
Kingdom Of Elements - Birth Of Elements

So what do you think if nature it self started fighting back against you? You will probably be screwed over that for sure. INFO: The first few chapters move the story at slower rate and become faster as time go by.

Andrzejsaw · Fantasy
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11 Chs

Chapter 4 – Exploration.

I did some testing involving the newborn elements.

1. The difference in performance.

-Even though all of the servants have exactly same stats, they still have difference performances value. The wind elements is the fastest while the earth element is slowest, however the earth elements is toughest and takes less damage compare to the other elements while wind one takes most damage from attacks. That means the stats don't fully represent being performance.

2. The body of the elements and my.

-The body of the elements appears to be made out of the same elements that they represent, but in reality, that not the case. For example Newborn Water body only look like normal water but it's completely different thing. You honestly can't tell it apart if you are trying to look at it with naked eye, you need to see natural energy or mana in it, to be able to tell the difference. They don't posses core even though I was trying to create one, by look of things they entire body is something like pseudo core. I don't know how much of their body need to be destroyed to kill them or they can survive any injuries as long as they have HP?

-The body of the elements as well as mine can regenerate and recover. Elements have skill [Absorb Earth/Wind/Fire/Water] that allows them to consume element present on the field, be it either natural source like water or generated either by magic or natural energy. My body can do something similar, I can use any form of energy to repair my core, even though I don't have any skill saying I can do this.

3. Control and intelligent of elements.

-The elements creatures are literally brainless, they don't possess will of their own. They are able to carry out my commands, but I need to explain the whole process to them. I needed to exampling everything ranging from simple task like picking up and putting down, to attacking and dodging. I can to some extend control them manually as well. Maybe this is because they are like middles puppets or something else, they were able to instantly learn what I'm teaching them.

4.Magic and mana.

-I learned earth, wind and fire magical related skills the same way I did with [Water Magic]. Before I noticed I had already some knowledge about magic and how to use it. After reading the skills description I learned that the moment you learn [Water/Fire/Wind/Earth Magic] you will automatically receive basic knowledge about how to use magic related to the said element. I tried testing it and I came to the three conclusions: The information received were 100% accurate, no matter how you try you won't be able to forget the information from this skill, you need to learn and experiment to learn more spells as well as how to use magic more efficiently.

-After learning some spell I was able to teach Newborn Elements how use them as well. I tough them as well how to use natural energy as well. They were able to learn instantly those thing as well.

-You are able to combine natural energy and mana while using magic and it has fallowing effects: You are able to create new spells, you are able to mutate spells with natura energy( it change the nature of the spells for example it has more power or have completely new effect). You are able to use mana to support natural energy instead.

5. My personal abilities.

-I'm currently level 2/??. I managed to level up after creating the last element, training in magic as well as in natural energy and absorbing energy from my surroundings. Honestly speaking I don't know witch one was most influencing to my growth, but I learned something. I thought I needed to kill something like in the games to aquiver EXP to level up, but by look of thins there are other methods to level up. All of my stats increased by little bit when I leveled up and I received 1 "Stat Point", I can use it to incise one chosen my stats. I will keep that for now since I don't know which stat will be most useful.

-I'm gaining extremely small amount of mana over time as well. I think it's because of my environment.

-Even though I cannot move I'm literally quiet strong. I'm able to defend my self if time is needed but I don't think I will have to defend myself. I used elements to attack my self to check how much power is needed to damage me, well the results were quiet unexpected. None of the elements were able to damage me even when they used all their power at the same time. The only thing that managed to put scratch on me was my strongest magical attack enchanted with natural energy, I literally only took 29 damage from it when I have 1010. I tried using the same attack on the tree nearby to see how much damage that would do, the entire tree got destroyed in the process. I don't know if there are any beings in this forest able to damage me or something.

(Okay let's stop with this review and get to the work. I send my servants together as a team to scout the forest.)

(There are two reason why I send them, to scout areas around my terrain and to find what sort of beings lives here, are they hostile, do they possess any threats or will they attack anything on sight. I lack tons of information right now and that could lead quickly to my death by hand of some random monster or person.)

Sometimes passed.

