
Lost Path

lazyape · Fantasy
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46 Chs

Mars, Marry and Chen Fa

Hubert and the ladies went out of Cleon and directly went to the market. They entered a store full of clothes. The ladies dragged Hubert to this store the first time they spotted the boutique. They asked the store manager to present them all of the most beautiful clothes they have. The manager got some luxury brands and made Anna and Alina try those clothings. After fitting them, they presented themselves to Hubert and ask If they were beautiful. Hubert answered," Yes they are beautiful but it is too expensive, it is better to get something simple and plain rather than these fancy ones, it would not help at all, it would just impede your movements."Anna and Alina puffed their cheeks and did not listen to the rumblings of hubert.

Afterwards, Anna and Alina asked the manager about the price for all the clothes they chose and plan to be a part of their wardrobe collection. The manager replied and said "it would amount to 100 Black gold Coins beautiful ladies, but for you. We would give a special discount of 10 %, so you just need to pay us 90 dark Coins". Anna denied the discount provided by the store and gave the store manager 100 pieces of black gold for the payment and 2 black coins as a tip. Afterwards they went and looked for other establishments they wanted to experience.

While they were walking Hubert saw some kids loitering around the corner and begging for food. He remembered himself when he was in their position. Hubert went to the kids who were being harassed by a restaurant owner and released his aura making that man tremble, fall down and be on his knees. He approached the kids and asked them their names. The 9 years old boy went in front of hubert and covered her sister and said, " Thank you sir for your help, but what is your intention of helping us. If that man was content in beating me. He would surely give us some leftover food" afterwards he glared at hubert.

Hubert smiled at them with comfort and said," don't worry i was just passing by and saw what was happening. I don't have any ill intentions towards your sister and yourself, If it is about food you can follow us in some restaurant and eat your fill. By the way what are your names, mine is hubert ".

The cute girl peeked at hubert and said to his brother that the uncle is not dangerous and was very gentle instead. The little boy nodded and relaxed then he said, " I am Mars and this is Marry my sister. We would like to thank you in advance for giving us food." afterwards their stomach produced a runmbling sound.

Hubert smiled and asked Anna and Alina to come and introduced themselves towards the 2 little kids. While doing so the ladies made a very appreciating smile towards hubert. "I am Anna, little brother and little sister. The strongest in the entire universe, just tell this sister if someone is bullying you and I will punish them for their crimes" after that she gave a comforting smile to the two kids.

Next came Alina and introduced herself, " I am your big sister Alina, I am prettier than Anna and stronger than Anna. So if you have some problems, just tell this big sister and I will help you."

Marry came forward and was cheerfully looking at the pretty ladies," wow big sisters you are very beautiful, can i grow up the same as you who are pretty and cute?"

Alina replied and said, " to be pretty you must follow this big sister dont follow anna, let me tell you a secret. That Anna is a demon in girls clothing, he eats girls like eating a potato". Then Alina laughed.

Anna heard all of the things Alina said and they started quarrelling again.

Marry just laughed while his brother, Mars, was observing them.

Hubert interjected and said," stop your bickering, it is not a good example for little kids to see adults fighting. If you have some strenght left then use it to find a great food shop. Now, let us go and eat, I am a little bit famished". After that, he went and held the hands of the kids and led the way towards one of the dinners.

They went to the nearest dinner and asked the manager to prepare a lot of food. The manager looked at hubert and his group, then observed them and gave them a contemptuous look. Hubert saw this and flipped a gold coin to the food manager. After that he demanded the manager to take them to the vip section and asked the manager to cook everthing that is avaialbe in the menu. He also ask for the service to be quick and presice.

The manager changed his attitude then guided them to a vip room at the second floor of that restaurant.

After a few minutes of waiting, the food was delivered and was filling the entire table. Crutisians meat products, vegetables, fruits and juices were served on their table. This made their mouths salivate. After staring at the table, they dived down and started gulping like a pig.

