
Kingdom Of Elements - Birth Of Elements

So what do you think if nature it self started fighting back against you? You will probably be screwed over that for sure. INFO: The first few chapters move the story at slower rate and become faster as time go by.

Andrzejsaw · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
11 Chs

Chapter 6 – Defense.

The group of slime from two different direction begin approaching the sphere and the elements.

(Each group consist of 26 normal slimes and 4 lime slimes that are able to spit acid. The green slimes can be easily dealt with, but the problematic lime slime can one shot my elements with their acid.)

(There is one more group coming here and I sense quiet powerful mana coming from them.)

(Elements are out of juice as well and need time to recover. I need to kill both of these groups before last one show up, I don't care how much power I use right now!)

Earth energy creates pebbles while wind energy lift them. The wind began spinning around creating tornado while pebbles changes shape.

"[Pebble Gatling]!"

The top of two tornados lifted them self, aiming at them self at the slime.

The pebbles begin flying out from tornados at high speed like a bullets, piecing and making holes in slimes bodies. The pebbles begin killing slimes one by one, some of acid slimes tried to use acid to counter attack, but their attempts was futile in the end.

The thing stopped its attack to let the dust settle down. After the dust settle down, a corpses of the slimes were now visible to the naked eye.

(This uses quiet tons of wind and earth energy, but it has quiet power. The tree behind the slimes were completely destroyed as well.)

(Honestly, I didn't though that combining elements would work out, but guess I was dumb idiot.)

The thing begin looking towards the direction where last wave of enemy is coming from.

(Around 2 minutes before these bastards show themselves huh? Damn, elements didn't recover at enough to return to the fight. Guess I will have to fight alone.)

The thing summoned many thin tentacles made out of water and then launched them at slimes corpses. It begin retracting the tentacles one by one, while caring slimes cores.

(There is similar magic reaction as horned rabbit magic stones. Is it the same thing? Let's eat it.)

The thing changed the tentacle form into sphere of water and putted the gem like object into it.

(So the slime cores are like magical stones. I can absorb them like quicker that magic stones, but they give way less EXP and MP, the max MP increase is 0.5 as well.)

(No time to be picky.) – "Eat them up, as quickly as possible." – the thing begined throwing slimes core the elements while eating half of them at same time.

1 minute and 30 seconds before last wave slimes appear.

[Your max amount of MP had increased.

1 minute before last wave slimes appear.

(It takes 3 seconds to eat single core.)

30 seconds before last wave slimes appear.

"Eat them faster!"

10 seconds before last wave slimes appear.

(Shit! We won't manage to eat all the slime cores in time.)

0 seconds before last wave slimes appear.

(…That doesn't look good.)

The group of acid spewing lime colored slimes appeared, led by big lime slime with core shaped like human skull.

(All of these bastards are those acid types slimes and the big one have the same color as them, so it's probably means that he is acid slime as well.)

(We didn't managed to devour all the slimes cores, but elements are now are able to fight again and I managed to recover a bit of my mana as well.)

(The question is, is that enough to beat them? I already know that lime colored slimes spit acid, but what's is the deal with the skull shaped slime? If you look at it you can tell that's is not real human skull and considering the mana coming from it, it's probably creature core.)

(Since it's probably evolved version of the lime slime, I should expect it to be stronger compare to the normal one.)

The slime begin the battle by shooting volley of acid at their foes. The thing summoned multiple rocks to block the attacks of the slime.

(Rocks can't handle that amount of acid, they are beginning to melt down.)

The moment rocks crumble down, the elements begin shooting barrage of the attack at the slimes. The slime in the respond begin shooting acid once again to counter. The attack from both side ended up colliding and canceling each other out.

(We managed to level up a lot thanks to the slimes and their cores. I'm currently level 13 while all newborn elements are level 10. However there is problem.

[Newborn Water]

[Level 10/10]

(The questions marks changed to 10 and elements stopped leveling up. So this thing was really level limit. Leveling up restored 5% of your max HP, MP and other, but now elements can't level up and can't use that recover bit faster.)

(Elements are bit stronger now that they are level 10, but not strong enough to hold them for the long.)

"[Fire Rupture]."

The fire energy begin gather unearth slime. Second later the ground would turn red and then open up beneath the slime. From the cracks the ground begined breathing fire directly at the slimes, burning them alive.

