
Kingdom Of Elements - Birth Of Elements

So what do you think if nature it self started fighting back against you? You will probably be screwed over that for sure. INFO: The first few chapters move the story at slower rate and become faster as time go by.

Andrzejsaw · แฟนตาซี
11 Chs

Chapter 5 – Get out of my lawn.

"And that the last one."

The thing finished making its last servant, making the number of his current servants 8, two of each kind.

"The sun already set and it's night time." – the thing begin looking at the sky.

"…It's pretty, the night sky willed with stars. It's straight up beautiful."

The night sky was filled with coulters stars, making it look like the night itself was wearing fine dress.

(There is a single moon here, exactly like in my previous world. Honestly, I was expecting this world to have multiple moons or something, like in novels.)

(!) – a peace of the night got suddenly interrupted, moment the thing sensed something entering its territory.

(1, 2, 3….15?! I sense 15 beings approaching towards the center from same direction.)

The sound of rustling bushes could be heard afar. The servants immediately gathered around the sphere and prepare for battle. The sound coming from the forest begin closing in towards them. From the bushes a group of horned rabbits revealed them self.

(Horned rabbits huh? One of them looks completely different compare to the rest, is he a leader?)

The rabbit in question was twice as big compare to the rest, the creature claws, fangs and horn were much bigger as well.

(The random barrage of the attack was able to easily kill single horned rabbit, but will the same tactic work against that big fella?)

The rabbits begin slowly approaching.

(They want to fight by the look of things.) –"Stand down servants. I will fight them."

The thing summoned two massive water tentacles and multiple spell circlers with many colors.

"Come at me!"

The rabbits begin rushing towards the sphere.

"[Stone Shot] [Wind Shot] [Fire Shot] [Earth Shot]!" – From each spell circle a project size of human clenched fist was fired at the rabbits at random.

Unexpectedly for the thing, the rabbits were able to dodge incoming attacks.

(I knew it. Only small rabbits stayed behind while the big one stayed behind. That big guy is giving them orders. Let's see the difference in permeance of those rabbit now that they have commander.)

The thing begin once again shooting out the magic at the rabbit, but this time the attacks were aimed straight at enemy. Seven of the small horned rabbits were able to dodge the attack, but the other half got instantly killed.

(Is that all? I thought that their leader was more capable then that. Is it because is it less intelligent that I thought it would be or is it because of horned rabbit physical limit? Well it was still able to save half of its troops.)

The angry horned rabbit boss roared in anger at the sphere that killed it's underlings and begin rushing straight at it.

(The other rabbits begin charging straight at me as well, he is probably using them as distraction.)

(Aim magic circles at small flees and use tentacles at big one.)

The barrage of the attacks continue, the horned rabbits were coming from left and right while the boss was coming straight at the thing. Magic circle were nonstop at lackeys, eliminating them one by one.

(So this guy is faster as well huh? [Water Magic] -Tentacles.)

One of the tentacles extended itself and swung itself at giant rabbit. The creature dodged by going sideways. The second tentacles fallowed the first tentacle attack and did Horizontal swipe at the monster, trying to pincer it between tentacles. The rabbit dodge the attack by jumping over it, however it didn't noticed the first tentacle rising beneath it, striking the monster from beneath it. The monster ended up being send flying by the attack, the creature ended up landing on the ground while in pain.

(Oh? It survived that?....It's covering itself mana, it used it as some sort of shield by the look of things. It probably did that by instinct.)

"Are you done? Just so you know I already killed your lackeys, they quiet sucked at dodging while you don't give them actively commands."

The rabbit looked left and right only to see elements caring his lackeys corpses. After realizing the difference in strength as well as coming to the fact that it's now all alone, it immediately attempted to escape. The rabbit attempted to escape back to the forest in attempt to survive, but as soon as rabbit got near the bushes a stone pikes appeared beneath it, piercing it's body though multiple place and killing it in the process.

"This entire terrain is under my control, meaning it was impossible for you to escape in the first place." – said the thing while making spikes disappear.

(Let's extract their cores and horns so I can eat their body.)

"Oh right speaking of eating. The experiment I did with horned rabbit corpse worked. I'm receiving mana and EXP from it but at extremely slow rate. It took around 2 hours to consume half of the body, so eating entire body takes around 4 hours, I think."

(Well since experiment worked, I can now sacrifice monsters corpses to increase my growth.)

