
Trick 104: Old Magic from Asgard!

He saw Ron, Hermione, and Harry running to the exit and flew after them, landing next to Hermione, saying "Where?" Harry said quickly "I know where he is! I need to get out, I'm the only one who can kill him!"

Ace frowned and nodded, "Okay, follow me." as he walked in front of them, stomping on the ground as the rubble turned into stone soldiers again. Ace lifted his hand and a wall of stones blocked a Quidditch post.

The stones shattered and turned into ice birds, flying off into Death Eaters as Ace pointed at the Troll "Imperio!" The troll turned around and started fighting for Hogwarts as Ace said "Go, I gotcha."

The Three started running as Ace blocked from behind, waving his wand, deflecting spells.

He looked over and saw someone using a killing curse on a Death Eater.

Ace frowned and threw out a shield blocking the Killing Curse before freezing the Death Eater to the ground. The Person looked at him in confusion and Ace sent a shield behind him, saying "Focus!"

The person turned around and started fighting again as Ace turned his head to the group, throwing out a spell at a Death Eater in front of them, sending him flying.

He looked up and flicked his wand into the sky, "Solari Carcerem!"

A massive sun appeared in the sky and blinded everyone as beams fell from it, landing on Death Eaters, stopping them in their tracks, slamming them to the ground as they melted into the ground, leaving only heads visible.

Ace let out a breath and turned to see the three running to the Boathouse.

He turned back as Dementors started flying in along with more Death Eaters. He wiped his forehead and said "These bastards are endless or what?"

An old man passed by him and replied "Feels that way, doesn't it." as he pointed his wand forward, an impossibly powerful Patronus charm appeared all around the school pulsing as it sent Dementors flying, some of them were even incinerated instantly!

Ace was stunned silly and shouted "Dumbledore?!" the old man turned around and said "Aberforth." Ace rubbed his eyes and said "You-" Aberforth replied "Look just like him. Yeah I get it a lot…" as he sent out a spell, sending a Death Eater into the shadow realm.

Ace didn't know because that Death Eater just disappeared instantly.

He looked at Aberforth, who said "My brother must've never told you. Not a surprise." Ace was just speechless and asked "Is this the time, old man number 2?" as he ducked under a killing curse.

He stood up and sent out a stupefy, sending the Death Eater flying into the water. Aberforth snorted, "You're weak! Just like him." before flicking out his wand as a Death eater turned to dust.

Ace shouted "No! Stop! You can't kill them!" Aberforth snorted and ignored him, Ace held his wand at Aberforth, saying "Stopping them is enough. They don't have to die. Azkaban can handle them."

Aberforth turned to him and asked "Why is it that you're here boy? You refuse to kill the people who are killing the ones behind you?" Ace retorted "Heroes don't kill people!" Aberforth laughed "A hero? Look around you. This is war! The Death Eaters will be sentenced to death one way or the other. I'm doing them a favor."

Ace frowned and looked at him, holding out his wand as the crack started growing slightly, running down his chin to his neck before stopping as he said "No. You're wrong."

He threw his hand in the air and said "By the gods themselves, dignified by the Aesir and Protoss, I summon chains to stop my enemy for they will face justice by the gods themselves! Fengsel!"

A massive armored figure appeared in the air, holding on to chains.

Everyone looked up and the Armored figure let go of the chains. The Chains appeared and wrapped up the Death Eaters, chaining them to the ground as they cried out in pain.

Ace's eyes were glowing as he shouted in Asgardian "Goð ór damned, inn heeð minn kalla, imprison soulanórr þau hverr hafsinneðr against mik!"

The figure opened its eyes and rattled the chains as they split, flying all around the school, smashing through walls and dragging out Death Eaters one after the other, smashing them into the ground and pinning them there.

Ace doubled over and panted heavily, gasping for air as the figure disappeared, leaving the Death Eaters chained up as everyone came out of the castle.

