
Killer instincts. An innocence lost

A girl brainwashed to be a serial killer as a child by her dad a former serial killer turned hypnotherapist. He has been dead for years but she is still trapped inside her body with a monster he affectionately fostered inside her. Now she is struggling to keep the dual life under wraps while she stays with her husband who the is head of the crime unit. This guy doesn't know that he is married to the monster he is charged to hunt. Will she be able to kill the monster? or will the monster kill her husband? Will he be able to accept her if he ever finds out what she is?

Ghaadha · สมัยใหม่
46 Chs

This day just got better and better

I finally got bored of the possibility of Dimbo trying to kidnap me and went out for fresh air. I took the path less taken and found myself witnessing an attempted murder. I heard a man accusing his wife of being a slut. The guy was talking about what a man he was and that she should not be involved with other people. He pulled out a gun and immediately I pulled mine.

"NYPD FREEZE! DROP YOUR WEAPON AND GET ON YOUR KNEES. I SAID..." I didn't managed to finish the sentence when he fired a few rounds and bolted. The woman ran to me. I gave her a hug and called it in.

I heard sirens a little too early and she muttered, "He is a cop" I brushed her off, "He is off the force for doing that in front of another cop. I will have him suspended or evicted. Don't worry. Let's get you out of here before he arrives to finish you off." She wiped the tears off her face and walked back to her car.

Cheeky arrived looking flushed. She gave me a smile and escorted the woman to the precinct. The chief called to confirm. After a few minutes of listening and confirming the voiced switched to someone from the most annoying department in the police department. The internal affairs officer Jacobs. I certainly think this is nonsense. But formalities is what makes us different from animals. She kept interrupting and it felt like a nail on a chalkboard. I grit my teeth as Jacob kept pestering me about how I could have made a mistake. I remembered that I wore bugged glasses so I asked the chief what he (Jacobs) would say if I sent the chief a video of the incident. The captain immediately responded that it would seriously help. Jacobs kept trying to defend the idiot and I asked him if he was friends with the guy or if he owed him something since he was behaving weird. This prompted the chief to ask for a different officer Baxter. Jacobs whined like a kid but after the chief proposed his possible suspension he had to bow out. I was smiling with satisfaction as I heard the chief yell at Jacobs for trying to defend a crooked cop. I send the video and the chief fired the wife beater. I got a call from a grateful woman shortly afterwards explaining that she got a restraining order.

I hung up and walked to grab a snack when I got a call from Jacobs. I pressed record to have this conversation for future reference. He had a few choice words to say after which he hung up. I sat down to have a glass of orange soda and a bowl of popcorn. I flipped the channels till I found one that I liked a lot. It was a documentary about sharks. The narrator was explaining about the different type of sharks and started to describe their teeth. The teeth of a tiger shark's jaw is calcified and fixed in the middle so it shakes it's head to crack open and eat it's prey the turtle. Their teeth were described as a can openers. Meanwhile a bull shark's jaw is only made of cartilage so it has more mobility. Their teeth were described as a buzzsaw. I wasn't surprised when they said that the great white shark's jaw served a dual purpose. The lower half held the prey in place like a fork while the upper jaw worked like a knife to rip the flesh. Their jaws were compared to a guillotine. Even a juvenile can and have actually chomp off a human leg.

I have seen it happen many times with Adam or Gus. We would watch our victims getting devoured. I turned to see DD staring in horror as a tiger shark ate a woman's arm. The actual woman appeared to explain how she felt as she was rescued. She was wearing a prosthetic arm as proof that the shark managed to get most of her. It had left maybe a few inches of her arm still attached to her shoulder. Cheryl winced as they replayed the scene in slow motion. I saw the horrified faces of my family so I was forced to change channels so they won't be traumatized.

Cheryl asked me why I watch these things. I replied that there are some days my father would get drunk and severely beat mom up. As I would patch her up I would wish he would get eaten by these things.

She stared at me sadly as I recalled the day dad belted mom till she passed out cold. Henry grounded his teeth and DD took my hand and reminded me that I saved her life. I remembered walking in after class and saw that mom was on the floor passed out. I tried to wake her up and he kicked me in the stomach to say get out of the way. He held a kitchen knife at me and asked me to Ieave the room. I walked out trying to figure out what to do when I heard the groaning of an old car about to stop functioning and knew that that one of my neighbors was the answer to my problem. I ran to our neighbor's house and kept banging till old man Carl opened the door. He and his friend wanted to know if an intruder had barged in but when I said that my dad had beaten mom till she was unconscious they ran into arrest dad. Old man Carl's wife called an ambulance. He stayed in jail for a day and he was out and about again. He came to see me and mom. I slammed the door on his face as I told him to never show me his face ever again. He was staying at a motel when I got the call from the police that he was killed. His car had some kind of a malfunction. He swerved off road. The car somehow ignited and he died in a ball of flames. It was the best news I had ever heard in years. To which DD retorted that he had wished dad had died under an eighteen wheeler or under a bus. My wish was he had hit by a freight train. Cheryl said that DD and I were being kind. She had a completely different idea. He should have walked towards the elevator. The doors open to let him in. He walks and realizeds too late that there is no elevator. He should have fallen face first. The others started laughing as they imagined him scream. The others pitched their ideas about how they would attack dad had it been them.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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