

At the dawn of a revolution in the era of martial arts, hordes of terrifying monsters start invading the world, defeating humanity’s warriors one after another. One day, Lu Sheng finds himself dreaming about the world ten thousand years into the future, where even basic physical training techniques have been modified and become several thousand times more effective! Breathing techniques, body strengthening remedies, martial arts scriptures, and so on… But with humanity being extinct in the future world, these once great martial arts have no one left to carry on their legacy. No one, except for Lu Sheng

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Logging 10000 Years into the Future chapter 409

Logging 10000 Years into the Future 409

Posted by Noble nible , Released on August 13, 2022

To be precise, what Lu Sheng found was just a clue.

He found a fragmented and abrupt picture in Xi He's memory, Xi Linghe in a white robe was sitting in the gym with a gun and tea in front of him, and said lightly, "Up straight up."

Lu Sheng broke free from Xi Linghe's memory.

Although there is still too much martial arts memory to absorb, he can't wait.

Lu Sheng picked up his head and looked up at the sky + entered a dark gray haze.

He summoned Guangnao at random, and then quickly flew into the sky.

On the way, Lu Sheng used the light brain to check his personal information. ·There is no change in the wife in the future.

Cerulean will still be destroyed in eight years.

The only thing that has changed is Lu Sheng's permission in the Tinder repository.

His current license is clerk.

Lu Sheng put down his light brain, and his smelly body continued to rise.

He had a strong neck feeling in his heart.

He felt that he was far from the truth behind the dream space…

Maybe it's really not far away. Lu Sheng soon surpassed the height he used to overlook Base 1359. He looked into the distance, but could only see layers of thick haze.

He could only keep going up.

Those black-gray mists that seem to flow like floes are getting thicker and thicker as they go up.

Inhaled into the nose and mouth without the feeling of a wife.

Lu Sheng was able to determine the black gas in the cracks in the cave, but there was a kind of gray fog that he didn't recognize.

I only feel the sinking valve, dead silence + decay…

Up + keep going up.

Lu Sheng didn't know how many miles he flew up?

Two million meters?

Still 500,000 meters.

In the unchanging landscape, the concept of time is also lost.

Not sure how long it took to fly.

When Lu Shengjiping thought that he was completely lost in this endless sea of black and gray fog, he broke through a certain barrier and completely jumped out of the planet. Starry sky, deep, mysterious…

But it gives a strong sense of desolation and desolation.

The thick black-gray mist enveloped the planets, and from Sheng Lu's point of view, they looked like moldy, rotten and hairy rotten eggs.

He glanced down and found himself standing on top of a huge rotten egg.

"This is the body of a treasure"

Such a sentence suddenly popped into Lu Sheng's mind, which was inexplicably appropriate.

However, he had expected this possibility for a long time, and it was not very surprising. Lu Sheng looked around.

He just wanted to know now that Xi Linghe guided him here.

In the words Xi Linhe said, "Who are they?

Where is he waiting for?

Lu Sheng searched endlessly in space. Fortunately, this is the dream space, and he has no problem crossing the starry sky.

Lu Sheng wandered for a long time and swept over the moldy eggs in his field of vision.

Suddenly, his eyes fell on a distant asteroid floating quietly in the starry sky.

To say that the asteroid may have lifted it a bit because it is too small, it is estimated that it is only a few kilometers in size.

In this treasure universe of stars, not even a speck of dust can be counted, but Lu Sheng noticed its existence because…

This asteroid has no "hairy"+ and is still slightly shiny.

"Go and see"

Lu Sheng's eyes flickered, and then he used his mental power to push his body to fly towards the asteroid. As the saying goes, Wangshan is a dead horse.

Lu Sheng felt that this sentence should be changed.

Wangxing runs away from the spaceship! Well, in space there seems to be no concept of distance at all.

He was very clear that he was constantly getting closer to the asteroid, but it was as if he had been standing still.

It was another boring and long journey. Fortunately, in the dream space, he didn't need physical breath, and he didn't know how long it took to eat and suck + Lu Shengjun landed on the glowing asteroid without black hair.

This planet is too small to have too much atmosphere, and Lu Sheng can see the planet he came from and the surrounding planets not far away.

"It's kind of like the little planet in The Little Prince, if there's a little house in front of me now"

Lu Sheng thought about it at will + turned his head, but the whole person fell. ·In a place not far from his landing point + a small room with a simple and quaint shape sits quietly: standing.

… "Really! Lu Sheng's eyes lit up, and he quickly rushed in the direction of the house.

During the process, the mental force quickly delayed the electricity, but when it touched the edge of the house, it was resisted by an inexplicable force. ·Lu Sheng's eyes flickered slightly + the speed of his feet was faster.

The house is in Chinese style, wooden and antique.

