
Kera’s Life, Struggles

MissTasha · แฟนตาซี
24 Chs

Chapter 2

Now wide awake I started getting dress for the day. I thought I was adamant about not going back home, but the thought of spending the holidays without my parents felt empty.

I went to wake up Jimmy, "Hey bud, it's time to get up and get ready for school."

I love seeing his morning smile. He looks so much like his daddy with his jet black hair and big bright green eyes. The only thing he inherited from me was my fair complexion. Kane was indeed dreamy. From time to time I do think of him. He had the most beautiful caramel skin color, the perfect smile, and bright green eyes. Finally coming to, I reminded myself of the betrayal I felt and snapped back to reality.

"Mommy! It's shoo in tell! I wanna take my ye-ow car!"

Right when Jimmy turned 3, I enrolled him into a private preschool. I was hesitant at first, but realized it was the best decision. He's very social and talks as clear as a toddler can.

I was curious how Jimmy would react about going to Nebraska, "Baby, would you like to go to grandma and papa's house?"

Jimmy was overjoyed, "Do we go to the big airplane!"

This kid knows how to brighten up my day. "Alright kid, mommy has a lot to think about."

We left our condo right on time. Jimmy was ready to go, he made sure to take his yellow car. I walked him to his classroom and took off to work.

It was going to be a long day at work, not only do I have to work my daily routine, I overheard members from the board were coming to visit as well.

All of a sudden I heard a familiar voice, breaking my train of thought, I looked up, "Mr. Finn!"

"Miss Kera, it's been awhile!"

Mr. Finn was a handsome fella. He would have to be in his mid thirties, early forties. He always kept his hair tied up, long beard that i was sure he was straightening it, and always worn a fitted suit. As far as I knew he was single, but than again, he always kept his personal life to himself.

After some small talk Mr. Finn asked, "Have you ever considered going back to Nebraska? There's a open position to run your own department and I think you'd fit in perfect. I believe you now have the qualifications with the experience you've gained through the years. If you decide on it, I can give you 3 months to settle in, with the exception you'll work remotely to keep everything at flow."

I was a bit speechless, "That's a huge decision to consider, can I give you an answer before you leave back to Nebraska?"

"Of course, I understand it's a huge decision to make! How about we catch up some more, let's say for dinner?"

I was a bit surprised, is Mr. Finn hitting on me? "Mr. Finn, as much as I would like to go, I have my son."

Casually Mr. Finn spoke, "Bring the little guy! He's what, 3…4 now?"

"Jimmy's 3, almost 4. I can't stay out to late with my little guy, but sure, let's do something small," I replied.

After agreeing to have dinner, we met up by the car I've been using. I took him with me to pickup Jimmy. Normally my son would be happy and talkative, but to my surprise, he was just staring at Mr. Finn, frowning. To my surprised I glanced at the rear view mirror and swore I seen Jimmy eyes turn black. I'm sure it was just my imagination, because when I blinked I saw nothing, only his bright green eyes.

Mr. Finn was trying to be warm towards Jimmy, but he wasn't budging, " Hey buddy, what do you like eating?"

I glanced at Mr. Finn and Jimmy, "He's normally talkative, but then again it's only Jimmy and I. He may not be use to having company."

Being understanding, Mr. Finn picked out a hamburger joint after I gave him a list of a few things Jimmy would eat. I've never been to this restaurant, but it had good reviews. I was enjoying dinner and Mr. Finn company, but just my luck, Jimmy accidentally knocked his milkshake all over himself.

"Oh goodness, do you mind if we stop by my place, I need to clean him up?"

Luckily I live only 15 minutes away. We pulled into the garage, I invited Mr. Finn in, handed him my tv control and let him know it was going to be a few minutes to get Jimmy cleaned up. After his bath, poor little guy must of been tired, he crawled himself to bed. I looked at the time and it was 8pm.

I went into the living room and let Mr. Finn know Jimmy has fallen asleep, and if he could wait a little bit until his hair dried. Of course Mr. Finn was understanding, I went towards the kitchen and offered him a drink.

"Thirsty? I have water, soda, or beer."

Mr. Finn looked at me surprised, "Beer? I never thought of you as someone who enjoyed beer."

"Why is that, cause I'm a mom?" I replied jokingly.

"I'll take a beer, and please, call be Bryce. You do know my first name?"

Thinking about it, I never knew his first name. When I looked up, I realized Mr. Finn was dangerously close to me. I shook my head slowly, signifying no.

He chucked, "Bryson, is my first name, people close to me call me Bryce."

Not knowing how to handle his lustful eyes, I looked away, nodded in agreement, "Okay, Bryce it is." Before I knew it, Bryce gently took his hand and brushed the loose hair away from my face.

"Bryce, I can't do this. I'm not looking for anything."

Bryce looked at me, smiled, "I don't mind being a toy. When it comes to you, I've always had a soft spot for you."

He leaned in, I moved forward and we started kissing. He took both hands and started running his fingers under my blouse. Our kiss became deeper, our tongue intensely rubbing, before I knew it he cupped my bottom, we broke our deep kiss and he asked me where my room was.

He carried me into my room, I closed the door and locked it. He placed me down onto my bed, I grabbed my phone swiftly and set the house alarm. I sat up and removed my blouse, Bryce sat up with me and helped remove my bra. At this point he was removing his trouser. I was now facing Bryce perfectly tone abdominal. I couldn't help myself, I started tracing my tongue along his stomach, he histed. I place my hand on his hard. He laid me down, and all of a sudden I wasn't turned on. I felt clouded, and an image of Kane came to mind. I tried my best to ignore my thoughts, then I heard my door knob trying to turn.

Bryce and I froze, I covered his mouth, "I coming baby."

A small voice could be heard, "Mommy, it's hot."

Bryce got up and headed to the bathroom. Thinking to myself, I really wanted this, I haven't had a mans touch after Kane. The only thing that have been relieving my desire were my toys in my drawer, but weirdly enough, I felt relief Bryce and I didn't go to far.

I put Jimmy back to bed, Bryce was sitting on my bed with his clothes back on, "How's the little guy?"

I smiled, thankful he wasn't disappointed, "He's good, he's always been on the warm side, I turned on a fan. Look, I'm srr."

Bryce cut me off. With a smile, he put one hand gently beside my face, "There's nothing to be sorry about, you're a mother first. And honestly, I had no idea this was gonna happen."

I looked at Bryce with a smile, "It's getting late, you can stay here tonight or I can give you the company car and you can pick us up tomorrow on your way to work."

Bryce agreed to take the car for the night. I walked him out, "This isn't gonna be awkward is it?"

He chuckled, "Not at all, I meant what I said, I don't mind being whatever you want me to be. Boyfriend. F*** buddy. Friend. I'm honestly a softy when it comes to you."

I turned my red face away, "It's not like you're married or have a girlfriend."

After having some more small talk before he left, I learned he was turning 42 soon. He married his high school sweetheart, but divorced in his mid twenties, and has a teenage son who lives here in CA, but stays with him during summer vacation.

Before he left, he gave me a goodnight kiss.