
Laying Waste as Albedo

*currently on hold*

GrandSplix777 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
13 Chs

ODM Training

The trainee's woke up early thanks to the sound of a bell ringing loudly outside the barracks. Albedo had already prepared his uniform for today so it didn't take long before he left the barracks. Though today, if one paid attention, one would have seen him leave wearing a golden cross-like wheel with an eye with a white pupil in the shape of a five-pointed star in the centre, around his neck.

Though they would eventually see it when they saw him again; Mikasa was the first to notice this change though she didn't bring it up sensing that it was something dear to him judging by the way he was looking at it.


Albedo stared at the pendant in both nostalgia and slight confusion.

He knew very well what it was, the question he had was why was it in his system.

That was something that shouldn't have been possible.

Another thing that shouldn't have been possible was the change in his skin tone. At first, it wasn't noticeable, but as the years went on Albedo began to notice it more and more. His once-pale skin became slightly darker and he no longer looked like he was on the cusp of death.

He was wondering how this could have happened. What could have caused this? And then, it hit him.

It was his body. his body was a fusion of Albedo's Human appearance and Galvin's genetics and his genuine human half. The half that held the knowledge of fictional worlds.

Though one thing bothered him.

Why did that half of him slowly appear as he got older? Why did it result in his skin slowly getting darker? Genetically speaking, it didn't make sense. His skin colour should have already mixed.

Unless it was something about them becoming a new entity that had this effect.


As more trainees gathered they began to form rows, waiting for Keith to show up. And as if that was his summoning circle he appeared and brought them to the already set-up training grounds.

There were a few other examiners recording and monitoring the five groups that Keith had put the trainees into. The examiners were jotting and noting anything that they found important enough in their notepads.

When it was Albedo and Mikasa's turn they were able to balance practically perfectly due to all the training they'd previously done.

After Albedo was done he moved around observing how the Marleyan warriors were doing. Bertholt and Reiner were doing well though Anne was doing much better than both. Even though he didn't need to, Albedo commented on what they could do to improve their stability.

He was going to continue when he suddenly heard Keith shout. "What are you doing Eren Yeager?! Right yourself!"

With Keith's shout many of the trainee's attention was drawn to Eren. Some of them began to mock him while others either looked on with disdain or disgust.

As Eren began to fall in despair due to what that could mean, Albedo spoke up.

"Sir, I believe that Mr Yeager's equipment is faulty, sir."

"Faulty?!" One of the seniors angrily asked. "We check every single piece of the equipment that all of you're using. Just because your friend here is struggling doesn't mean you can blame it on the equipment!" Another senior said.

Albedo hearing this, looked over to the two. "Firstly he isn't my friend. And secondly, if I am wrong I'm willing to receive any punishment you give, even going back to the landfills." Many of the trainees either mentally or verbally questioned Albedo's actions. "Though if I'm right then I hope you can give out appropriate punishments for not doing thorough checks. The only reason I'm bringing this up is because of how dangerous it'll be for us in the field."

Keith couldn't argue with Albedo's reasoning. If he did then that would make him look bad. "Alright then. Eren Yeager, take off your equipment."

Once removed Keith pretended to look over Eren's equipment. He didn't need to actually look over it since it was him that had the faulty equipment given to Eren.

Signalling that Eren's gear was indeed faulty Keith gave a new one. And, without much surprise from Albedo, Eren was able to balance.

"It seems you were right trainee, what's your name?" Keith asked as he signalled for Eren to get down.

"It's Albedo sir." He said simply.

"Albedo?" Keith back to him with a puzzled look on his face. "Where are you from trainee?"

"Shiganshina district sir."

"Shiganshina eh...how did you know that the gear was faulty?" Keith asked, he was sure that no one could have linked him with the faulty gear. And yet, Albedo did.

"The noise sir. The noise that the equipment made as it was equipped and when Mr Yeager was using it." Albedo didn't lie. He truly did hear the equipment creak and shriek. Well, that and he knew about it.