
Trick 105: How to turn the Dark Lord to dust ft. The Boy who Lived

Neville looked around and followed after Ace, more students got up and walked out of the Castle. Minerva let out a breath and smiled gently.

Lupin looked at the door and Sirius smiled slightly, asking "Up for another bout, Remus?" Lupin kissed Nyphadora's forehead and laid her on the ground gently, replying softly "Why? Are you sleepy?"

Sirius grabbed Lupin's forearm and said "That's my friend!" Lupin smiled and pulled himself up as they walked out of the Great Hall.

Ace was sitting on the ground outside in the courtyard, letting out a breath as Hermione smiled gently "Quite the speech, Master." Ace replied "You don't have to make fun of me. I'm tired of being sad." Hermione sat next to him, hugging her knees as she replied "Me too."

She leaned her head on Ace's shoulder, saying "Master… I don't have a place to go anymore. I obliviated my parents." Ace coughed and sighed "You can come with me, stupid apprentice…"

A while passed

The sun rose and Ace looked up as Voldemort walked over with his Death Eaters and Hagrid tied up, holding a body!

Ace stood up and waved his hand behind him as he walked forward. He looked at the body and frowned.

Ginny shouted "Who's Hagrid holding?!" Ace shushed her as Voldemort stepped into the courtyard, saying "Harry Potter is dead!" before laughing.

Ginny went ballistic and Ace said "Shut up!" before turning to Harry and frowning, he couldn't sense the Horcrux feeling from Harry anymore. He turned to Voldemort, saying "And you've come for?"

Voldemort grinned, "Ah yes, my old friend. I have come for your gracious surrender, of course." Ace frowned and replied "I don't think you'll find it very gracious." Voldemort paced around, saying "Oh? I think I will. Because should you choose not to, you will die!"

Ace frowned and said "I've died before, wasn't too bad." as rings appeared around his arms, Voldemort scowled and Lucius said "Draco. Come. Come here." Narcissa Malfoy, said gently "Come dear. Draco, come to mummy."

Everyone looked at Draco, who was hesitating. He looked at Ace, who smiled gently, saying "Go Draco. Don't feel ashamed." Draco slowly stepped forward and walked over to his mother and father as they went to the back of the crowd, disappearing behind the Death Eaters.

Ace looked at the snake next to Voldemort and looked up at the sky as the Horntail, clinged to a roof with the white Dragon, looking down. He turned back to Voldemort and said "You won't win, you know."

Voldemort laughed and asked "And why is that?" Ace said "Because we'll stop you. And even if we all die here, others will stop you. You are a sad, pathetic, excuse for a human." as he spat on the ground.

Voldemort chuckled, waving his wand elegantly, replying "Then I will simply kill them all." Ace chuckled and said "Hermione, what do you think?" Hermione looked at him as he winked, she suddenly laughed and replied "I think he's bullocks. I know several wizards who could defeat him."

The students chuckled and Voldemort frowned, shouting "Know your place, you filthy mudblood!" Ace said "Ron, don't you find he looks a bit like a snake?" Ron was confused and Hermione gave him a look.

He chuckled and replied "I'm just trying to figure out which of his parents was the snake." The students started laughing and Ace smiled as Voldemort looked at everyone with gritted teeth as insults were thrown at him constantly.

"Time to shed your skin, Voldy."

"I reckon he looks like Seamus' bullocks."

"Or Neville's grandmother!"

"Veiny enough, innit?"

"You think the snake is his lover?"

"I reckon yer not far, mate!"

Voldemort shouted "ENOUGH!" Ace waved and smiled "See? Nobody here is scared of you. Not even the boy who died." Voldemort shouted "Avada Kedavra!" Ace punched his fists together, saying "Round two? I like my chances."

Before punching the ground as rocks jutted out in a line, shooting towards Voldemort, blocking the curse.

Harry flipped over and ran off as Ace shouted "Get back in the castle! Cover for Harry!"

Hermione took out the wand Ace gave her, threw out a spell "Stupefy!" Bellatrix was sent flying through a stone pillar, smashing into the rubble and kicking up a cloud of dust.

She snorted and smiled, throwing out more shouting "Harry! Here!" Ron threw out barrier spells as the students went back inside, throwing spells as Harry ran towards them.

Voldemort was stunned and shouted "NO! You bloody boy!" Ace said "Snake dude, over here." as he waved his hands forward together.

A massive water snake jumped out of the Black Lake and hissed, diving for Voldemort as he waved his wand, turning the snake to ice and sending it back.

The Horntail and the White Dragon roared and blasted the ice snake with flames, flying after the Death Eaters as Ace said in Draconian "Leave the boy and his family." The Horntail nodded and stopped chasing the Malfoys, turning to the other Death Eaters.

Ace pulled down and the water from the melted snake turned into spears, shooting towards Voldemort, who waved his wand in annoyance.

Ace stepped forward and Voldemort spun his wand, sending a Fiendfyre at Ace, who raised his hands up, a pillar of stone shooting out and smashing the fire before turning into water and sizzling on the fire.

He waved his hand and the rubble turned into a giant stone golem, wrestling with the living Fiendfyre.

