
Life of a Novice Writer

For 365 days I will talk about random things I may or may not be able to tell people in real life. As a beginner in writing, I will tell stories about my life, while hoping to improve my writing skills. Can't guarantee it will be everyday due to the author's mentality.

V0VIE · สมัยใหม่
38 Chs

Day 25 "The New live action Adapation is amazing~!"


For those who know. Great. For those who don't. Guess.

Anyway, love it!

At first we were a bit worried. Still kinda worried. And it's okay.

With mixed reviews it's really hard to tell unless you watch it yourself.

So we did.

And at first we were like, "Hmm....okay. This happened differently. But it's fine. Oooooo. Oh. Ohhhhhhh."

We weren't really into it at first. It was really hard to adjust from the original to the live action one. Can't help but compare right?

And as we watched it, we slowly started to like it.

Maybe it's because with the original it was more brighter and vibrant. So at least liking the live action took some time. But it's amazing!

Looking forward to seeing my favorite character!


The doctor.

The human one.

Becomes a warlord later on.

That guy.

One time we told someone to guess who was our favorite character, they didn't. And we had to tell them. They asked, "You like him with lots of tattoos?"

Personally, not that big of a fan. Of tattoos. It's not even the main reason why he's my favorite character. It's his personality and abilities. And his looks. And his relationship with others. Love it. The tattoos we can tolerate. Besides, we're too busy looking at his face and looking at what's going on.

Fun fact: The MC was my favorite character until the Doctor got introduced.

So kinda nervous for his character. How they're gonna do it and stuff.

Been reading the previous sentences over and over until we can come up with something else to say.

Guess let's just talk.

Oooooo. The clown. Mhm.

That was also amazing.

Looking forward to his hairstyle after he went to prison. Ponytail. Not sure if he had one before. So yeah. Wondering if they'd show it sooner too.

Let's talk about the cook.

Love the set by the way. Love the sets.

Love the kitchens.

And him cooking there is like...."Wow. They're really doing this. It's really him."

It takes some time for it to sink in you know? The fact that it gets a live action?

And the food looks delicious! Besides the not delicious ones ofcourse. MC ate it but still. No.

Glad they had a cook in their crew.

And the first crew member.

Lots of people simp for him. His character. And the actor.

And it's understandable.

Seen a few videos people simping for the guy.

And their navigator.

Love the trees. They were sweet to do that for her. She is part of the crew. And their navigator. She loves money. Relatable.

Oooooo. And the great 'captain'.

He's also amazing.

Him preferring to usually run away is fun to watch when someone else in the crew contradicts him.

And then he'd pretened he did a lot more than he actually did.

Despite being a lier, he's still an amazing guy. Love his romance with that girl. The one and only miss.

Anyway, overall the live action is okay. Love the main cast members.

Until next chapter!