The thing summoned many water like hand that begin taking magic stones and horns from horned rabbits corpses.

"You all, gather near me."

The elements headed the command of its master and gathered near it.

(I and all of servants leveled up from this fights. The first four-pair of elements I first created are now level 3, while the newly created ones are now level 2. I'm myself is currently a level 4 right now.)

(Now here is a question, does elements can eat magic stone like me to increase their growth?)

"You there, new Newborn Fire. Eat it" – the thing used one of its water hands to bring magic stone closer to the element.

Element grabbed the stone and putted it inside of it. After a few seconds stone that could be seen though the element body disappeared.


[Newborn Fire]

[Level 3]

(It worked.) – "Each one of you, eat single magic stone."

The elements begin absorbing magic stone one by one.

(Four levels 4 and four level 3. I have 4 horned rabbit magic stones left and single big horned rabbit stone. I will use them myself.) – the thing begun devouring magic stones.

[You had leveled up. You had become level 8.]

(4 whole levels huh? I thought I would receive bit more since I eat the magic stone of that big guy. Maybe it's the same thing from the RPG games: The required amount of EXP to level up increases each time you level up.)

"My max MP increased from devouring the stones by 6 points. Eating single horned rabbit crystal gave me one while the big guy given me 2. Quality of the stone matters then, noted."

"By the way, how long are you going to hide there? I can literally sense you, you know?"

A group of slimes appeared!


(SLIME! THE MOST ICONIC ISEKAI CREATURE IN EXISTANCE. It has shape of the ball and have the core in the middle! Does it spit acid or does it tackle it's foe?!)

(Calm down you idiot!)

(This thing coming out means it's enemy! Let's deal with it)

([Fire Shot].) – the thing fired several flame projectiles at them slime, killing them instantly.

(…Wut? That's all? I even held back and all, but they still got one shotted by weak attack? Well slimes in games are beginner level mobs in the first place and they are usually weak to magic, so maybe that's a reason?)

(Well it's not like I'm disappointed or anything, since just seeing real life slime get me excited.)

(I wonder if there are any elves or beastman in this world as well? I really want to explore this world, but I'm literally stuck.)


(Honestly, I'm quiet worry. This is not a game, this is real life. For now I only encounter weaklings, but I don't know how long that will last, it's just matter of time before I encounter stronger species of monsters.)

(I not only need to make myself more power, but my servants as well. I need to reinforce my base as well, since I will be probably attacked in the future as well.)

(More thing are coming this way. Let's see, slimes again.)

The group of 30 slimes appeared.

"Servants, show them your power."

The elements begin using the same type of magic that the thing used against horned rabbits. Slime were obliviated by elements one by one.


(There is more enemies coming from the same direction as slime and two more from behind and right.)

(So that's how theses guys play. They are weak so they band together. There is probably leader type monster leading them, the same thing was with horned rabbits.)

(The elements already delt with half of the slimes and they will be able to delt with other half as well, but there is a problem. Their run out of MP and NE, I still have good amount of MP and NE, but don't know if that amount will be enough. NE(Natural Energy) can be naturally recovered thanks to the environment and we can use magic stones to recover mana, but both of those actions takes time to do.)

(The approaching groups of slime are about the same size as this group, so 120 slimes in total.)

The thing noticed something flying at high speed at the elements. It summoned giant rock from the ground to block the attack.

(It's acid and quiet strong at that.)

Among green slime creatures, there was a single lime colored slime that was twice as big compare to the regular slime.

(It's probably evolved species like big horned rabbit and by look of things only it is able to use acid. I need to deal with ASAP.)

(Nature Power – [Water Tentacles]!)

The thing summoned water that gather near single point and then combined to create single giant tentacle. The thing used the tentacle to slam the slimes in the middle while aiming at lime slime.


(None of them tried to dodge?)

(All of them died from that attack, I though they had something up to their sleave, but it turned out to be nothing?)

(Something is definitely wrong. Those horned rabbit were stupid, but they at least attempted to dodge. Their leader of horned rabbit was more intelligent that small one and knew how to dodge properly, but slimes didn't to do anything like that or try to defend themselves.)

(If level of intelligent of the slimes is that small, does that mean they don't have leader or is there a leader and only it have intelligent.)

"Tch. They don't give time to breathe, don't they?"

The second as well as third group of slime emerges from the forest and are ready to battle.