Lu Sheng approached only to realize that he was facing the rear of the house.

Going around to the front, you can see that there is also a small yard.

The courtyard door is not closed.

Lu Sheng gently pushed open the door of this system and walked into the small courtyard.

He saw two small vegetable fields. There was no green in the fields, but it seemed that the soil had just been loosened + watered.

I don't know if there are still seeds buried underneath, but the trail between the two vegetable fields extends straight out and divides into two.

The bar leads into the house + but the door is closed.

Another line leads to Lu Sheng's right side. ! Lu Sheng looked all the way along the trail…c He saw a small pond.

There were three people sitting under a tree by the pond that had no branches, but no leaves.

The two men turned to Lu Shengzheng and focused on the square block in front of him that looked like a chessboard.

There is also a person facing Landing St.

When Lu Sheng looked up, the man was looking at him with a smile.

This person greeted him, like a friend he hadn't seen for many years greeting him, "You're here? Come over here, come and sit down." Lu Sheng looked at the person who called him the king, his expression dazed, and his body moved slightly.

Then calm down quickly + step by step towards the direction of the old tree in the pond.

He doesn't know this person + he has never met this person.

But the breath emanating from this person, and the "Natural Breathing Method" that has been inactive in his body, told him the name of this person.

stone novel

My name is Yang Yizhou.

The boundless starry sky + a dark blue spaceship is jumping and flying.

There is not much space in the spaceship.

The dark-blond long-haired Lan Chen is sitting on a long, clean table full of technology. A three-dimensional picture is playing in front of him, and he is watching intently.

What was playing on the screen was the battle between him and Lu Sheng.

It was the surveillance shooting of the spaceship, and the replay of the battle scene that was released based on his own memory…

This is the fifth time Lan Chen has watched this scene.

Every time I watch it, he has something new to gain.

Of course, these gains are not related to the king himself, but to Lu Sheng, … "Five-level boxing! It is indeed five-level boxing!"

Lan Chen repeatedly watched every movement of Lu Sheng's punches several times, and finally Yu was sure of this.

"Dumb Lanchen paused the screen and exhaled with a slightly excited look on his face.

"Five realm martial arts, also known as rule martial arts.

The operation law of Baozhou Starry Sky has been touched, and it is the most critical point for the promotion of the scholar-level to the superior.

Based on this alone, you can get Zhang's qualification certificate to enter the Tianwei Battlefield Academy.

Not to mention, Lu Sheng is still an extraordinary life physique! I just don't know what level of extraordinary life physique it is."

Lan Chen's expression moved, and suddenly he quickly operated on the virtual optical brain in front of him.

Soon + a large section of Tai Duan information was presented to him.

"Eighth-level warrior-level ninth-level warrior-level… Cross-border challenge Aben sector has seen examples of ninth-level warrior-level + the name of the god who accomplished this feat is Orland.

Orland became famous and was accepted by the Tianwei Academy in the subjupiter area. The extraordinary life physique level tested during the admission qualification test was "" extraordinary nine stars! "

Lan Chen's eyes lit up, and his expression suddenly became more happy.

"Nine warriors already have super-level nine stars, what about the eight warriors?

Morning star extraordinary life physique? Or Huiyue class? "

Although it can't be calculated so simply, Lan Chen can be sure.

Lu Sheng's extraordinary life physique will definitely not be lower.

With a high probability, it is very likely to enter the morning star with the appearance of the super-level eight or nine stars.

"If it's really a morning star plus the martial arts of the five realms that he has already comprehended, as long as he doesn't break down in the middle, entering the rank is almost a sure thing.

If not, there will be a chance to hit the second grade of the soldier."

There are only a few first-class soldiers in the star area where he is located. Each of them is a famous and important person, and Lan Chen can't even look up.

… "It's true after posting this!" Lan Chen couldn't help laughing, and the dark golden hair behind his head couldn't help dancing happily with his mood.

Who would have thought that he would be able to find such a powerful genius after being ordered to collect a wave of resources.

The most important thing is that this genius has owed him three favors so far.

…"In time, these are three exclusive planets!"

Lan Chen is in a good mood, as if he is now a star rich man with three private planets.

Just as he was enjoying himself, a person jumped out from the tomb of the virtual screen in front of him.

He was a man with gray hair and strong facial features.

The man was wearing a battle uniform similar to Lan Chen, looking at the age of four scholars.

Seeing this person, Lan Chen immediately smiled brightly and said, "Zhao Lin, I just have good news to share with you.

You would never have guessed, what did I find on Resource Star this time? "

The gray-haired man didn't seem to be in the mood to joke with Lan Chen. His expression was a little serious and he said, "Lan Chen said these words later, I have an urgent matter to ask you, have you encountered a star thief spaceship this time?"