

"Loser-Racer" is a thrilling tale set during 2023 Gunma, Japan, following Kaoru Takeda's quest for retribution. Betrayed by his girlfriend, who left him for an overseas professional racer, Kaoru builds a powerful car to deliver his vengeance. He targets each person who wronged him, exposing their secrets and dismantling their lives. As Kaoru races through the treacherous mountain passes of Mt. Haruna, he teeters on the edge between justice and obsession. Will he find redemption or be consumed by his vengeful desires?

Hondaru · Action
Not enough ratings
13 Chs

[Stage 11]: NSX Rising

Kaoru: *walking through the hallway with Reiko, a concerned expression on his face* "Hey, Reiko, I've been trying to reach out to Cecile, but she hasn't been answering my calls. I wonder what's going on."

Reiko: *noticing Kaoru's worry, glancing in Cecile's direction* "Hmm, that is strange. Maybe she's just caught up with something or going through a busy period. Let's not jump to conclusions."

As they approach the exit, Kaoru's eyes widen when he sees Cecile standing there, engaged in a conversation with a charismatic and charming young man. A wave of mixed emotions washes over him—confusion, surprise, and a tinge of jealousy.

Kaoru: *watching Cecile with the other guy, feeling a pang of disappointment* "Look, Reiko, it seems like Cecile has found someone else to spend time with. I didn't expect this."

Reiko: *noticing Kaoru's emotions, offering a comforting presence* "Kaoru, people's feelings can change, and sometimes they find connections with new people. It doesn't mean our friendship is over. Let's give Cecile some space and time to figure things out."

As Kaoru watches Cecile's interaction with the guy, he can't help but feel a pang of jealousy. He observes how she blushes and seems genuinely interested in learning from him. Determined to understand what's going on, Kaoru approaches them cautiously.

"Hey, Cecile," Kaoru calls out, his voice filled with a mix of curiosity and concern. "What's going on here? Who is this guy?"

Cecile turns to face Kaoru, her cheeks still flushed from excitement. "Oh, Kaoru! I'm sorry I haven't been answering your calls. I've been spending time with Alex here, and he's been teaching me how to drift."

Kaoru's eyebrows furrow as he looks at the guy named Alex. "Why are you teaching her how to drift? And why the secrecy?"

Alex leans against the sleek NSX, a confident smile playing on his lips. "Well, Kaoru, drifting is my passion, and I've been mentoring Cecile because she showed an interest in it. As for the secrecy, we wanted to surprise you all."

Kaoru's eyes widened as he caught sight of Alex, the British transfer student. There was an immediate magnetism about him that drew everyone's attention. Standing tall with a confident posture, Alex exuded a commanding presence that made it impossible to look away. His perfectly styled blonde hair fell effortlessly, framing his face with a touch of sophistication.

As Kaoru's gaze traveled further, he noticed Alex's deep, piercing eyes that seemed to hold a world of experiences within them. They held a captivating gaze, seemingly revealing glimpses of a mysterious past. Dressed in his signature business casual attire, Alex exuded an air of elegance and refinement. Every detail of his ensemble seemed meticulously chosen, from the tailored blazer that accentuated his broad shoulders to the neatly pressed trousers that showcased his confident stride.

But it was the small mole adorning Alex's cheek that added a unique charm to his otherwise flawless complexion. It served as a subtle accent, a distinguishing mark that made him all the more intriguing. Kaoru couldn't help but be captivated by this enigmatic newcomer.

As Kaoru observed Alex more closely, he couldn't help but notice the grace and confidence with which he carried himself. It was evident that Alex was someone accustomed to being in control, someone who knew how to navigate the world effortlessly. His demeanor exuded an aura of self-assuredness, leaving no doubt that he hailed from a world of privilege and sophistication.

