
Killer instincts. An innocence lost

A girl brainwashed to be a serial killer as a child by her dad a former serial killer turned hypnotherapist. He has been dead for years but she is still trapped inside her body with a monster he affectionately fostered inside her. Now she is struggling to keep the dual life under wraps while she stays with her husband who the is head of the crime unit. This guy doesn't know that he is married to the monster he is charged to hunt. Will she be able to kill the monster? or will the monster kill her husband? Will he be able to accept her if he ever finds out what she is?

Ghaadha · Urban
Not enough ratings
46 Chs

I said no! Then suffer the consequences

I walked into see Dimka having dinner and I asked him why he even kept DD. He could have saved him and be a hero. Dimka refused to answer me. I stared at him for a few minutes. I picked up my drink and left to watch TV. When I reached the door Dimka asked me, "Would you reconsider marrying me." I turned around and replied, "You were never faithful to me. I have the shards of my heart still on the mend. So the answer is no." He gave me a look, "I wanted to divorce you but that day when I saw the blood pool my world became clear. It is incomplete without you. So I am asking you again." I shook my head and I answered him,"I choose HER" He gave me a testy look and asked me to think about it. I said, "No". He gave me a menacing look, "Then suffer the consequences." I felt a chill go down my spine as I walked out the door. Dimka is not known to make threats. I sat down to watch TV but it filled with everything that bores me so I switched to Netflix. I got up and got a refill for my drink and sat down to watch a series. I guess I must have had a rough day at work since I fell asleep.

I woke up feeling disoriented to see that I was sitting on the pavement. How did I get here? What is going on? Someone please talk to me. First it was silence then the scream was deafening. There was pandemonium all around me. I saw people were running left, right and center. I noticed that some didn't have hands. Others didn't have legs. Some had their heads twist the other way around. Others had their heads facing backwards too. Their heads were shoved and bent backwards till their chins were pointing upwards. Their faces were distorted with excruciating pain. The buildings were on fire and and it rained lava. The ground began to shake and cracks began to form. As the cracks got bigger I saw lava waiting for an unsuspecting victim and a few fell face first. I watched in terror as they tremor in pain. I had enough so I ran as fast as my legs would let me. I saw people sitting on the steps. They wore masks that looks like someone tried to imitate a bird's head and failed miserably. It was made of leather and there were huge goggles where the eyes are supposed to be so the person can see. One of them lifted the mask and I saw a face that was most certainly doused heavily with acid. His face had melted and one of his eyelids was sealed shut. He had angry blisters all over his face. He opened his mouth and blood gushed out of it. The others dragged him down the stairs and tossed him in the back of a trunk.

I ran till I was as far away from them as possible. I sat next to a woman reading the newspaper. She turned to towards me and bits of her face fell off like pieces of a jigsaw puzzle till a portion of her skull was exposed. I can see her teeth and mandibles. The next to fall was her wig. She reached out to touch me but I got up and quietly walked towards the only car with the door left wide open. I sat and closed the door. I had lifted the dashboard to find the key when I heard the car say "Intruder Alert" on repeat and it started the engine all by itself. The car drove itself till it reached a bridge. It sped up till the car flew off the bridge. I had no choice but to break the window. I was soon surrounded by sharks. I felt something brush against my feet. It was eels. I felt my legs become numb. They swam around me but didn't come near me. They moved aside and a black tentacle came out of the depth. It started to speed up trying to reach me. I had no choice but to swim as fast as possible till I got back to shore. A deadly scream came from the clouds and the glass windows began to shatter. It rained shards of glass. I was cut here and there. I ran as fast as I could protecting my head from potential damage till my leg was caught on quicksand. I sank till it reached my hips. I pulled out my belt. I latched it to the nearest pole and pulled myself out before the rain of shards cut it into pieces. I was tired but still I dragged my legs. I saw a storm drain and felt that it was the safest place for me. I heard metal groaning and saw that buildings were collapsing. I ran as fast as I could to reach the huge pipe. The ground shook violently. Grayish vines popped out started to wrap themselves around me. There were those that got caught and it began to squeeze them as the vines were like a python. One caught my leg but I managed to pick up a shard and slice it off. The vine screamed in pain and I managed to run till I got into the tunnel. The inside was pitch black but that didn't stop me from running. I knew that I will see light at the end of the tunnel soon. Suddenly my bedroom materialized at the end of the tunnel. I managed to scream and ran to the bathroom. I locked the door and stayed there quietly. A headless girl kept me company. She wore a victorian era dress and was cradling only a doll's head. It had curly hair and both it's eyes were shut. Sometime had passed before she turned to dust and scattered into the wind. I finally had the courage to get up. Even then I felt that there was another surprise waiting for me.

I walked out the bathroom to see a room full of concerned people. DD gave me a hug as did Cheryl. Henry got me a glass of water and I spat it out since it tasted like blood. I stared at the mirror. Even SHE was very confused. SHE stared at me equally horrified. I pressed my hand in the mirror and SHE placed HER hand on mine and we switched places. I walked towards the broken down barn and watched it turn into a fabulous little cottage. The gray clouds recede till the blue sky was prominent and with a few puffy clouds dotting the sky. There was a rainbow not far away. The cracked cement was turned into dirt and plants popped out and a few bricks came out with a small iron gate. I closed the door as SHE walked out feeling violated. It felt like SHE took the storm with HER.

I pulled my hand out of the mirror and stormed out to have a look at security footage for answers. It turns out the hulk had bust out of his confines. On his way out for fresh oxygen he decided to punish me. He personally ensured that by mixing a few pills into my drink. Some kind of hallucinogens I suppose. I was so pissed that he had the nerve to dose me. I kicked the nearby stool. Pain shot out as I stubbed my toe. I took a few deep breaths as I calmly walked out to see the others were watching the video along with me. They were equally angry. Henry ordered the others to find him. I asked to join them but they refused. I was told to stay in my room to recover. Cheryl took my hand and drag me back to my room. DD was on the phone. I am sure Dimbo would have found a way to disappear. He can surprise people even me. I am starting to like that creep. Sincerely started to like the idea of hurting him. The urge was overwhelming till I walked out to see a skeleton with a hatchet. I shook my head and walked forward. The skeleton turned to smoke as I went through it. I walked into see a spider the size of a dinner plate. Cheryl saw it too and shrieked. Henry came and it he shot it down. Cheryl and I were escorted to the living room while an the team searched to see if there were more of them. Once their sweep was over I was asked to go and sleep it off. DD called the precinct to explain that I had the flu.