
Lost Path

lazyape · แฟนตาซี
46 Chs

Transaction completed

Tim looked at Old D and inquired," is it really true that they hunted this monster king?, are they really that strong? And who really are these people?"

Old D answered Tim confirming his question, then he told Tim not to look at this people's background or his company would suffer a grave consequence. And advise him to just quickly finish their deal and if possible, try to get close to these people.

Tim Collected his thoughts and calculated the worth of the carcass. His business mind became active and was evaluating the monster. " hmmm the monster is intact and undamaged, it is one of the kings in the forest of kaldita called Mountain king, a beast half step on becoming an emperor hmmm" even with his mind full at work, he cant calculate on how much the monster's carcass real worth is.

I don't really know how much this piece of corpse is, and i also cant calculate its true value. So i don't know how much I would need to pay you in exchange for the mountain kings corpse. Tim told hubert.

Hmm hubert thought of something and said. Can you give us the maximum money that you can pay in cold cash? We really need some tangible cash right now. We don't even have 1 copper in our pockets. So if possible, you can just pay half of the prize using gold and half of the price using some properties that you do not need.

Tim was thinking and waved his left hand, then a vip card made of black gold, fortun tree and energy stone was summoned from his storage item. He gave it to hubert and said, This card has an amount equal to 400, 000,000 black gold. It has 60 % of our families wealth. You can use this in any part of the country as a method of payment or either go to the bank and present this card to withdraw some gold for your disposal.

I do understand that you need cold cash right now, so here are some changes that you could use to purchase whatever you need in the city. Afterwards Tim presented them 3 pouches full of coins and said, " this pouches has 10000 black gold each. you could use them as a spare change to purchase anything you want in the city, even go and buy some certain lands from the city center."

Next would be the property, What kind of building or land do you want. Do you like your property in the middle of the city or do you want it in a secluded area.

When hubert got the card and learned about its value, he hugged the card like it was the most valuable thing in the world. Hubert did not know that Monster corpses, especially kings, have a great amount of demand but are very low in supply. He also doesn't know the true value of the monster corpse . After a few seconds of realisation huber came back to his usual self then calmed down.

When he was doing this, the ladies were giggling at his action.

After calming down, He answered Tim's question and chose the middle part of the city.

Tim presented them a map and showed the lands and buildings available for their choosing.

Hubert saw a 5 stories building near the organisation of old D and jeff and asked Tim if he could own that structure.

Tim smiled and said yes. Then he presented them the legal papers and they both signed their signatures.

Now that their problem about money was solved. It was the time for them to go and squander their earnings. But before they went out, hubert asked Anna to give Tim and old D 6 large pieces of elemental stones. 3 for Tim and 3 for old D.

Anna followed Hubert's instruction and threw the elemental crystals towards Tim and old D.

At the reception area hubert gave his thanks to Tim and old D and said, " next time, if we need to dispose of any of our items, we would come and look for you. Thank you again for the great deal you gave us sir Tim".

Old D, i would also like to thank you for your help. Without you our heads would be spinning around finding solutions to our problems. Next, Hubert bowed towards them and said his goodbyes. Suddenly hubert remembered and said, "Oh I forgot something, can you give this to the receptionist and thank her for the help she gave me " then he handed 5000 black gold to old D and finally they went out. Saying, see you later old D.

The both of them, old D and Tim were stunned by what Hubert did and gave him a cheerful farewell smile.

Stay a bit old brother and let us talk about the old times, Tim said to old D inviting him to have his dinner in the office . No problem brother Tim answered Old D.

Old D walked towards the clerk and gave the money saying, " this coins was given by my friend earlier, he asked me to give you this money and say his thanks for your help."Then he smiled at the clerk and went to find tim.

The clerk was shocked and was in a state of disbelief, she thought that the money given to her was a lot , it could certainly change her life forever. Afterwards she remembered a memory of a child she helped 5 years ago. He nursed him back to his health and gave him food for 20 days. And after returning from work, the child was gone. She was sad for a while because she was planning to adopt that cute boy, but he ran away and was never seen again.

She speculated that maybe their customer was the kid she encountered before, but she rejected what she thought and shook her head thinking, "Impossible that child is thin, weak and poor unlike our customer that was here earlier; strong, tough and rich. Haist i wish that child i helped back then is in a safe place away from danger" afterwards the clerk went back to what she was doing and thought of what to do about the money she got.

In the office of Cleon.

Old D and Tim were exchanging some of their old stories and were laughing when their topic changed and went to Hubert and his group. Tim asked about how he knew Hubert and was answered by old D and was told of everything that happened from the start. In the forest, avoiding a monster king, Being betrayed and was put in a set up, until his group was guided by hubert out of the forest, and now that they needed some identity and some money.

Tim got angry and promised to help Old D and Jeff to take their revenge towards their enemies in the royal city.

Thank you very much Brother Tim for your promise. We would disturb you and ask for your help when the appropriate time would come for our vengeance. But for now it is better to lay low. Let us get back at hubert and his group. Why did you give one of your promising buildings to hubert. I know that the money you gave them is not enough for the monster carcass but with the building that you gave hubert plus the money, it would be more than enough to pay for the monster kings copse. Old D asked.

Tim smiled at him and said, " I don't know, my feeling towards that kid is very light. I felt very close to that kid even though it was our first time meeting. Maybe my instincts are telling me to do that. And if it's about the building, well what you said is correct. With 400.000.000 black gold and the building's value it would surpass the monster king's market price. But what if we auction the thing, what do you think would happen? Aside from the money we would earn, we could also gain a good reputation for ourselves" afterwards he smiled towards old D.

That is true, hmmm. This is a win win situation between the both of you. old D said.

Oh I remember about the stone Anna gave us. Let's check them and see their value.

Old D brought his stones out. Then picked one of the stones then observed it for a while. Afterwards he criculated his energy towards the crystal and to his surprise, a large amount of fire elemental energy was circulating in their vicinity.

The both of them looked at each other and were in awe of what had happened.

Old D picked the 2 other stones and activated his energy. The same thing happened. Except for the elements that were gathering right now are the elements of wind and wood. He circulated his energy and was now playing with the elements present in the atmosphere.

Tim was jealous and brought his own stones out. Afterwards he activated his energy, and came the elements of lightning, thunder and water.

The both of them were full of joy. And was thinking that hubert is their lucky star.