

At the dawn of a revolution in the era of martial arts, hordes of terrifying monsters start invading the world, defeating humanity’s warriors one after another. One day, Lu Sheng finds himself dreaming about the world ten thousand years into the future, where even basic physical training techniques have been modified and become several thousand times more effective! Breathing techniques, body strengthening remedies, martial arts scriptures, and so on… But with humanity being extinct in the future world, these once great martial arts have no one left to carry on their legacy. No one, except for Lu Sheng

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Logging 10000 Years into the Future chapter 407

Logging 10000 Years into the Future 407

Posted by Noble nible , Released on August 13, 2022

While complaining, Lu Sheng casually played with the communicator in his hand.

This thing is quite simple to operate, almost like a mobile phone.

Otherwise, Lan Chen would not have left without leaving the operating instructions.

Lu Sheng pressed a button on the communicator, the screen of the communicator emitted blue light, and then projected a three-dimensional portrait five centimeters high.

It is Lan Chen, lifelike.

"Lu Sheng, what are you doing?"

The five-inch-tall Lan Chen looked at Lu Sheng in surprise, and said, "Have you changed your mind so soon? Then I'll turn around and pick you up now?"


Lu Sheng shook his head, "I'll give it a try, see if this thing works or not…"

"After the energy is consumed, honestly wait ten years on the blue star, even if you try it, you are welcome to come and chat with me at any time.."

Lan Chen cut off the signal with a dark face.

"Little family…"

Lu Sheng shook his head, swiped the communicator twice, and found that there are many interesting functions on the communicator.

Can play games and connect to something called Serpent Star Network.

However, for fear of wasting energy, Lu Sheng didn't try too much, just turned off the communicator and put it away.

At this time, he glanced at everything around him, and found that the sea area that had experienced the battle between him and Lan Chen had already become a Jedi on earth.

There is a thousand-degree high-temperature water vapor everywhere, accompanied by alternating hot and cold winds, tsunamis, sea whirlpools…

The reason for these extreme celestial phenomena is the incomparably chaotic situation of the heavens and the earth in this sea area.

"Relying on the self-resilience of the planet, I'm afraid it will take a long time…"

Lu Sheng now fully understands the meaning of what Lan Chen said before.

The strength of a tenth-level warrior is still far from that of a starburst, but it is still easy to disrupt the world on a planet.

The chaos of heaven and earth will cause such extreme weather.

For a planet of 760, it is nothing, but it is a disaster for the life on the planet, or it is the extinction of life.

"I don't know whether the crisis of extinction described in the dream space is just a star powerhouse that I can't defeat, or a terrifying power that really has the power to explode stars…"

It can also destroy the world, but the strength of the two is completely different from the same concept.

Lu Sheng thought about it, and walked in the distance with a sway.

Cumberland and the others stood there, and from a distance, they saw a tall and tall figure walking towards them in midair.

His nine-foot martial body was revealed, covered with gorgeous and noble golden lines.

The black hair fluttered and danced in the sea breeze, and behind him was a purgatory-like scene of the end of the world.

He was like a god who had just returned from the riots in purgatory.

Cumberland and the others trembled.

All lowered their heads.

Lu Sheng walked step by step, and with each step, part of the golden lines on his body faded away.

When he walked completely to Cumberland and the others, he had turned back from a god to a mortal.

"Beyond Martial Saint, thank you."

Lu Sheng sincerely thanked Lin Zhengyue.

Just now he was holding Dong Qingxue, and Lu Sheng was watching.

"Lord Lu, you're welcome, this is what I should do."

If Lin Zhengyue called Lu Sheng an adult before, there was also some equal and friend-like feelings in the respect, and the small gesture of the seniors to the juniors——

Your strength is awesome, but I have deep experience. I respect you, but don't go too far.

But now, Lin Zhengyue's "adult" has completely eliminated some of the messy things.

Just awe.

Lu Sheng and Lin Zhengyue said politely, and then turned their attention to Cumberland and the others.

Cumberland and the others were swept across by Lu Sheng's gaze, and immediately their hearts tightened and their bodies tensed.

They are not fools, and they can somewhat see the leader's attitude towards Lu Sheng.

Lu Sheng had been disrespectful to the leader before, but not only was the leader not angry, he even gave away the energy crystal share this time, and he personally went off to accompany Lu Sheng to learn from each other.

This Nima…

I don't know, I thought it was my own son.

The leader can't control Lu Sheng, and Lu Sheng's own strength is terrifyingly strong. In the future, the blue star…

It is really about to become a garden for Lu Sheng.

Cumberland and the others were frightened at the thought, but Lu Sheng's attitude towards them was not as bad as he imagined.

"You clean up over there…"

Lu Sheng pointed to the battlefield remnant between him and Lan Chen in the distance.

Over there, the situation of heaven and earth is disordered, and it will take a long time to rely on the natural recovery power of the planet. With the help of a Martial Saint-level powerhouse, the recovery will be much faster.