Yet, beneath the surface, there was an air of mystery surrounding Alex. Kaoru sensed that there was more to him than met the eye. Behind that charming exterior and confident façade, there lay a depth of knowledge and experiences waiting to be uncovered. Kaoru couldn't help but be intrigued by this intriguing puzzle, yearning to unravel the secrets that lay within.

Reiko, who had been observing the scene with a mix of curiosity and amusement, joins the conversation. "Surprise us? How?"

Alex chuckles lightly. "We're forming our own racing group. We call ourselves Team Midnight Drifters. Cecile has shown remarkable progress, and we thought it would be a great opportunity to challenge Takeshi and Velonica's influence."

Kaoru's eyes widen, a mixture of surprise and excitement taking over. "A racing crew? Count me in! I've always wanted to prove myself against Takeshi and Velonica. We can't let them dominate the racing scene."

Cecile's face lights up with a radiant smile, relieved that Kaoru understands. "I knew you'd be on board, Kaoru! Together, we'll show them what we're capable of."

Reiko revs the engine of her WRX, a mischievous glint in her eyes. "Well, now that we're all in this together, let's hit the roads and show Team Midnight what we're made of. It's time to make some noise."

As the group gathers at the mountain pass, the sun casting a warm glow upon the asphalt, Kaoru can sense the excitement and anticipation in the air. Reiko, Cecile, and the rest of Team Midnight Drifters are ready to push their limits and hone their racing skills.

Alex, with his once-charming demeanor, now wears a sinister smirk that doesn't go unnoticed by Kaoru. A nagging feeling of unease settles in Kaoru's gut, but he brushes it off, not wanting to let suspicion cloud his judgment.

"Alright, everyone," Reiko calls out, her voice filled with enthusiasm. "Let's run some practice trials and familiarize ourselves with the course. We'll take turns and see how well we can handle the turns and straights."

As the other members of the crew prepare to hit the road, Kaoru hesitates. He looks at his Altima parked nearby, considering his options. The belief that driving the Altima during the day will bring bad luck lingers in his mind.

"I think I'll sit this one out," Kaoru declares, his voice determined. "I'll keep the Altima at home for now. I'll join you all for the night races when I feel the time is right."

Reiko raises an eyebrow, slightly surprised by Kaoru's decision. "Are you sure, Kaoru? Daytime practice is essential to improving our skills."

Kaoru nods, a resolute expression on his face. "I understand the importance, Reiko, but I have my reasons. I'll make sure to practice on my own time and be ready for the night races."

Cecile, noticing Kaoru's unwavering stance, walks up to him and places a reassuring hand on his shoulder. "I trust your instincts, Kaoru. If you believe it's best, then I support you. We're a team, and we'll have each other's backs."

Alex, his smirk widening, chimes in mockingly, "Oh, Kaoru, superstitions won't save you from defeat. But suit yourself. We'll see who emerges victorious when the time comes."

Kaoru glances at Alex, a steely determination replacing any doubt. "We'll see indeed, Alex. I won't let anyone stand in the way of our goals."

With that, the crew sets off on their practice trials, their engines revving and tires screeching as they navigate the twists and turns of the mountain pass. Kaoru watches them from a distance, his mind focused on his own training, waiting for the night races when he can unleash the true potential of his Altima.

Little does Kaoru know that an ominous presence lurks within Team Midnight Drifters, and as he keeps his Altima hidden away, the wheels of fate begin to turn, setting the stage for a clash of skill, trust, and unforeseen challenges that will test the limits of their determination and loyalty.

Kaoru steps into his home, greeted by his sister's warm smile. He heads to his room, eager to immerse himself in studying and learning more about racing. However, his sister, concerned about his future, interrupts his focus with a gentle but firm tone.

"Kaoru, I've noticed you spending a lot of time on this racing obsession lately," his sister begins, her voice filled with a mix of frustration and worry. "But have you thought about what you want to do with your life? Going to a good college and securing a promising career should be your top priority."