(They didn't tried to dodge that as well and 8 slimes got instantly killed by this. I though they would dodge since the leader would command them.)

(Wait. Where is the skull slime?!)

The thing with its 360-degree vision noticed the skull slime flying above the rest of the skulls. The two magic circles as big as the slime appeared besides it.

(This thing know how to use magic?!)

The slime spited out huge amount of acid at sphere and shotted out two massive lances made out of the water as well.)


A swarm of little fires that emits buzzing sounds begin to appear at quick rate all around the sphere, the lights begin flying at high speed straight at the enemy attack in attempt to destroy it.)

The buzzing flames and slime attacks begin colliding with each other, creating huge amount of vapor in the process. The vapor was filled with magic, making the sphere unable to see and sense what's going on. A acid spit that slime used emerges from the vaper.

(Can't block it in time!) – "Elements get away from me!"

The acid hit the sphere directly and the slimes fall on the ground.

(It hurts like hell! I tried coping the thing that horned rabbit did with using mana as armor, but It still hurts like hell!)

(Water clean me up!)

The thing commanded the water to remove acid from it.

(The direct hit took 5% of my hp and would constantly take 1% every second. The ground around me got completely destroyed because splash of acid. This level of acid would instantly melt human body, I'm kind of glad that I'm not human anymore.)

(The elements can hold the slimes for few more minutes, if I don't manage to deal with that guy in time, the other slimes will end up supporting him. I can't drag this on.)

The four element begin to gather near the sphere.

"Please die and f*ck off!"

A massive amount fire and water-based projectiles begined flying at direction of the slime. The slime dodged all of the incoming attack by going sideways.

(Bastard is quiet fast. Then how about that!)

The thing used water to form multiple whip like tentacles and used them against the slime. The slime in the respond used magic to create a wall of water to block the incoming attacks. As soon as the wall of water disappeared, the slime instantly launched the same attack as before, but this time 4 water lances were made.

(Focus on blocking the acid. It's most dangerous.)

The thing summoned thick wall of rocks and dirt to block the incoming attacks. The shield blocked the acid, but it wasn't enough to hold all the attacks. Two of the water lances managed to pierce though the defense, one of them went off course while the other one grazed the surface of the sphere.

(I took some damage, but it's manageable.)

(I can no longer use water and fire natures, I have only small amount of wind and earth energy left.)

The wall of the dirt and rocks crumbles, reviling the slime preparing multiple spell circles at the same time.

(Considering the sized of those circles, I can probably guess that they all are those water lances spells. This bastard probably realized that I'm running out of the juice, so he is trying to finish me now.)

(Well it's not wrong. I can't block all of these attacks and the moment I won't be able to defend my self any longer, it could use acid to slowly kill me with ease.)

(The plan is nice and all, but he is forgetting something.)

"!" – the skull slime suddenly got attacked from its right side by multiple elemental attacks. Disturbing the monster concertation and forcing the spells circles to disappear in the process.

"[Pebble Gatling]!"

A massive amount of pebbles begin flying straight at the slime. The creature was not given enough time to dodge and was put under the constant pressure of pebble attack. The skull slime was completely unable to move because of nonstop attack and was forced to received full might of it. The size of the slime begin to constantly shrinking because the part of it's body was getting constantly blowed away, until there was nothing left to protect the core of the creature.

"Bye, bye f*cker."

The thing gathered the wind energy and give it the shape of the blade, it used it to cut the creature core in half, killing it in the process.

(God f*cking dammed. I'm literally out of everything and I feel like I'm about to puke out my insides out.)

Let me explain the situation.

The thing used massive amount of projectiles of fire and water not to hit the skull slime, but to hit the slimes behind him. All of the slimes were killed by that attack and allowed elements move around freely. The thing then order the elements to move into specific position without skull slime noticing them and waiting for the right moment. The sphere given order to attack the moment slime entire attention was focused on the sphere. The thing was preparing the [Pebble Gatling] behind it's body so the slime wouldn't notice it and as soon as slime became defenseless, he unless his full wrath.

[You had become level 14]

(The nice refreshing feeling of the leveling up will never gets old.)

(I fuking won you bastards.)

The subjugation of 120 slimes – COMPLETED.