
Trick 102: FUS-ROH-DAH

Ace let out a breath and smiled, suddenly frowning as he turned to the castle, muttering in surprise "There's another one here?" before morphing back into a cat, adding "Hold on Fawkes."

Fawkes held on as Ace ran off.

As Ace was running, he heard a voice in his head "I know that many of you will want to fight. Some of you may even think that to fight is wise, but this is folly. Give me Harry Potter. Do this and none shall be harmed. Give me Harry Potter and Hogwats shall be left untouched. Give me Harry Potter and you will be rewarded. You have one hour."

The voice was almost like a whisper, Ace was severely disgusted. Fawkes chirped in disgust and Ace nodded, "Me too. What a slimy guy."

He came to the Great Hall and slowly strutted in, looking around as a girl shouted "What are you waiting for? Someone grab him!"

Ace frowned and morphed into his sabertooth tiger form, strutting through the students as they got out of the way in fear.

Everyone looked over and Minerva held up her wand, but Harry asked "Ace?" Ace looked at him and turned to Pansy, saying "Ms Parkinson, looks like you'lll be failing your exams this year."

Everyone jumped in fear, someone fainted, and another shouted "It can talk?!" Ace morphed to normal with Fawkes sitting on his head as he looked around, snorting "How are you meant to fight Voldemort if you're scared of a cute tiger."

Hermione teared up and lunged into Ace's arms, crying. Ace hugged her and smiled, turning back to the Slytherin House, saying "I don't know what to say? Are you an idiot or naive?"

Pansy retorted "He said-" Ace let go of Hermione, smiling "He said… Yes. He did say! But you are ready to believe the Dark Lord? If I tell you to jump off the Astronomy tower, will you do it? Think for a second.."

She shut up and Ace rolled his eyes, saying "Did you learn nothing this year? It was my understanding that you were being taught offensive spells." a little boy said "More like being used as training dummies…"

Ace was stunned and looked at Minerva, who sighed and walked over, patting Ace's shoulders, giving him a hug as she said "Glad to have you back."

Ace hugged her and turned, nodding at Remus and Sirius, and the rest of the Order, asking "Moody?" they sighed and shook their heads.

Ace sighed and said "Well, I've been under a task by Dumbledore. His final will, I guess. According to me, there's 2 Horcruxes left."

The students around looked at each other, whispering.

A little boy asked "What's a Horcrux?" Ace smiled and said "I'm glad you asked, kid. A Horcrux is an item that has a piece of the Wizard's soul in it. It will make the Wizard immortal, however the pain of splitting their soul and stuffing it into the item is not only extremely high, but extremely complicated!"

He raised a finger and added with a smile, "If you destroy the item, you destroy a portion of that wizard's power. So I highly recommend that you do not try and make Horcruxes. Not worth it. However, if you would like to learn the Fiendfyre spell, I would be more than happy to-"

Minerva cleared her throat, glaring at him.

Ace pouted and waved, "Anyway…" before turning to Slytherin, saying "You lot will follow me." a boy asked "Yeah? Where?" Ace grinned widely at him, "Where? To the front of the battlefield, of course! That snake freak fuck is gonna get a rude awakening. Come on."

As he walked off, the students froze and shivering.

Ace stopped and sighed "I said come on!" as he tapped the ground with his foot.

Chains shot out from the ground and wrapped around the Slytherin students, dragging them along.

Harry shouted "Ace, wait!" Ace stopped and looked over as Harry added "Take the kids with you. The ones under 17." Ace raised his brow and Minerva, said "Nonsense! The Students under 17 will be evacuated immediately!"

Harry scratched his head and said "I feel the safest place is probably with Ace…" Ace smirked and walked out of the Great Hall, saying "Come along now." as he left, he looked at Harry in confusion.

He didn't know why…

But Harry was also giving off the feeling of a Horcrux!

Ace walked to the front of the school, in the courtyard by the bridge. Ace crossed his arms and let the students go, looking at the bridge in thought.

He suddenly snapped his fingers and Goyle froze, slowly floating to Ace with his wand out. Ace pinched his cheek and smiled "Goyle, if you're going to kill me, you're going to need to be quicker than that. I will use the Imperius Curse if I have to, get it?"

Before sending him back to the ground, right behind him.

Ace turned to the front as teachers pointed at the sky, shooting enchantments.

There were also stone golems marching to the bridge.

Ace waved and the Stone Soldiers turned into Steel ones as they passed by. Minerva smiled excitedly "I've always wanted to use that spell!" Ace snorted in amusement and Sirius stood next to him "What do you think?"

Ace replied "I think something's fishy." Lupin walked over, asking "Fishy?" Sirius looked at him, grinning "Voldemort shouldn't actually think that we're going to hand over Potter, right?" Ace nodded and added, "So what's he waiting for… Then again, he might just be dumb…"

Sirius and Lupin looked at him, their lips twitching. Ace rolled his eyes and said "The guy made 7 Horcruxes and all of them are in England. Multiple at Hogwarts. You tell me, is he smart?"

The duo cleared their throat before walking back to the castle, saying "I think I'll go to the south…" "Ah yes, let me join you!"

Ace rolled his eyes again and asked "Granny. Can you open the barrier just over the bridge and make a tunnel?" Minerva frowned and replied "That's nearly impossible."

Ace frowned and sighed "Fine, nevermind… Would be nice to have a bottleneck…" Minerva looked at him and asked "Are you going to-" Ace shook his head, saying "No." Minerva frowned and said "Ace…"

Ace replied "I haven't killed before, and I won't kill now. Very simple." Minerva retorted "Those things in N-" Ace stopped her and looked over, saying "Those were robot insects. Not people!"

Minerva sighed and replied "Very well."

The entire school watched as attacks were fired at the barrier.

Ace looked up as a large beam of light smashed into the barrier, burning it to ashes!

He said "Alright, get ready." the students shivered and Ace smiled "Don't worry. I'm here." as Death Eaters apparated over from the distance.

Ace slapped his hands together and sucked in before cupping his hands over his mouth and roaring.

A dragon's roar sounded around everyone like a clap of thunder!

The Death Eaters froze and fell from the sky, into the water below, completely unconscious.

The Snatchers on the bridge, along with the trolls fell unconscious right away as Voldemort yelled with the wand on his throat, dispelling the Dragon's roar.

Everyone froze and looked at Ace, who grinned "Ahem* I didn't think it would be so impressive, I just learned this spell…"