
Lost Path

lazyape · Fantasy
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46 Chs


Getting their identification cards they asked old D to show them where the merchant was. Old D agreed and guided them towards a wide, big and large Building with 15 stories, and was named Cleon. It was in the middle district of kaldita and was the biggest building in this area of kaldita.

At the reception area, the clerk bowed to old D and said, " Greetings respectable monsieur, how may i help you today, would you like to see our master directly? Your organisation has always helped us in many ways. So do you have any request monsieur"

Can you lead us to your master? I need his help with something very important.

No problem sir, Just follow me to the 3rd floor said the clerk.

While they were going upstairs, hubert saw the face of the clerk and was happy, but followed them silently without saying anything.

Old D and his companions followed the clerk and saw a room full of luxury items, and in the middle of it was a middle aged man sitting on a sofa. Old D you requested my help? What do you need me for? Just say it and I will try to fulfill your request. Said the smiling Tim.

Old D looked at the clerk and said, i have some important issues to discuss, so if possible can we talk about this privately?

Tim looked at the clerk and said, " you can go now, i will call you when i need something" then he shifted his vision towards old D and his companions. You can now say what you want. This place is safe, nevermind my butler, he is very loyal to me.

Thank you Tim, these are my companions. He is Hubert and the ladies before him are his servants, Anna and Alina. They need to talk to you about their merchandise. Old D explained.

Tim looked at them then and was mesmerized by the beauty of the ladies accompanying hubert. Afterwards old D coughed and said, " ahem ahem, they came here to sell you some monster carcasses they got from the forest are and not to be staired upon, are you willing to buy their items?"

Tim got out of his bewilderment and said his sorry then he laughed saying," Old D you jeff and i have been a long time brothers, so why would i refuse you. Just now i was bewildered by the beautiful ladies accompanying you. That was my fault" Lets go back to the main topic.

You never change Tim, hahahah. Hubert, ladies. This one is Tim Broze, one of the richest merchant in the city and one of my long time brothers. Old explained.

Tim smiled then he went back to hubert and his group. Afterwards he tried to confirm what he heard and asked," are you going to sell a complete carcass or a damaged one? Monster carcasses which are intact can be prized higher compared to those who are badly mutilated. And what type of monster carcasses are you gonna sell? The price would also be affected depending on their level and species "Tim explained.

Anna stepped in and said, " this place is too small for the monster carcass that we would be selling. Do you have a larger room or better, an empty ground? The larger the better"

Tim looked at Old D with a questioning gaze and doubted what anna said. Then old D, while drinking his tea just nod.

Ok, follow me underground. We have a warehouse kept away from the masses. It is only used in special circumstances and the warehouse is as wide as an open field. After that he asked his butler to lead the way towards the warehouse.

After a few walks they got to an elevator shaft and went directly to underground the warehouse.

While going down anna asked about the currency in kadita. Hubert answered," we mainly use copper, bronze, silver, gold and dark gold as currencies, 100 copper is equal to 1 bronze, 100 bronze is equal 1 silver, 1000 silver is equal to 1 gold and 10000 gold is equal to 1 dark gold that is the general conversion currencies used in kaldita"

Old D and Tim looked at hubert in a weird way then they asked, "Excuse me little fellow, hubert is your name if I remember. correct?" hubert said yes. Afterwards Tim asked another question, " Hubert, when did you start your energy training and soul gathering? Why don't you know about energy stones? This is very important to us who started our walk towards power" then Tim stared at Hubert seriously.

I started 3 and a half months ago. I was just a poor kid that didn't have food to eat, but I got lucky and was able to start my training. And here I am now, made some minor achievements in my life. Then hubert humbly smiled towards Tim and old D.

Old D and Tim gasp some air and stare at Hubert. They were looking at him like they were staring at a monster. After that Tim sighs and says, " That explains why you don't know about energy stones. Yes you are correct with what you said about the currency in kaldita, but you missed 1 important thing and that is about energy crystals. 100 dark gold is equal to 1 piece of energy crystal" Tim explained to hubert.

Hubert absorbed the things Tim told him and said, "Thank you very much for the information you gave me. I just started my training that's why i am ignorant to some of the things about energy"

When Alina heard about energy training and soul training she got excited and asked about soul training.

Soul training is about nurturing another soul inside your body and letting it mature so that it can help and assist you during your battles. Old D explained.

I Know about that, but how do you get a second soul? Alina asked.

Through enlightenment and a lot of battle comprehension explained by Old d. After which he gazed at Alina with a questioning remark.

Alina was confused and had a lot more questions but they already arrived at the warehouse.

Now can you show me the monster carcass that you want to sell. Tim said at huberts group.

Anna stepped forward and waved her right hand. A gigantic creature appeared and almost covered the entire warehouse. After that she looked at Tim and asked him what was the price of the monster carcass that was presented in front of him.

Hubert glanced at Anna while frowning. Anna saw Huberts glanced and said,"Master, we hunted this monster during our free time, Remember when I dragged Alina out of the house? We went deep in the forest and hunted some monster kings. We killed 5 of them and stored their corpses in my storage space. I did this because I was thinking that the carcasses would be helpful for our funds. I'm sorry master if I offended you. "

That's true master we went in the forest, but the monsters present in that area are too weak. This is one of the few monsters that are better, at least it could tolerate and stand the pressure we gave him when we released our auras. Explained by Alina.

Hubert was feeling bad for what he did to Anna and whispered to her, his sorry words. Anna smiled and said, "it is ok master no problem. It was only a small thing and no need to make it big". But in her mind, anna thought that maybe hubert got a trail of what she did when hubert went on a trip in the forest.

Tim saw the gigantic monster carcass, and was stunned he did not know what to say and just thought, "It definitely would not fit in any other areas except in the underground warehouse". Then he heard what Anna and Alina were talking and almost fainted on the spot.

Old D supported Tim and asked, " are you ok brother Tim" then Old D smilled wilfully towards him like a devil.