
Laying Waste as Albedo

*currently on hold*

GrandSplix777 · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
13 Chs

Something frustrating

It was pouring down on them as they ran through a forest.

While many were tired none was nearly as tired as Armin.

"What's the problem Arlert?" Keith asked while riding on horseback. "You're the only one lagging behind!" He said sternly. Before Armin could respond Keith began barraging him with questions. "Is it too heavy for you little man?! Would you like to be the only one not carrying a pack huh?!" As he finished berating him he sped up his horse, leaving Armin behind.

As Armin forced himself along, becoming more fatigued by the second his pack was suddenly snatched from him by someone by the name of Reiner.

"Give me that Armin!" The young boy whispered, forcibly grabbing the pack. Trying not to alert Keith. "At this rate, you'll fail."

Armin looked at him with tired eyes. "B-but if you help me." He had to take a breath. "Then you'll fail too." He whispered back.

"Then make sure we don't get caught, okay?" Reiner angrily whispered. "At least until I change my mind."

Even though they didn't know it, Keith was well aware of what they were doing. However, did he do anything about it?


After all, he didn't say anything about them being unable to do something like this.

In fact, it was better for him if they did this. Made it all the easier to see their strengths and weaknesses.


At the camp, Keith separated the trainees into groups and got seniors to help instruct them in proper maintenance, aiming the wire, changing the canisters, etcetera etcetera.

Their seniors demonstrated how to equip the ODM gear before waiting for them to do the same.

Afterwards, their seniors told them they would compete for points by slicing at the weak points of Titans with other teams. They weren't told anything else though many of the smarter trainees understood that there was more to this than just a simple competition.

While some might argue that it was too soon for them to use the ODM gear.

Others disagreed saying that it was a much more practical way to see how they handled the gear and if any among them could pick it up quickly.

And turns out there were indeed some trainees who managed to quickly get a firm grip on the ODM gear. They included Albedo, Mikasa, Connie, Jean, Annie and a few others.

They were then told they were beginning the competition. When some of the trainees argued that they hadn't gotten used to the gear yet; the instructors simply said that they would get used to the gear by using it. Simple as.


The exercise itself wasn't all that difficult. It wasn't meant to be. For the instructors, it was meant to be a way to test their effectiveness. Nothing more nothing less. Albedo knew this so he didn't try. Well, those that were skilled enough didn't really try during the competition.

Albedo's goal for the competition wasn't to win, it was to train his manoeuvrability. To turn around on the spot, to avoid anyone or anything that might harm him.

Get as much practice as possible, that was the goal. Be as best as he could possibly be.

As he was manoeuvring around he was quickly passed by three people.

At first, he didn't mind. Though, when he got a closer look at them or more precisely, one of them. Something within him became enraged.

Annie Leonheart. One of the soldiers sent by the Marleyan empire.

He didn't know why he was getting angry, nor why he cared so much. But within a second he pivoted in the air, hooked onto a tree just in front of the group and blasted forwards them.

He wasn't concerned with how much gas he might waste with this irrational goal of his. He knew how much was in the tanks and with some very easy calculations he wouldn't have any issues.

He began to follow them a bit away, staying in their slipstream to save his energy. The moment he spotted a dummy titan he blasted forward, slipping in between Annie and her cohorts. Surprising them just enough to steal their kill.

Before they could properly respond he blasted off further into the treeline. Hooking onto a tree, letting himself fall to then hook into two trees before bursting to further his momentum. He needed to catch up, no matter what.

Hooking on a nearby tree he slingshot himself once more. he didn't have time for games. He spent enough time lollygagging as is. There was something about seeing Annie that spurred him on.

Even if it was antithetical to his plan.

He wasn't going to lose.