The little kids ate their fill and were very happy. When suddenly thugs went in and kicked their door and asked them to leave saying, " we will give you 100 pieces of silver, so scram. This place is always reserved for young master. We would be giving you 10 seconds to evacuate the area or else you would know the consequence." This made the kids tremble out of fear.

What consequence is that maybe? Can you share it with us so that we would know, said anna.

The thugs were mesmerized by the beauty of Anna and were imagining some indecent things when suddenly they were flung away and blood was going out of their mouth.

Alina was disgusted by the expression by the thugs and she looked at them and released some of her energy.

The thugs went rolling to the first floor of the restaurant going to their young master's feet.

The young master named Chen Fa was known for being brutal, lecherous and a silk pant. He usually uses his family's influence to bully, humilliate and take advantage of weaker people.

Young master Chen, forgive us for being weak. We politely asked the personalities inside the VIP room to transfer to another area and we also used your name as a ditter, but they did not give us any face. Instead, they used their strenght to hurt and send us back. Please avenge us young master chen, the thugs said while they were bowing to the young man.

These bugs, Old Tang and Old MA come with me and see the people who have the guts to ignore my name. Let us engrave their bodies of what it means to defy this young master. Lets go, Said by Chen Fa.

Chen Fa went to the vip room and saw the two ladies beside hubert and thought of many perverted things he can do towards the ladies after taking them away. Afterwards he pointed at Hubert and said, " You pile of garbage, as a payment for offending this great master, leave those ladies beside you and scram. If you don't, then you would suffer a grave consequence. After that Old Tang and Old Ma released their powers trying to pressure the group of hubert. The aura of an Elektor was emitting from the 2 old man and was looking at Hubert with an intent to kill. Chen Fas smilled and said," you have 10 seconds to go away, or else suffer my wrath"

Hubert opened his other eye while drinking his juice. But the little kids got scared and were now hiding at the back of hubert. He looked at the kids and comforted them patting their heads while sayin," Kids, you don't have to worry. They cannot do anything dangerous to us. Don't you believe in what your big sisters told you? Lets just sit and watch a great show" then he gently smiled at the kids while patting their heads.

Chen Fa and the 2 old men saw this and were enraged. Then Chen Fa said, "kill that man except for the ladies, after which sell the kids to a slave trader for some small income." But before they could start, an enchanting voice asked the young men.

Excuse me sir, can i have your name if possible. Anna asked

Hahahaha now you see, even the lady besides you is asking for this young master's name. Leave that man and come to me and you will be spared from any sufferings from the future hahaha, By the way, my name is CHEN FA from one of the major families in this city, CHEN FAMILY hahah. Chen Fa laughed without knowing the danger he was in.

Loud laughter was being heard coming from the VIP room, when suddenly a pressure so great! That it made the whole restaurant tremble and made the environment very heavy. All the people who were eating were down on the ground and were being pummeled by a strange force. Old Tang And Old Ma were now on the ground and were producing blood out of their mouth, they were very scared and were now regretting their decision on following the stupid master.

Chen Fa on the ground and was now kissing the stone floor and blurted some words, " Release me now or else my family would not forgive you. If i die, they would hunt you forever".

Oh they would hunt us, are you sure they would hunt us. Let me ask you, where is the place where your Great family resides tell us and we will visit them. Annas said smiling while releasing a killing intent.

Young master dont, before the 2 old men can stop their young master. Chen has boastfully said, " my family resides in the north area of the city center. Why.. are you scared now".

Thank you for the information. Do not worry you will see them after a while. Then Anna snapped her fingers and boom Old Tang and Chen Fa exploded leaving the area full of blood and organs.

After that he told Old Ma to guide her towards their family grounds.

When these things are happening, Alina went to the kids' side and covered their eyes, after which she told Anna that," You are the same as always, too messy when killing someone. Remove those piles of trash, it may scare these little kids".