

At the dawn of a revolution in the era of martial arts, hordes of terrifying monsters start invading the world, defeating humanity’s warriors one after another. One day, Lu Sheng finds himself dreaming about the world ten thousand years into the future, where even basic physical training techniques have been modified and become several thousand times more effective! Breathing techniques, body strengthening remedies, martial arts scriptures, and so on… But with humanity being extinct in the future world, these once great martial arts have no one left to carry on their legacy. No one, except for Lu Sheng

ApexApex · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
459 Chs


Logging 10000 Years into the Future chapter 408

Logging 10000 Years into the Future 408

Posted by Noble nible , Released on August 13, 2022

It is much simpler to integrate the martial arts will into the martial body than the spiritual power.

Bi Yi started from the master realm, and the martial artist has already begun to try this step.

All over the will, the fire of will has long exceeded the size of the roulette, and the will of Shiquan's martial arts has been integrated into Lu Sheng's flesh and bones. Lu Sheng can feel the sound of crazy skyrocketing.

At this moment, his three items of energy and spirit have been completely melted into a furnace.

It's like forging a sword.

The scalding hot golden molten iron is ready, and the next step is to pour it into the mold.

This mold is the brand of martial arts exclusively for Wang Lusheng.

The finished swords forged are Lu Sheng's martial law.

"My Dharma…"

Lu Sheng's eyes were shining, like two golden fires burning in the depths of the dark and dull sea.

"Shiquan Dao should be the foundation, and the rest of the Dao should be supplemented…"

"Boom and Rumble"

As Lu Sheng's thought arose, the boundless world of this sea city was immediately aroused.

The entire deep sea trembled along with it, countless undercurrents emerged, and countless deep-sea creatures swam around to avoid them. ·This drastic change penetrates the barrier of seawater + all the way up.

Soon to reach the sea.

I saw a huge vortex covering a radius of hundreds of kilometers on the sea surface for no reason.

This swimming vortex is so terrifying, as if too much Ninghai Sea has suddenly missed too many pieces, and countless seawater pours down.

This majestic vision attracted the attention of Cumberland and others who were receiving the battlefield not far away.

Cumberland and the others felt that the massive momentum that was being evoked between the heavens and the earth stopped one after another, and their expressions were alarmed.

"This is… someone is breaking through the ninth level?" "Impossible! How can the ninth level of breakthrough power lead to such a large-scale trend, when I was promoted to Martial Saint, I only moved a guide within a range of hundreds of meters!"

"What if it was that one?" "Everyone silently looked at the intensifying vision, and someone whispered: "I'll wait to finish the things that that person explained…"…

Many nodded.

Two soldiers and more than ninth-level martial sages shot together, cleaning up the messy battlefield little by little.


Just when Lu Shengnian arose, consciousness affected the power of heaven and earth, and Gou Qin was about to show the brand of martial arts and the outline of the law.

The momentum of heaven and earth that was inspired by the underworld suddenly collapsed + spread out all at once.

"What's the situation?" Lu Sheng had a surprised look on his face.

"How could it fail?"

"Try again!" He sketched the outline of the huge sun-violent law in his mind again, and the hundreds of kilometers of sea area was once again attracted.

But it didn't take long + this trend collapsed again and spread out…

Repeatedly, Lu Sheng tried four or five times before and after.

It fails every time.

Every time it starts and ends.

It was as if he had just finished writing, and before he even finished drawing a circle on the paper, the paper underneath cracked.

The end of the pen collapsed and the ink overflowed.


"why not?"

Lu Sheng frowned.

"My brand of martial arts, the law of martial arts, Zongquan is based on the will of martial arts.

The will of Shiquan's martial arts can be formed, why can't the Dharma be formed? ""Which part is the problem? "

Lu Sheng sat on the deep seabed, thinking constantly.

This process lasted six days.

_At the third level of emptiness, his active thinking is hundreds of times that of ordinary people.

He kept sorting out what he had learned. . Peeling the silk and pulling the cocoon, tracing back to the source Lu Sheng made another attempt at the sunrise of the first day.

The 20,000-meter sea abyss stirred up, and the appearance of the super vortex of hundreds of kilometers was smoother than ever before.

The outline of the circle keeps appearing, very stable and very smooth, but at the moment when the end and the end are about to be connected, the circle is about to be completely formed…

Crash again.

All in vain! "I understand!"

Lu Sheng's expression was quite calm, and he didn't seem to be surprised by this result.

"The number of martial arts contained in my Shiquan martial arts is getting stronger and stronger.

The original structure is no longer available.

It was close to the limit.

After the will of martial arts was transformed into the law, this limit was really broken. Not even a circle can be closed…"

It was as if the plates Lu Sheng had originally set were for apples, and the apples were stacked so high that they could barely hold them.

Now, if the apple is replaced by a watermelon, the original plate will naturally not fit.

And watermelons are far heavier than apples.

The same material, even if the plate also becomes too large, the plate itself will be crushed and crushed.

Shiquan martial arts is the plate + the rest of the martial arts contained in the Shiquan martial arts are fruits.

