

"Loser-Racer" is a thrilling tale set during 2023 Gunma, Japan, following Kaoru Takeda's quest for retribution. Betrayed by his girlfriend, who left him for an overseas professional racer, Kaoru builds a powerful car to deliver his vengeance. He targets each person who wronged him, exposing their secrets and dismantling their lives. As Kaoru races through the treacherous mountain passes of Mt. Haruna, he teeters on the edge between justice and obsession. Will he find redemption or be consumed by his vengeful desires?

Hondaru · แอคชั่น
13 Chs

[Stage 12]: Pain & Gain

The corridors of the school buzzed with whispers and hushed conversations as rumors about Alex and Cecile spread like wildfire. False tales and exaggerated accounts danced through the air, weaving a web of uncertainty and doubt. Kaoru couldn't escape the whispers that reached his ears, tarnishing his focus on both his studies and racing.

As he made his way to class, Kaoru noticed the sidelong glances and heard the muffled giggles from his classmates. The rumors had taken hold, casting a dark shadow over his otherwise peaceful school life. He couldn't help but feel anger building within him, a frustration at the lies that threatened to unravel his peace of mind.

Cecile, too, bore the weight of the rumors. She tried to speak out, to defend herself and clarify the truth, but her words fell on deaf ears. The gossipmongers reveled in their tales, refusing to believe her side of the story. Kaoru watched as the frustration etched itself onto Cecile's face, and a wave of protectiveness washed over him.

One day, as the murmurs grew louder and more persistent, Kaoru found himself face to face with Alex once again. The smug grin on his face was unmistakable, a testament to his delight in Kaoru's turmoil.

Alex: "Seems like your precious Cecile can't escape the rumors, can she? It's funny how easily people believe what they want to believe."

Kaoru clenched his fists, his voice laced with anger and determination. "You've gone too far, Alex. This isn't just about racing anymore. Leave Cecile out of it."

Alex laughed, the sound grating on Kaoru's nerves. "Oh, but she's such a delightful prize, isn't she? I can't resist having a little fun with her, especially when it gets under your skin."

Kaoru took a deep breath, trying to regain his composure. He refused to let Alex's words affect him, but the weight of the rumors and the relentless teasing had taken its toll. He knew he had to find a way to put an end to it, to protect Cecile and salvage his own peace of mind.

"You're just a bully, Alex. Using rumors and manipulation to get what you want. But I won't let it work. Cecile deserves better than this, and I won't let you tarnish her reputation or our friendship."

Alex's expression turned cold, his eyes narrowing. "We'll see who comes out on top, Kaoru. I have a feeling the rumors will continue to haunt you, and there's nothing you can do to stop it."

The school courtyard fell into a hushed silence as Alex's voice boomed through the air, announcing his challenge to Kaoru. The unexpected twist left the entire school stunned, their eyes wide with anticipation. Instead of a physical confrontation, the rivalry between Kaoru and Alex would be settled on the racetrack, with their cars and pride on the line.

Kaoru felt a mix of emotions welling up inside him. He was shaken by the sudden turn of events, unsure whether Alex's challenge was a calculated move or simply an expression of his unwavering confidence. The thought of losing his cherished Altima, a symbol of his passion and dedication, sent a shiver down his spine.

Reiko, who had overheard the announcement, approached Kaoru with a concerned look on her face. She knew the significance of this challenge and its potential consequences.

Reiko: "Kaoru, this is serious. Are you sure you want to accept? Losing your car would be a huge blow."

Kaoru took a deep breath, his voice filled with determination. "I can't back down now, Reiko. I won't let Alex's arrogance overshadow everything we've worked for. I'll find a way to win and protect what's important to me."

Reiko nodded, her eyes reflecting a mixture of worry and belief in her friend. She understood Kaoru's unwavering spirit and admired his commitment to the things he held dear.

The news of the race spread like wildfire, reaching every corner of the school. Students buzzed with excitement, taking sides and speculating on the outcome. The aura of competitiveness hung heavy in the air, fueling the anticipation that coursed through the halls.

As the day wore on, Kaoru's thoughts grew more tangled, and a daring notion started to take hold. The allure of the NSX and the possibilities it held began to outweigh the concerns about losing the Altima. After all, racing was about taking risks, pushing boundaries, and embracing new opportunities.

Kaoru's heart raced with the thrill of the unknown as he envisioned himself behind the wheel of the sleek, powerful NSX. It represented a chance to step out of his comfort zone and showcase his skills in a different light. The temptation was strong, and he couldn't ignore the burning desire to seize this opportunity.

He knew that accepting Alex's offer would not come without sacrifices. The Altima had been his faithful companion, a symbol of his journey and his hard work. It carried the weight of countless races, victories, and defeats. Letting it go meant bidding farewell to a part of his racing history, a testament to his growth and resilience.

But sometimes, growth required embracing change and venturing into uncharted territory. The NSX promised him a new chapter, a chance to refine his technique and explore the limits of his abilities. The thought of mastering a different machine, of conquering the track with a prestigious sports car, ignited a fire within him that couldn't be extinguished.