Ace blew into his fists and blasted a pillar of spiraling flames at Voldemort, who waved his hand, the fire circling around him and shooting back. Ace frowned and waved his hand up, shooting the fire into the sky before pointing his wand at it.

A red cloud formed and fire rained down, turning into little dragons, flying at Voldemort, who shouted and sucked all the flame dragons into a ball as it turned black before shooting towards Ace.

Ace put up a barrier and frowned as he was getting pushed back. Voldemort grinned and Ace twisted his hand, pulling the dark energy through the barrier as it turned purple before shooting back at Voldemort.

He frowned and pointed his wand forward, blasting the purple energy with a red beam. Ace looked to the side and snapped his fingers, debris turned into cards before forming an army of card soldiers that ran at Voldemort with little stone spears, screaming unintelligibly as they jumped on him.

Voldemort shouted and a pulse of dark energy vaporized everything around him, pushing Ace off his feet.

He flipped in the air and landed on his feet again, looking up at Voldemort, who snorted with a rageful face. Ace curled his lips and swallowed, rings lit up on his arms as he was crouching.

Voldemort squinted before slightly twisting.

Ace shot his arms up and a massive golden door with runes all over it appeared behind him.

Voldemort smashed into the door and shouted "Enough! You've bothered me too many times!" Ace rolled out of the way when a snake bit at him, Ace waved his hand and the snake bit his arm, but there was a magic golden vambrace there!

Ace smirked and grabbed the snake as Voldemort disappeared, going after Harry Potter.

Ace morphed into a sabertooth and stalked the snake as it hissed at him. He narrowed his eyes and roared before lunging at the snake, biting down on it as he bit him. They rolled on the ground as Ace tore into the snake's flesh, smacking it away with his paw.

He shook his head and spat out snake flesh as it turned to black energy. He said "Disgusting…" as the Snake coiled up, hissing at him. Ace prepared himself, however when the snake jumped, Neville ran over and sliced the snake in two with the sword of Godric Gryffindor!

The snake turned into Dark Energy and disappeared as Harry and Voldemort fell from the sky, landing behind them.

Ace and Neville turned around to see Harry and Voldemort engaging in Priori Incantatem!

Neville stepped to Harry, but Ace said "No! Stop. Neville." Neville said "But-" Ace explained quickly "You'll only die for nothing. Priori Incantatem creates a field of magical energy, should you step into it, you will turn to dust."

Neville swallowed and Ace reverted to normal, sitting on the ground, letting out a breath, saying "Good thing you came… I'm nearly out of mana again. Should've taken a break... Ow!"

Neville came to him and saw Ace was bitten, Ace waved "It's nothing, just a normal snake bite… Unless that snake was a vampire or werewolf, I should be fine." Neville sat down and let out a breath, saying "And I thought my exams were difficult…"

Ace looked at him and chuckled.

Hermione and Ron ran out, staring at the Priori Incantatem as Hermione ran to Ace, asking "Master?" Ace smiled and said "Fine. Tired though…

They watched as Harry overpowered Voldemort and snatched the Elder wand from him.

Voldemort started crumbling to dust before disappearing completely!

Ace let out a breath and said "Hey! It's over. I can study in peace now…" before pausing and looking over at Harry panting, asking "Is that the Elder wand?" Hermione nodded and Ace suddenly said "Can I have it?"

Hermione looked at him strangely and he replied "Death itself made it, right? I wonder if it's different from other wands. This is good study material!" as his eyes glowed, adding "Plus, I went to have a nice chat with Ollivander while looking for Horcruxes, he told me all his secrets… Now that his store was blown up or whatever. The Elder wand…"

He tsk tsk'd and went on, "Valuable material… Just like these." as he pulled out some Dementor cloth, rubbing it with his fingers, grinning "Hehehe~" Ron looked at Ace and said "You're mad, you know that?!"

Harry got up and said "I can't give it to you. You have to take it." Ace replied "I know. That dustpile didn't understand how the wand worked." he pulled out his wand and flicked it gently, "Expelliarmus."

The wand flew up and Ace caught it, looking at it.

He smiled to himself and put his wand away, rubbing the Elder wand with his fingers, muttering "Hmm… I see." before taking out a notebook.

Harry, Neville, and Ron stared at him in shock as Hermione sighed and stood up, "He's going to be here for a while. Let's go." Ron asked in shock "And leave him here?! Are you mad as well?!"

Harry looked at Ace and said "Might be for the best…" before smiling "It's over!" Hermione, Ron, and Neville smiled in relief, walking back into the castle, leaving Ace by himself.

The Death Eaters were dealt with, while some escaped, the rest were either dead or captured, waiting to be sent to Azkaban.

Fortunately, casualties this time were extremely minimal. Hardly anyone died at all, and the rest were more or less wounded.

The Dragons said their goodbyes before returning to the Dark Forest along with the rest of the Magical Creatures. Slughorn collected the Acromantula venom as we went around, Ace also got some as well as multiple valuable materials.

He helped Filch clean up the castle, turning the rubble into stone golems in charge of cleaning, making Filch order them around.

After a long while