
Chapter 16

I have Walts teleport me to Essos near where we made camp when going to Old Valyria. Then I fly on Rayquaza west to Lys he lands on the far side of the island before approaching the southern gate.

I thought getting in would be harder, but I guess they have to deal with the locals from Sothoroys which look like pig people/orcs which is equally strange. Plus I look like I have money with the full plate mail and giant Valyrian steel great sword. From there, finding slaves and a slave market was easy. The slave trade is like the cornerstone of their economy. I eventually find a translator. I had no specifics besides them being capable. The trader brought out an old woman who was fluent and able to read most dialects of Valyrian as well as Westerosi Common. She walked with a limp, and couldn't see past a couple of feet in front of her. She was probably in her early fifties, which for a slave in this time period is ancient. I don't particularly care about any of that though and after quizzing her with a few questions and asking her to tell a couple of jokes. I could tell her mind was still all there.

We bartered over the cost, but I have no idea how much a slave costs. I don't even really know the value of gold. Not that it really matters after my expedition, but I'm trying to spend only the Gold Dragons I had from the start. I end up paying 50 gold dragons for her. Which I'm sure was exorbitantly overpriced. I mean it doesn't matter to me but to most people, a slave like her isn't much of a long term investment. I decide to leave as quickly as possible. This is extremely slow when walking with an elderly woman so I carry her and quickly leave the city behind before I get caught in some scam or get attacked by people trying to rob or enslave me. I didn't see any signs like that, but I didn't want to overstay my welcome.

I brought Sarea into my warehouse. I didn't let her surprise stop me as I placed her into the healing pod and press the on button. She gets out still old but now sprier. I briefly explain(lie) and say that this place is magic and I bought her to teach me how to read Valyrian however once done I will free her and take her anywhere she wants with payment for her services. She absently nods along while taking in her surroundings. She either doesn't care or doesn't believe me, but a healthy dose of distrust and caution is probably par for the course of life long slaves. I lead her to one of the rooms in the house and explain some of the things she might see. Including some monsters and also how to work the appliances. I leave her to thoughts and then step out and have Walts teleport me back to the north.

I incorporated learning Valyrian into my daily nights. Well first I had to brush up on my Common and then I started learning Valyrian. Eventually, I got word that Mance Rayder was calling all clans for an attack on the wall and an alliance against the white walkers. I mobilize the tribe and begin the march toward the Fist of the First Men. The trek took close to two weeks. While marching I took the opportunity to practice with my horn. It was pretty intuitive like it's destruction is intention-based. I blew the horn three times and I discovered two things. First, it can target parts rather than the entire structure after I used it to target a specific section of a snow fort, and second using it for smaller targets effects the recharge time. It can only be used once before recharging, but minor usage recharges in days instead of the standard week. I didn't try it, but a large use might make the recharge time increase.

After we arrived, I had to find Mag Mar Tun Doh Weg. Easier said than done given the massive scale of the camp, but he's still a giant so I track him down and find out what happened in the Talks with Mance.

He tells me that he volunteered us to lead the charge to destroy the gate. Which is close to what I plan to do, but if he didn't have a magic horn of bullshitery they would all die which is basically what should have happened. During a meeting with all the land heads, I confirm our plan then clarify that once the gate is down the other clans will charge in. It's such a minor change that no one objects.

I looked around for Jon Snow, but I definitely already missed him. He probably showed up and left while Mag Mar Tun Doh Weg was meeting with Mance. The clans start to march from the fist to the Wall. I split the tribe keeping the 10 best warriors with me and the rest protecting the women and children. As night fell, the entire free folk army emerged from the forest the occasional torch bearer providing the event some ambient light. The new plan means there are no distractions climber only giant bringing down the tunnel. Well giant singular, because once we were all assembled just past the forest in front of the wall I took out the horn. Aiming towards the center tunnel I blew it and from it came the loudest noise I've ever heard. When I was testing the horn it sounded like a normal war horn, but now using it as intended the sound was deafening. In front of me, the wall gave way. Not the entire wall just a semicircle tunnel like I had planned.

The horn leaves a permeating silence. Covering the army and the wall there was no sound. Everyone was stunned catching up with the fact that in the previously impenetrable wall there was now a 50 ft wide tunnel going all the way through it. Then there was Chaos. The freefolked charged. I sent in my men with the instruction to go no further south than the Wall.

It was a long night, but a short fight. Originally it had been a siege scenario, now it was an ambush. Less than a couple hundred men couldn't stand against the assault of an endless amount of free folk.