Aberforth looked at the Death Eaters indifferently, saying "Old magic. Very old magic." Ace looked at him and panted, sitting on the ground as Aberforth continued "However, not impressive. It wouldn't work if these Death Eaters were stronger…"

He seemed to remember someone and shivered "It wouldn't work on him…" Ace squinted and panted "Who?" Aberforth waved, "Some old guy, don't worry about it." as he looked at Ace, adding "You know Norse?"

Ace replied "Asgardian, you mean." Aberforth raised his brows and replied "Asgard? Hmm. I haven't heard of that in quite some time." Ace looked at him and asked "You know Asgard, old man number 2?"

Aberforth replied "Once. A long time ago." before walking off.

Ace flapped his lips and sighed "There goes all my mana… I knew I shouldn't have used that Spell… stupid old man number 2, making me show off…" Neville ran over and picked Ace up, saying "Professor! Are you alright?"

Ace replied "I'm dying, Neville. Of course, I'm alright. Bring me inside!" Neville nodded and helped Ace into the castle. Ace got off and plopped down on the steps as Voldemort started speaking to everyone again.

"You have fought Valiantly, but in vain… I do not wish this. Every drop of magical blood spilled is a terrible waste. I therefore command my forces to retreat. In their absence, dispose of your dead with dignity. Harry Potter, I now speak directly to you."

Ace looked around as the Death Eaters were forcefully summoned away. Ace lifted his hand but it fell back down as he cursed "Stupid old man…" however, most of the Death Eaters didn't move.

The ones that were tied down by chains struggled briefly before stopping.

Minerva walked out shouting "Take them to the Dungeons! Quickly! The rest of you will bring the wounded to the Great Hall!" she turned to Ace and asked "Are you alright?" Ace sighed, "No more mana, Granny."

Minerva sighed, patting his shoulder, "You've done more than enough, my dear. Rest. You've earned it."

Ace hung his head and sighed, sitting on the steps in silence as more and more bodies were brought inside.

He closed his eyes and hugged his knees.

The trio came back and looked around at the damage before seeing Ace on the steps. Harry passed him and patted his shoulder, walking up the stairs as Hermione sat next to Ace and hugged him.

Ron looked over before walking into the Great Hall and seeing his family was all alive. Lupin was crying as he held Nymphadora's corpse while Sirius rubbed his back, consoling him softly.

Ron saw Lavender's corpse and sighed, touching her hand.

Hermione rubbed Ace's shoulders saying "Master, you tried your best… There's no need to-" Ace looked up at her and smiled gently, "I know." she gasped and swallowed "Master, the…" as she touched her right cheek.

Ace touched the crack saying "It'll be fine. The Mistress hasn't come for me yet, until then… I'm not worried." he smiled slightly and added "Help me up." Hermione helped Ace up as they walked to the Great Hall.

Ace passed the corpses and wounded, walking to the front before turning around asking "Can you give me a mild Sonorus charm, please." Hermione held her wand to Ace's neck as he cleared his throat.

Everyone looked at him and Ace said with a smile "Everyone. Thank you." everyone fell silent as Ace continued "You were very brave and strong, especially the students. Hogwarts is nothing without all of you. I'm sorry for your loss if you've lost someone, and I'm sorry for your injuries… However…"

He cleared his throat and smiled gently "The dead will not die in vain. The battle is not over until Voldemort is defeated. Let their sacrifice fuel your courage until the next battle. Look at the person next to you, no matter the house, no matter the blood status, they are the ones who will have your back in this next fight."

He waved and added, "Their souls are watching from the grave, don't cry for them. Smile for the memories you've shared. This is the strength that we have which Voldemort will never grasp. That's all." before hobbling away.

Minerva asked "Where are you going?" Ace smiled and replied "To keep watch. I don't need rest." as he left the Great Hall, stumbling before Hermione caught him, turning the corner and disappearing as everyone watched in silence.