
Laying Waste as Albedo

*currently on hold*

GrandSplix777 · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs

Lets get started

It's been a year and Albedo is walking with Mikasa around the Shiganshina district. He was wearing larger baggy clothes to hide the Omnitrix and a hat to hide his hair. They were on their way back to meet with Eren and Armin. While the two boys knew of Albedo they rarely interacted with him, not for a lack of trying, however, Albedo simply didn't see any reason to talk with them since he had better things to do and it would be easier for his plan.

He didn't know when exactly the Marleyans would arrive but from his memories, they would be breaching this year.

After meeting with the two Albedo shadowed behind them. Just out of sight so that they wouldn't notice him, well Eren and Armin didn't.

It took a bit of time but it wasn't long before a yellow bolt of lightning stuck outside the walls. The Colossal Titan peered over the wall before kicking down the entrance. Sending debris into people and building alike.

Albedo was taken aback since he didn't exactly or even roughly know when they would attack but quickly recovered as he followed behind the trio as everybody ran.

Albedo held back as he watched the plot play out. For his plan to work everything needed to go as it did in canon. He watched as they struggled to get Carla from under the destroyed house. Them seeing Carla being eaten while carried by Hannes to the evacuation boats.

Stowing on the boat along with Mikasa and Eren he waited as they were taken further inside Wall Maria. And just as expected not too long after, the Armoured Titan came running through the very same Wall Maria.

Albedo watched on with everyone else as Titans began to invade Wall Maria. As he heard the cries of fear and panic at the Titans slowly flooding in he left with Eren and Mikasa to the refugee camps in Wall Rose.

He waited and watched until Grisha appeared and found out about his wife's death before dragging Eren with him to a nearby forest.

Albedo didn't interfere with the course of events only appearing out of the bushes with a syringe in hand to extract Eren's blood.

A cruel smile appeared on his face as he stuck it in him. Drawing out Eren's blood and spinal fluid. "How interesting it will be to see your future face when your plans come crashing down."

After he had finished he placed the syringe into his inventory he left the woods. He didn't see a reason to bring Eren back with him; since it would be very strange for someone you barely know to find you out collapsed in the woods. Well, that and he wanted Eren dead.

And besides, he had much better things to do.


He spent the following year working and training. Whether that was on his Servants and aliens or on his physical body. And speaking of Servants, he had acquired a new one, Paul Bunyan. Not his first choice in Berserkers but it was better than some others. And besides, he had some strange affinity with her which he didn't mind.

Mikasa would join him during his exercise, well she would be with him whenever she didn't need or want to be near Eren. And that was often. And at first, he didn't mind but it started to become a problem when she became more clingy.

He had a few ideas of why but nothing he did seem to calm her down. He tried to think of whatever could have made her like this but nothing was coming to mind, nothing he was aware of that is. And it wasn't really harming him.


Another year had gone by like a snap of one's fingers.

And Albedo along with Mikasa, Eren and Armin had enrolled in the military. He wasn't truly paying attention to what was being said as he was looking around and planning the next steps to take during his time as a trainee. Which is why he was surprised when Keith Shadis walked past him. Sure he'd seen how terrible it was for those in the thick of it when the Titans broke through, but he wouldn't say that it was traumatic for him.

Was it because of his white hair? Almost everyone who had the chance was glancing at him.

Sure stress can bring about grey/white hair but it was still weird. Let alone the colour of his hair and red eyes. Though to be fair it would be weird to grill a trainee just for the colour of their eyes. Well in this world, since they don't have contact lenses.

Well, it wasn't like it mattered right now.

After being dismissed Albedo along with the rest of the boys, left for the male barracks.

Albedo didn't bother himself with others and simply went for a jog around the training grounds, unintentionally lapping Sasha in the process.

Eventually, he was joined by Mikasa after she heard about what he was doing. Though they did stop once everyone went to the dining hall. Well, everyone except Sasha.

As he ate, naturally others would want to approach him. Whether out of curiosity or out of a want to test the waters. Well first, they had to muster up the courage to approach him in the first place. His cold look and blood-red eyes made most shutter at just the thought.

He didn't try to assist Eren as he was swarmed by the other cadets who asked about the Titans. Not even Mikasa, who was sitting next to him, helped.

