?" as he threw out a cloth from his inner coat.

It swirled around and fell to the ground, revealing multiple women of every single race in skimpy clothing, smiling and waving at the crowd.

Obediah was stunned and Ace added with a smile "Maybe even every temperament?" as the girls spun on the spot into different women with different clothes and different temperaments.

The audience was stunned and Ace snapped his fingers in the air saying "But this is too fitting for you, Mr. Stane. Because you drew the Queen of Diamonds, am I right?" Obediah nodded in awe and Ace waved, "Ladies, please. Show your hands."

The camera zoomed in as the ladies all put their hands together, revealing The Queen of Diamonds tattooed onto their hands forming the whole card after putting them together!

Ace frowned and coughed, "I know Mr. Stane is handsome but you can't keep his signature." The girls all stuck out their tongues and flipped over their palms to reveal the entire original card with Obediah's signature tattooed onto their palms!

The audience went into an uproar and Obediah was stunned, completely shocked at the turn of events!

Who would've thought!

He looked and said in shock "That's really!?" Ace winked at him and said "The show's only begun!"

He turned to the crowd and said loudly, "Now everyone! You know that Stark Industries has countless weapons of mass destruction under its name all across the world! As any good business does, they must have a stock of weapons for sale."

He spread his arms out and said "What if I told you, today, live, I was going to do the oldest trick in the book and make them all disappear!"

The audience gasped and Ace pointed to the screen above him, saying "This screen will detail the live video." before gesturing to the ladies, who lifted up a huge sign with a massive number on it as he added "And this is the number of current weapons stocked within Stark Industries at any given time."

Ace clapped and one of the girls spun, turning into a pedestal with a button. Ace walked over and said "Russia!" before pressing the button.

The screen lit up as video feeds of warehouses in the entire country of Russia had weapons shoot into the sky and blow up like fireworks, turning into a giant '10'.

Ace smiled and said "Folks please. If you don't believe me, check your social media. China!" as he pressed another button, the number on the sign decreased dramatically as a 9 appeared.

Obediah watched in shock as more and more bases were being emptied one by one, he could tell because he knew what they looked like! There was a chance that this wasn't fake!

He turned to Ace and shouted "What is the meaning of this!?"

Ace grinned and continued pressing buttons until the number appeared being '0'.

He spread out his hands and smiled "Sorry, Mr. Stane, your assets have been liquidated. You are no longer a stakeholder in Stark Industries." he turned to the crowd and announced, "Everyone, I would trouble you to check your bank balances. I hope it has been evenly distributed."

Obediah received a call and glared at Ace as though he was going to eat him alive, Ace smirked and replied "What did you expect? Your double dealings under the table to terrorist groups in Afghanistan have come back to haunt you, Mr. Stane." He bowed to the audience and said loudly "Thank you and Goodnight!" as the people cheered wildly.

Ace clapped and the spotlight flickered before he disappeared into thin air!

Obediah started talking on his phone and the audience started shouting as they checked their balances, quickly leaving the theater.

Kate watched from the side, completely stunned as she looked at her phone also receiving money. Her phone started ringing and she sighed, answering "Yes, Director Fury…"

Ace was walking around outside waiting for Kate. She finally showed up and he walked over happily, smiling "So? Surprised?" She looked at him sadly, asking "Did you steal from him?"

Ace smiled and shook his head, saying "Nope. I only gave it to everyone else. I have nothing." his smile was bright as he chuckled "Or else, why would I be so broke? Hahah!"

Kate sighed and pulled out a gun, pointing it at Ace as she said hesitantly "You're under arrest." Ace was stunned and laughed, "Are you a comedian? You're a nurse…" then he slowly paused and whispered "Right?"

Kate opened her mouth and was silent for a few moments before revealing, "I work for the government. I'm not a nurse." Ace looked at her with a confused look, asking "Wh-Were you faking everything this entire time?"

'Kate' winced slightly and nodded her head, Ace felt like he had been hit by a ton of bricks and asked angrily "You lied to me?! Why did you lie to me?! You're just a fake person! I really thought you- Nevermind. It doesn't matter anymore."

He turned around and asked softly "Did you ever actually love me?" 'Kate' opened her mouth but before she could say anything, there was shouting "There he is! Agent 13 has the target cornered!"

Ace laughed despairing at himself, "Agent 13, eh… I'm a fucking joke." 'Kate' said quickly "Ace, you know, I-" before Ace snorted and stepped into the shadows, saying "Don't speak to me anymore, Agent 13. We've always been strangers after all." before disappearing directly.

'Kate' ran into the shadows to find Ace had disappeared, she turned to the agents, saying angrily "Are you all morons?! You scared him away! I had the situation under control! Damn it!"