Cumberland and the others did not have any objection, and immediately flew towards the sea of purgatory.

The closer you get, the more you can feel the horror of the previous battle.

The deeper the understanding of Lu Sheng's strength, the deeper the awe.

Lu Sheng also assigned Tan Zhongyu, leaving Lin Zhengyue alone.

Lu Sheng spoke to Dong Qingxue first.

"You take this…"

Lu Sheng gave Dong Qingxue the communicator Lan Chen gave, and then briefly explained to her what it was, and asked her to keep it safe.

Dong Qingxue grabbed the communicator, her eyes flashing.

"You're not going back with me? Do you have anything else to do?"

Lu Sheng nodded and thought; "I'm only one step away from the ninth level, and I have a feeling for the battle with the guide. I have to retreat immediately and hit the ninth level…"

"All right."

There was a hidden loss in Dong Qingxue's eyes.

Lu Sheng looked a little guilty, thought about it, and whispered a few words in Dong Qingxue's ear.

Dong Qingxue blushed instantly, but soon returned to normal, nodded and said, "Okay, I'll listen to you."

Lin Zhengyue felt embarrassed when she saw Lu Sheng and Dong Qingxue greasy, and didn't dare to say a word, so she could only turn her head to one side, pretending to be looking at the distant scenery (biba).

Fortunately, Lu Sheng and Dong Qingxue talked for a while, and soon it was his turn.

"Trouble going beyond Wu Sheng to do something for me.."

Lu Sheng said to Lin Zhengyue seriously: "I'll be a little relieved if I leave this matter to you."

Lin Zhengyue listened with a solemn expression, and hurriedly replied: "Lord Lu, just give your orders."

Lu Sheng raised his hand and stretched out a finger to randomly point on Lin Zhengyue's forehead.


Before Lin Zhengyue could react, she felt that there was something in her mind.

is a map.

"This is…"

Lin Zhengyue asked in doubt while horrified by Lu Sheng's methods.

Lu Sheng said lightly: "The distribution map of the blue star energy crystal."


Lin Zhengyue's body vibrated, and a moving expression appeared on her face.

"Trouble surpassing Wu Sheng to run a few more times and help me collect as many energy crystals as possible. Don't worry, I won't let you run in vain, you can reserve the next part…"

Lu Sheng explained.

At this level, the resources on Azure Star are not that important to Lu Sheng anymore.

He will soon leave the blue star, rather than rotten these resources in his hands, it is better to take them out to benefit the entire planet.

Lu Sheng even decided to take out the resource distribution map of the dense iron dense silver dense gold mine and hand it over to the Long Kingdom military department.

Of course, before he left, he still had to harvest a batch of Nengjing, which he could use in the future.

"Don't dare to live up to Lord Lu's trust!"

Lin Zhengyue solemnly salutes Lu Sheng.

He didn't know where the energy crystal origin distribution map given by Lu Sheng came from, maybe it was given by the guide…

None of this matters.

He only knew that Lu Shengneng entrusted this matter to him, proving that he really regarded him as his own.

"heart"-like existence.

Lin Zhengyue has lived for almost two hundred years, and it is the first time that she feels joy and excitement because she is qualified to be someone's "confidant" and "dogleg".

Thinking about it carefully, even I feel incredible.

Lin Zhengyue has a pure and honest character, and Lu Sheng is quite assured of him.

The main reason is that I can't find a more suitable person to do this, and it's too troublesome to do it myself.

After explaining the matter, Lu Sheng didn't talk too much, and kissed Dong Qingxue's cheek to let her deal with her parents.

Then the figure fell into the sea and continued to dive deep.

There is one thing to say, the deep sea of 20,000 meters is really a good place for retreat.

Quiet, no one disturbs you, you can even hear the pulse of the planet.

Lu Sheng dived all the way, until he reached the bottom, and then found a random place to sit cross-legged.

Begin to examine the harvest of this battle.


Some kind of strange fluctuations rippled out of Lu Sheng's body.

Lu Sheng's eyes brightened, and he realized that the final fusion of his spiritual power and his martial body was also completed by the stimulation of the sea pressure during the dive.

Looking at himself, Lu Sheng found that after the perfect fusion of spiritual power, his flesh and bones were covered with a faint purple light.

When the stellar vein diagram in the flesh and blood body lights up, this layer of purple light is also injected into it.

With a hint of purple in the golden color, the force it pushes out is more than three times greater than before!

"When I advance to the ninth level, my whole person's strength should undergo a qualitative transformation!"

Eight Jin Nine is a huge leap.

Lu Sheng's foundation before the eighth level is extremely strong. Once he is promoted to the ninth level, the strength that he can get will be a hundred times or even a thousand times that of others!

"The spiritual power and the martial body have been integrated, and the next step is to integrate your own martial arts will, and then create your own unique martial arts brand…"

There was only one foot left to reach the ninth level, and Lu Sheng couldn't wait.

In his mind, the gray sundial covered with divine fire began to rotate slowly, and then merged into his physique…