If Lu Sheng wants to be promoted to the ninth level with Shiquan Martial Dao, he must conceive a stronger and more favored structure to carry these Taos that will soon be transformed to the ninth level! But Lu Sheng had no clue about this.

"In the final analysis, my foundation is too shallow, my accumulation is not enough, and my ambition is too wife…

An unprecedented Tao, how could it be so simple and created by me. "

Not to mention the Shiquan martial arts, the three basic methods that Lu Sheng has learned now + the scholar-level martial arts.

Which one is not something that others have gradually implemented and perfected. God knows how many difficulties and setbacks have been experienced in the process, how many somersaults have been cut, how many pits have been stepped on, and how many walls have been hit.

Lu Sheng was silent.

For a while, there was a deep sense of fascination. He came along with the three-level scholar-level method as the foundation, many scholars-level + eighth-level, and ninth-level scholar-level Taoism as a supplement, which can be regarded as smooth sailing.

Now he finally began to try to truly walk out of his own way.

And it is an unparalleled idea that surpasses the scholar-level, the sword refers to the second-level scholar, and the third-level scholar…

even higher.

He suddenly found out.

This step + is so difficult.

"what do I do?"

All Lu Sheng thought about was his own dream space.

He closed his eyes and silently entered the dream space.

The familiar base No. 1359 is at the very edge of the center of Wang's base.

One more step forward, out of the safe zone.

Lu Sheng took this step.


Soon, a sharp-looking gun-wielding figure appeared in front of him.

Without any hesitation, Lu Sheng greeted him indifferently.

Quickly enter the Valkyrie state.

In the body, three hundred and sixty-five immortal cells ignite the fire of divine nature.

The boxing method of the five realms + the fifth season of the ancient times reproduces the two figures of gold and blue in the world fighting against each other. ·After reaching the true limit of the eighth level, after the spirit, energy and spirit are melted into one furnace, Lu Sheng can suppress the old and Wang Xilin's Hepin Jing in a positive way…

Lu Sheng felt that even if Xi Linhe died and only survived in the world, the strength he showed…

It is also much stronger than the leader Lan Chen.

Another kind of conceptual strength.

For example, at the same level as a soldier, Lan Chen's strength is a soldier, and the combat power he exerts is also a card (just a metaphor).

Xi Linhe's fighting power is stronger than Lan Chen.

But the power he possesses is probably not even there.

Quanliang relies entirely on his superior combat skills and his combat power supported by martial arts skills.

Can be called a real martial arts master! Therefore, Lu Sheng had a straight respect for Xi Linghe.

Quoting! The instructor Lan Chen had a very general attitude. To him, Xi Linghe was a teacher and someone worthy of his study.

And Lan Chen can only be regarded as a pioneer at best. He is so much faster than him. If he reaches the scholar level first, he will be able to catch up sooner or later.

Lu Sheng now feels a little bit like using his strength to oppress people + bullying Xi Linghe with his strength.

His strength was much stronger than Xi Linghe, and his skills were limited, so Xi Linghe could only be beaten by him.

"Broken Void!"

Lu Shengyi remembered the five-season boxing, the magic circle, the golden red sun, and swirling around him, and at the same time, hundreds of the same Lu Sheng appeared in all directions.

Xi Linghe held a gun and a long spear in one hand, like a real star-crossed dragon.

A name "Lu Sheng" was punctured by his gun like a bubble and disappeared.

This sharp-edged spear master has already brought his spear skills to the extreme, but unfortunately…

After all, it's time to run out of power.

Lu Sheng finally walked up to him and lightly placed his fist on his forehead.

…"Heroic spirits are immortal!"

Lu Sheng greeted Xi Linghe in a respectful tone.

Xi Linhe stopped what he was doing and stood with a gun, his body turned into smoke.

When the weathered tomb reached his neck, Lu Sheng suddenly saw a smile on Xi Linghe's dry face.

He opened his mouth and gently said to Lu Sheng, "They are all waiting for you"…

Om Lu Sheng's eyes suddenly shot out with a bright light, and his face showed a look of alarm.

He subconsciously reached out and grabbed it, as if he wanted to change something.

But Xi Linghe's whole person has completely disappeared. . Only the billowing black smoke melted into Lu Sheng's body. ·Pang Tai's martial arts memories flooded in.

Lu Sheng's understanding of the way of the spear has grown wildly. He quickly broke through the four realms, reached the fifth realm, and climbed all the way up, far beyond the attainments of boxing.

He saw spring, summer and autumn, alternating between cold and summer, the gun that never changed. He saw the glaciers shattered and countless cold sparrows fluttering out…

He saw Xi Linhe when he was young, he also saw him when he was old, and when he died.

It was a devouring darkness, shadow.

There were indescribable claws sticking out in the darkness, cutting off the glaciers and tearing apart all the cold sparrows.

"The shadow I saw in the abyss space? How similar!"

Lu Sheng got a lot of precious information and understood many doubts.

But in his mind. They were all waiting for you as Xi Linghe said the last words! who are they?

Why are they waiting for me?

where are they waiting for me? ! Lu Sheng frantically rummaged through Xi Linghe's memory, and finally…

He found it.