With a mix of excitement and apprehension, Kaoru made up his mind. He would accept Alex's challenge and bet the Altima against the NSX. The risks were high, and the outcome uncertain, but he couldn't resist the opportunity to test his mettle against a formidable opponent.

As the final bell rang, marking the end of the school day, Kaoru sought out Reiko and Cecile to share his decision. Their reactions were mixed—Reiko expressed concern, warning him about the potential consequences, while Cecile's jealousy simmered beneath her forced smile. However, Kaoru remained resolute, convinced that this was a chance he couldn't pass up.

Word spread throughout the school like wildfire, and the anticipation for the midnight race grew exponentially. Whispers filled the hallways, as students speculated about the outcome and the fate of the Altima. The stakes were high, and the tension between Kaoru and Alex reached its peak.

As the sun set and darkness cloaked the town, Kaoru found himself standing at the starting line, his heart pounding with a mix of determination and nervous energy. The dim glow of the moon highlighted the contours of the NSX, waiting patiently beside the Altima.

While the anticipation grew and the crowd of students and racers gathered at the meeting spot, Alex couldn't resist the opportunity to approach Kaoru. A smirk played on his lips as he stepped forward, his gaze fixed on Kaoru's Altima.

With a confident stride, Alex leaned against the Altima, his eyes gleaming with curiosity and excitement. "Kaoru," he began, his voice laced with a mix of amusement and challenge. "Before we embark on this thrilling race, let's establish the rules and the stakes."

Kaoru's eyes met Alex's, a flicker of uncertainty in his gaze. He nodded, acknowledging the need for clear guidelines in their high-stakes encounter. He listened intently as Alex continued.

"Here's how it goes," Alex declared, his voice dripping with confidence. "We'll both hand over our pink slips to the race host at the end of the course. Whoever wins the race will claim both cars, the Altima and the NSX, as their own."

A murmur rippled through the crowd as the weight of the bet settled upon them. The stakes had reached new heights, leaving no room for hesitation or second thoughts. Kaoru felt a mix of excitement and apprehension coursing through his veins. He understood the magnitude of what was at stake, not just the cars themselves but their pride and reputation as well.

Alex's gaze lingered on the Altima, a glint of fascination in his eyes. "You know, Kaoru," he said with a sly grin, "your Altima, the so-called 'Devil Of Mt Haruna,' has intrigued me. It's about time it meets its match and is slayed by my NSX."

Kaoru's grip tightened on the steering wheel, his determination renewed. He wouldn't let Alex's taunts get under his skin. Instead, he channeled his focus into the upcoming race, knowing that the true test lay ahead on the treacherous course they were about to face.

As the race host approached, the gravity of the moment became undeniable. With a solemn nod, Kaoru and Alex handed over their pink slips, their cars' ownership and destiny hanging in the balance. The race host held them with a solemn expression, understanding the weight of responsibility.

The atmosphere crackled with anticipation as the racers took their positions at the starting line. The crowd watched, their breath held, eager to witness the clash between these formidable adversaries. The night air was charged with an electric energy, as if the very stars above were aware of the epic battle about to unfold.

Amidst the sea of faces, Kaoru caught sight of Reiko and Cecile. Their presence reminded him of the trust and support he had from those closest to him. It fueled his determination and reminded him that he wasn't alone in this race.

As Kaoru prepared himself for the challenging race, his mind wandered back to a conversation he had with Reiko. Her words resonated within him, reminding him of the immense task that lay ahead.

Reiko's voice echoed in his memory, recounting the legendary status of Alex as the Exorcist. She spoke of his unparalleled skill, his dominance on the racing scene, and the daunting truth that he seemed to be in a league of his own. The weight of her words settled upon Kaoru's shoulders, threatening to cast doubt on his chances of victory.

"He's far superior to you in every way," Reiko had said, her concern evident in her voice. "You'll have to be flawless, taking every corner with impeccable precision to maintain your pace on the straights."

The magnitude of the challenge was clear. Kaoru knew that he would have to tap into every ounce of his talent, experience, and focus to stand a chance against such an accomplished racer. The road ahead seemed treacherous, lined with doubts and uncertainties.

Yet, as he looked around at the gathered crowd, the adrenaline coursing through his veins, a fire ignited within Kaoru. He refused to succumb to fear or doubt. He had come this far, and he wouldn't let himself be intimidated by the reputation of the Exorcist or the seemingly insurmountable odds stacked against him.

With newfound determination, Kaoru silenced the nagging voice of uncertainty. He knew that victory was not solely determined by statistics or reputation. It was about the relentless pursuit of excellence, the unwavering belief in his own abilities, and the willingness to push beyond limits.

As he fastened his seatbelt and gripped the steering wheel, Kaoru embraced the challenge that lay before him. Every corner, every straight, would be an opportunity to showcase his skills and prove that he was more than just an underdog. He would take each turn with precision, exploiting every advantage he could find, and unleashing the true potential of the Altima.

Reiko's words served as a reminder rather than a deterrent. They fueled Kaoru's hunger for success and propelled him forward. With a steely resolve, he set his sights on the track ahead, ready to face the Exorcist head-on.

Stage 12: End