
Chapter 15

I handed my captive to some of the guards before being lead somewhere more secluded. There were still tense guards, but they weren't directly threatening me anymore.

"I thank you for your aid in defending my home, but I'm unsure what matters we have to discuss"

"I come seeking an exchange of information between my tribe and your house"

"What information?"

"In my tribe, there is a green seer who has seen things that will greatly harm your house. I wish to trade his information for general knowledge that your maester would be able to supply."

Bran looks over to Maester Luwin and they share a disbelieving look. "You would have me take your words as true without any proof after claiming it came from magic."

"Did you think it was a coincidence I came here at the same time you were going to be raided? I allied myself with you against a common foe. As for more proof ask the serving girl you keep. She's from the north she knows there may be truth in what I say or even you. I was told you've been having dreams of Wolf and of three-eyed ravens."

He seems taken back and shares a quick look to Osha who nods her head before saying. "He's right m'lord I have heard of such things, but they're rare and I've never seen such things myself"

"How do you know about my dreams"

"I was told you have them. That you carry with you the magics do the north. Greesight and Warg"

Maester Luwin whispers something to Bran. "And what information did you intend for me"

"Do you want me to tell you of problems you will soon face or the cause of these problems?"

"Whichever you think to be more useful"

"The Boltons and Freys will not be loyal allies. They would break every law we hold sacred if it was to their benefit. Even now Roose Bolton sends a party led by his tainted son to Winterfell"

"Even if they're coming here how does that price their disloyalty."

"What reason do they have to come here. You have not yet sent word of the Greyjoy attack."

"What else can you tell me"

"Much more, but about your side of the deal"

"And what is it you would like to know?"

I was about to say something about learning Valyrian, but that seems impractical, they might not be able to, and it might make them curious. Honestly, I need a better hobby than fucking with cannon. So, I think of something more reasonable.

"I would like information on farming and food storage"

It's not really what I wanted. But I needed to ask for something. Plus given how goofy the seasons are here they might be some interesting things to learn. My requests seemingly shocked them as they're left dumbfounded for a few moments

"I think that can be arranged. Measter Luwin?"

"Ohh um yes I would be able to explain that or I have several books on the topics."

"Take no offense, but I would prefer the books"

"Well, I'm happy that we can reach an arrangement. Maester Luwin will bring you those books when we're done. So what else can you tell me?"

"I know quite a lot why don't you ask your questions and if I don't know I'll tell you."

"Do you know how my sisters are?"

"Yea. Sansa is in King's landing. Joffery treats her poorly, but nothing excessive. Otherwise, she is as safe as one can be given the war. Arya is not with the Lannisters she escaped before your father was captured. I do not know where she is now."

He seems conflicted at the news but keeps asking questions.

"You said my brother will have traitorous bannermen who are they?"

"The only ones for sure are the Boltons. They are already planning their betrayal. The rest are the result of things your brother will do."

"And what is it that Rob will do that is so bad to turn his men, traitors? He asks angrily.

" Your brother is well-liked, respectable, and a talented military leader, but he makes bad decisions. I've been told he'll break a marriage agreement with the Freys in order to marry a commoner for love. That he will execute the heirs of his bannermen after they try to murder Jamie Lannister. Then take no action when your mother releases Jamie Lannister. Understandable mistakes, but mistakes like those will undermine his rule especially during a war."

He still seems angry and asks a few more questions, but can't give much advice. Maester Luwin brings me three books one on farming, animal husbandry, and food storage. After I insulted his brother directly to his face things got tense so after getting my books and giving them a warning about more ironborn raids I leave.

I'm just not going to worry about what is happening south of the wall. I'm not really a good enough plotter to do anything about it. It also has very little to do with the giants so I don't care either. As for learning Valyrian, I'm just going to go to essos and buy a translator slave. I'll keep them in my warehouse while they teach me then release them anywhere they want to be along with some gold. Not a fan of slavery obviously, but it seems like a fair trade.

My meeting with the Starks only took a day so my absence wasn't even noticed. Not when I occasionally leave for weeks. Things will actually start soon, so I decide to handle buying a Slave tomorrow.