Since everyone was distracted by Eren's words about that day it wasn't that hard for him to palm away some bread and water.


As everyone left Mikasa followed behind Albedo as he walked towards where Sasha would collapse.

As they approached the collapsed girl she suddenly sprung forward at him. Mikasa, almost instinctually, had already moved towards Albedo but stopped herself when she saw what Sasha had leapt towards.

Sasha, upon taking the bread out of her mouth, came back to her senses as she realised that she was holding bread.

"It wasn't that hard to get this for you. But that's not what's important right now." Albedo said in a monotone voice as he knelt down and presented a wineskin. "You should drink a little water before eating since you've been running for so long. Just don't drink it all since you need to wash down the bread."

Sasha praised him for being a god before she began furiously devouring the bread; Albedo emotionlessly watched the creature in front of him eat as he heard footsteps coming from behind. He didn't bother looking behind him as it didn't matter to him as to who it was. Mikasa, well, if it wasn't a treat to him then she didn't care.

"Oh...I um, saved some water for Sasha...but um, I didn't expect you to help her Albedo." The girl known as Christa said.

"Oh? Did you think I was some kind of heartless monster?" He said; his tone expressing a mixture of hurtfulness and mocking while his face remained as expressionless as ever.

Christa was taken aback by his words and tried to retort. "N-no I didn't mean to...I just...I thought..." She began to trail off as her voice became quieter and as Ymir emerged from the darkness.

"What the hell are you guys doing?" Ymir asked as she witnessed Sasha "stealthily" take the food and water Christa was originally going to give her.

Looking towards the now food and waterless Christa she began speaking. "And why are you here? Can't you see that Mr. Death Stare is already here helping her?"

"Well, nice to meet you too sacrificial pawn number 9872. Shouldn't you be off getting yourself used by someone right about now?" Albedo retorted in his usual cold tone.

A vein appeared on Ymir's head as memories of her past came back. "Oh? And why exactly are you here huh?" She said anger clearly present in her voice. "Trying to do some kind of "good deed"? Why on Earth would a monster like you do just a thing? I bet it was for the sense of accomplishment right? Maybe the high-minded compensate for the trouble? Or maybe so you can demand gratitude from her later?"

Mikasa, naturally got angry, she was about to act but Albedo stopped her. Much to her annoyance and infuriation.

Albedo didn't respond for a few seconds. Looking up at her with his dead eyes before finally speaking. "Think whatever you want to think. After all..." He got up, quickly getting in front of her face. Pulling out a knife and pointing it at her throat. "Why would a wolf concern itself with the opinions of the sheep it's about to eat."

Ymir could feel the knife slowly inch further and further into her skin, threatening to pierce it and draw blood. "Now why don't you be a good little sheep and carry her back into your flock." Albedo said before retracting the blade and walking away with Mikasa following.

A little bit later as they were out of earshot, Albedo began to laugh. "Did you see the look on her face?" He heartily laughed as he walked, trying to breathe as much as he could between words. "Her expression was priceless." He ended with an exhale as he began to regain his composure before stopping and looking back towards Mikasa putting a hand to his chin in thought. "I think, maybe just maybe." A sly cruel smile formed on his face. "She believed me. Believed that little act. Even if it was for a second" He began to nod to himself in satisfaction.

While Albedo was enjoying his little "prank" on a measly human. Mikasa on the other hand, wasn't as happy. Her fists were trembling and had hidden more of her face in her scarf.

Thoughts some might consider to be intrusive or dangerous began to fill her head. Though before she could do or think much more, she was pulled into Albedo's embrace.

"Hey now." He said in a much sweeter and gentler tone. "Don't go acting like that on me." He began to pet her head gently stroking her hair. "What did I tell you when things like this happen?"

"That I could do whatever I wanted so long as nobody found out it was me." She said slightly quietly as she began to snuggle into his arms.

"While an understanding between two individuals is always possible, that doesn't that one of those individuals shouldn't know who's in command between them." He began to stoke her head as he spoke. "So do whatever your beautiful little heart tells you to do, okay?" He asked in a uncharistly carm and loving voice. Even his expression had turned warm.

Just as he was about to let go, Mikasa, as if anticipating it, tugged on his shirt and asked if it could last longer. Silently nodding, Albedo let her enjoy his embrace for a bit longer before eventually returning to the barracks.