
Killer instincts. An innocence lost

A girl brainwashed to be a serial killer as a child by her dad a former serial killer turned hypnotherapist. He has been dead for years but she is still trapped inside her body with a monster he affectionately fostered inside her. Now she is struggling to keep the dual life under wraps while she stays with her husband who the is head of the crime unit. This guy doesn't know that he is married to the monster he is charged to hunt. Will she be able to kill the monster? or will the monster kill her husband? Will he be able to accept her if he ever finds out what she is?

Ghaadha · Urban
Not enough ratings
46 Chs

I should have known

I got up to see the ward by my side. DD walked in and asked me if I was ok. I grunted to say that I was in the mood to kick someone's ass. DD chuckled as Mrs. Marks brought me my breakfast. I stared at my plate and wondered what this day was going to hold. I know that Dimbo being out there was a problem but if I do anything Soft Serve will beat my ass down. She has a mental iron maiden ready to imprison me in case I kill him. She locked me there a few times because I had attacked him. What shocked me was that Henry explain to DD that I had spoken to Dimbo. Apparently SHE chose me when he kept proposing to her. I am flattered but if it were me. I would have talked about how wonderful DD is and what a mistake Dimbo was. But I am guess choosing me over Dimbo has a greater pain. Partially since his obsession is my fault. In an act of stupidity I mentioned that I was still here because of him. He seemed to think that I can be removed from my own body. I intend to clarify this to him when I meet him. I intend to scar him so he won't think of any ideas about imprisoning me.

I was told to stay at home till they found him. I took a shower and decided that it would do me good if I left for my mother's place. She is thinking of selling the house. I convinced her not to. I took the house from her and got her a nice property. She was now dating a restaurant owner. She seems happier than she had been in years. I would say she looked younger too. She would be happy if I came with flowers. So I got her a bouquet of white roses.

I got in the car to see Dimbo in the backseat. I couldn't make a sound. He grabbed me and I fought back. He pressed a fabric on my face. I kicked and clawed he redoubled his efforts till it was lights out. I felt my body loosen up and slack.

I jumped out of bed. DD came running and so did everyone else. I looked everywhere and finally took a sigh of relief. The ward hugged me and so DD. The housekeeper came with a cup of tea. I wanted some air so I went out to see an envelope. I opened it to see that it was a picture of me and Henry having lunch. He had a ring and I was smiling. I remembered that this was the day that Henry told me he had feeling for his wife. DD remember seeing this picture and he asked me about it. Instead of giving him an explanation I introduced him to Henry's new wife. DD stared amazed for a moment before he laughed happily. He wished them both a happy life. He put two and two together the moment Henry held her hand. Henry went on to confessed that he has been wanting to marry her for the past ten years. He needed the push that I gave him at that lunch. DD asked him what I had said. Henry said that his wife prefers people who can honestly say how they feel. I had adviced him to open his mouth and just say it. This made DD and the ward to laugh.

I walked out of the shower when the phone started to buzz. It was an anonymous caller but out of curiosity I answered it. Dimbo spoke softly. He made it clear that he is watching me. He waiting for the right moment to claim me. He said that he is happy that I had defeated Jacobs. He is planning to get me back. He is sorry that he killed Gus since he was someone that protected me when he Dimbo had failed. He wanted to know how he can get on the good side of the other me. He hoped inducing hallucinations will help him win me over but it got him into a lot of trouble. He said he sent me a present. He hopes that both of us would like it. I reminded that had he been caught cheating we would still be married. This floored him for a moment. He asked if SHE had feelings for him. I wanted to gag as I said that any feeling she had was killed that day she saw him walk out of that motel with that bimbo. Her bruised heart was healed by DD. The mention of that name made him start swearing in Russian. I asked him to speak in English. I am not an expert in linguistics like soft serve. Instead of playing translator he hung up on me. The nerve.

The next day I heard the doorbell. I opened the door to see an envelope on the floor. It was a ticket to the Opera. I hate Opera and so does the other me. I wanted to rip it to pieces. With the first tear I saw a small opening with a note inside. The note says to go the flat irons at noon. I was told to come alone. The writer had a messy handwriting. I stayed at home instead. I got a phone call asking if I got the flowers he sent. I told him that I received no flowers. Dimbo said he saw Henry collect it a few hours ago. I said I was in the shower so I didn't know.

I came downstairs and asked if anything came by mail. I was told that nothing arrived. I told them what was going on. Henry said that he wants to clone my phone so he can trace what's his name. I gave him the phone and walked off to have breakfast. DD was reading the paper which annoys me but I kept quiet about it. I kissed the side of his head and sat to eat an egg sandwich. The sandwich tasted like someone had poured sand into it. I spat it out and looked around. I was sitting with skeletons. The pottery started drip as though it was made of wax. Soon the table and chairs started to to melt. The place caught fire and I had to run.

I heard a distinct clown laugh and the place changed into a tent. I was once again on the wheel and people were throwing knives at me. The knives missed me by inches. I was then on the ceiling watching a contortionist walk around on her hands and feet with her head between her legs. I heard the clown laugh again. I fell into a tank filled with piranha. The tank turned red. I heard a flushing sound. The water gurgleas it turned into a vortex. I spun round and round before I was sucked in. I was in a water slide. Soon I fell into a dumpster.