
Life of a Novice Writer

For 365 days I will talk about random things I may or may not be able to tell people in real life. As a beginner in writing, I will tell stories about my life, while hoping to improve my writing skills. Can't guarantee it will be everyday due to the author's mentality.

V0VIE · Urban
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38 Chs

Day 26 "What wakes you up"

Tried to go back to sleep. Multiple times. Unfortunately, many things kept waking us up.

Someone entering the room with no notice. A sudden voice in the silence. And just recently someone woke us up.

Now the last one wouldn't be so irritating if they didn't ask the question, "Are you sleeping?" While making eye contact.

You woke me up. What do you think?

Anyway, now we're trying to just relax and maybe attempt to sleep again.

The thought of being interrupted again makes me pissed but let's not go there 'cause we just fucking woke up and feel shitty from it.


You know some people, when pissed, they don't want to hear the voice of the source of their irritation. We might be part of those 'some people'.

Let me relax and cool down. Don't remind me of why we're mad in the first place when it just happened recently.

Should we even try to fall asleep again?

Oh we remember this one time.

We were tired and fell asleep, then some foot touched my foot and woke me up. Was startled by it. Pissed definitely. But it was an accident. So we moved our feet a bit further. And managed to fall asleep again. And it happened again! And again!

At that point we were cursing in our head while thinking about how it's not a big deal.

'Yes we are tired but it's no fucking excuse to shout in the middle of the night. Yeah. Not right now. So calm—why the fuck do they look for feet to touch anyway? Okay just calm down. They were probably looking for something cool to touch. Which were my feet apparently! Due to their feet being hot we were startled by the sudden shift of temperatures and—okay calm. Wanna get out of bed? Yeah let's. Who fucking cares if they see us awake at midnight? We tried. And there's only so much we can take. Yeah let's relax.'


We rarely feel sleepy sooner during the night so we felt like we missed a chance to sleep earlier because of them feet.

Anyway, it's normal for feet to be like that.

We were just unfortunate it happened when we finally fell asleep earlier after nights of being an insomniac.

We sigh.

Anyway, we're going to watch some videos or read. Dunno.

All this talk about waking up and stuff is tiring. Maybe, it's also because we were woken up and asked if we were sleeping!


Isn't it something you would want to get mad about?

Someone woke you up. Then you're blinking your eyes to process what just happened and both of you make eye contact. And they ask you if you are sleeping.

Just saying. We're not a morning person.

Sure, there are days where we're happy and all and fluffy mornings.

But most mornings we're like, "Hm. Light. Should we go back to sleep or eat.....what time is it?"

Something like that.

Anyway, like we said, we're gonna relax by....dunno. We will figure it out. Maybe.

Until next chapter!