Kaoru pauses, his racing materials scattered across his desk. He understands his sister's concerns and knows that she only wants what's best for him. Taking a moment to collect his thoughts, he responds with a determined tone.

"Sis, I appreciate your concern, and I understand the importance of education and planning for the future," Kaoru says, looking into his sister's eyes. "But racing is more than just an obsession to me. It's a passion that ignites a fire within me. I want to excel in this world, to become a skilled racer and make a name for myself."

His sister sighs, her expression softening as she places a hand on his shoulder. "Kaoru, I want you to chase your dreams, but I also want you to have a stable future. Education can open doors for you and provide opportunities you may not even be aware of."

Kaoru nods, realizing that finding a balance between his passion for racing and his academic pursuits is essential. "I hear you, sis. I won't neglect my studies. I'll work hard to excel academically while also dedicating time to my racing aspirations. I believe that with the right mindset and determination, I can succeed in both realms."

His sister smiles, a mixture of pride and relief evident in her eyes. "That's all I ask, Kaoru. Pursue your dreams, but remember to plan for the future as well. I want to see you happy and fulfilled in all aspects of your life."

With a renewed sense of purpose, Kaoru returns to his desk, ready to dive into his studies while keeping his racing dreams alive. He knows that striking a balance between his passion and his future will be a challenge, but with his sister's guidance and support, he feels confident in his ability to navigate this journey.

As time passes on Kaoru immerses himself in studying, his concentration is shattered by a constant barrage of calls from an unknown number. The incessant ringing disrupts his focus, leaving him restless and unable to sleep throughout the night. The following day, the consequences of his sleepless night catch up to him as he finds himself dozing off in class. The teacher's stern gaze falls upon him, and he is swiftly given detention.

Reiko notices Kaoru's tired and disheveled appearance, sensing that something is amiss. Concern fills her eyes as she approaches him after class, her voice laced with worry.

"Kaoru, what happened? You look exhausted," Reiko says, gently touching his arm. "And why were you falling asleep in class? Is everything alright?"

Kaoru rubs his temples, his fatigue evident in his weary expression. He sighs, briefly recounting the constant calls that kept him awake throughout the night. "I kept getting calls from an unknown number. It was relentless, and I couldn't sleep at all. I have no idea who it could be or why they were calling so persistently."

Reiko furrows her brow, her concern deepening. "That's strange. Have you tried blocking the number or finding out who it belongs to?"

Kaoru nods, fatigue weighing heavily on him. "I tried blocking the number, but they keep calling from different ones. It's been a never-ending cycle."

Reiko places a comforting hand on his shoulder. "I'm sorry you had to go through that, Kaoru. Lack of sleep can really take a toll on your well-being. Is there anything I can do to help?"

Kaoru musters a small smile, grateful for Reiko's concern. "Thank you, Reiko. Just having someone to talk to about it means a lot. Hopefully, this situation will resolve itself soon. For now, I'll have to endure the consequences of my sleepless night and detention."

Reiko nods, her support unwavering. "Remember, Kaoru, it's essential to prioritize your well-being. If you need someone to talk to or any assistance, I'm here for you. Don't hesitate to reach out."

As Kaoru sits in the detention classroom, his eyes dart towards the window, catching a glimpse of the red NSX pulling up outside the school. His curiosity piqued, he notices Cecile stepping out of the car, her expression preoccupied and distant. Sensing that something is amiss, Kaoru's determination takes hold, and he decides to seize the opportunity to find out what's going on.

Carefully assessing the situation, Kaoru devises a plan to slip away unnoticed from the detention classroom. As the teacher's attention is momentarily diverted, he quietly makes his move, slipping out of the room and navigating the corridors of the school with a sense of urgency.

Kaoru's heart beats with a mix of anticipation and worry as he approaches the spot where Cecile was picked up. He peeks around the corner, observing from a distance. Cecile appears to be engaged in an intense conversation with the person who picked her up, their voices too distant for him to make out the details.