(!) – the core and elements shared their point of view, the core was able to see what elements see. While using the shared vision it was able to see something white moving around in distance.

"Stop." – the thing given the command to his servants, the immediately stopped after hearing the command.

The creature in elements path appears to be a white bunny with bright red eyes, but with one mayor difference compare to the regular bunny, it had a good damn horn growing from its forehead.

(O! I know that thing! It often appeared in games and novels, horned rabbits. In games they are beginner level mobs.)

The rabbit thing noticed the presence of the elements and turned its head towards them.

(It's quiet cute when I look at it.)

The rabbit monster release roar like sound and begin approaching spirit at rapid rate.

(It's coming! Prepare for battle!)

The elements begin shooting their attack one by one at rabbit, it tried dodging the incoming attacks but was unsuccessful, all of the attack connected one by one until the creature collapses and die.

(That was quiet ease? It charged straight in, it tried to dodge a little, but it was quiet easy to predict where it would move to dodge attack. I didn't even need to take control or anything over the elements.)

(Return to the base and bring the body with you.)

The Newborn Water surrounded the corpse of the horned rabbit with water and made it float above. The elements returned back to their base together with rabbit corpse.

"Put the corpse in front of me and gather up."

The elements fallowed the command and did as the thing ordered. Corpse was released from water and putted in on the ground.

"Let's check some things." – the thing opened it's status as well as status of his servants.

"By look of thing both them and me received EXP. The elements are currently in "Party", meaning they are sharing exp and I'm receive a 5% of their received EXP since I'm their master. So killing other beings provide EXP as well, good to know that."

"Now let's move to the horned rabbits. Let's see…There is mana inside of it body, there is concertation of mana near it's cheast and on it's horn. Lets try removing horn first."

The thing summoned the water and used it remove entire horn from corpse.

"Hmm…it's quiet sharp and sturdy. If element would get pierced by it, they would instantly die, if the rabbit monster was bit smarted it would be able to kill one or two elements." – said the thing while inspecting the horn.

"I can probably use it as a weapon. I can use wind to make it fly like a bullet. Keeping it."

"Now let's see what is the second source." – the thing made water took shape of the hand with claw finger and used it to pierce corpse cheast.

"! Oh, I think I got it?" – the hand pulled out from the corpse while holding a small rock like object.

(This is source of mana? It sort of rock that shines with different colors. If I rember correctly in isekai novels there was resource called magic stones that you get from monsters. I wonder if that's the thing here?)

"Now let's try eating the rabbit corpse." – the thing begin surrounding the corpse of the rabbit with elements, making a sphere around it.

(I was trying conducting some experiment on the water some time ago. I'm able to create real water with natural energy, but does it work other way around as well? I tried multiple methods and was able to discover something, it is possible to devour something and turn into pure energy. I was able to sacrifice water to generate energy and then used that exact amount of energy to create water, the results were that I was able to sacrifice 100% and refund it for the same amount of energy that I gained{ gained x energy for y water, used x energy to create y water}.)

(The time needed to sacrifice something depends on the amount and material. I tried with water, rocks and grass, but I never tried with flesh and blood.)


"I don't know if it's that slow or is not working. Welp, I need to wait to see results. Now let's move the magic stone, unlike horn I don't I can use it as weapon or anything. I should just absorb it, since I don't see any alternative use as of right now.

The thing covered the gem like rock with elements the same way it did with rabbit.

(?) – the mana gem was instantly absorbed in near seconds after the process begin.

"It was quiet quick, even faster when I was absorbing cup sized amount of water. [Status]."

The thing begin looking at it status to see if there are any changes.

(I recovered some of mana and it got increased by 1 points? I received some EXP as well? So devouring those gems can be used for my growth. Well that useful.)

The thing looked towards the sky to see sun.

(The sun will soon set and night will rise. I confirmed that there are creatures living here beside me and that they attack anything near them. There is possibility why I didn't saw many monster because they are only come out during night time or something. Better play it safe for now and don't send servants out until morning comes backs.)

"But that doesn't I should just do nothing in meantime do I? I had recovered mana and natural energy to make another four new servants, so let's get to the work."