Determined to find out more, Kaoru takes cautious steps closer, straining his ears to catch snippets of their conversation. He overhears fragments of dialogue that raise further questions and concerns. It becomes apparent that something significant is unfolding, something that has occupied Cecile's thoughts and attention.

While his desire to know what's happening tugs at him, Kaoru also understands the importance of respecting Cecile's privacy. He battles with conflicting emotions, torn between wanting to support her and recognizing the need to give her space.

In the end, Kaoru decides to hold back, acknowledging that he may not have the full context of the situation. He understands that everyone has their own battles to fight and their own reasons for keeping certain aspects of their lives private. Instead, he resolves to be there for Cecile when she's ready to share and to support her in whatever way he can.

With a heavy sigh, Kaoru retreats from his vantage point, returning to the detention classroom just in time to avoid suspicion. Although his curiosity remains, he focuses his attention on completing his detention and contemplating how he can be there for Cecile in a way that respects her boundaries.

Sometimes, patience and understanding are the greatest acts of support, and Kaoru recognizes that respecting Cecile's privacy is a vital part of being a true friend. As he sits back down, his mind races with thoughts and questions, but he knows that in due time, the answers will reveal themselves.

Later that day, as Kaoru was contemplating his thoughts about Cecile and the recent events, his phone buzzed with a new message. It was from the same person. Except only this time the name Alex was revealed. Curiosity mixed with a tinge of apprehension coursed through Kaoru as he opened the message.

The text displayed on the screen confirmed his fears. "You've given up on Cecile, haven't you? Typical loser. You always give up so easily," the message read, each word stabbing at Kaoru's already vulnerable emotions. "Cecile belongs to me now. I'm going to have so much fun with her. She's mine, and there's nothing you can do about it."

Kaoru's hands tightened around his phone, his knuckles turning white. The words echoed in his mind, fueling a surge of determination mixed with anger. How dare Alex claim ownership over Cecile? Kaoru knew deep down that his feelings for her were genuine, and he wasn't willing to let someone like Alex come between them.

His heart pounded in his chest as he composed a response, his fingers trembling slightly. "You may think you've won, but Cecile's heart isn't something you can possess. Love isn't a game to be won or lost. I won't let you belittle what I feel for her. Prepare yourself, Alex. I'll show you that I'm not a loser who gives up easily."

With a deep breath, Kaoru pressed the send button, his message flying through the digital realm to reach its intended recipient. A mix of determination and uncertainty filled his mind. He couldn't shake off the feeling that a storm was brewing, one that would test his resolve and push him to his limits.

As the evening sky painted hues of orange and pink, Kaoru found himself on the balcony of his room, gazing out at the distant silhouette of Mt. Haruna. The mountain stood tall and imposing, its curves and bends holding secrets yet to be discovered. It was on that very mountain that Kaoru's destiny would intertwine with that of Alex and Cecile.

But little did Kaoru know that while he continued to focus on his studies & future, an insidious alliance was forming behind the scenes deep underneath the school. Unbeknownst to him, Alex, the enigmatic British transfer student, closed his phone with a devious smirk. It was revealed that Alex had been secretly collaborating with Takeshi and Velonica, the masterminds behind Team-Mid-knight.

Their sinister plot was slowly unfurling, entangling Kaoru in a web of deception and manipulation. Alex's charming facade had concealed his true intentions, aligning himself with the very individuals who sought to control the underground racing scene and dominate their rivals.

However; Alex was not alone. Due to Takeshi's and Velonica's recruiting efforts, they were able to find 2 additional drivers to complete the official Team Mid-knight, who appeared behind Alex, as their identity fade into the background as shadows.

As Takeshi and Velonica tightened their grip on the school's racing community, Kaoru's world was about to collide with their malevolent ambitions. The race down Mt. Haruna, once a pursuit of passion and skill, was now entangled in a web of power plays and ulterior motives.

Stage 11: End