
Kera’s Life, Struggles

MissTasha · Fantasy
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24 Chs


Last night when Bryce left, I locked up and went straight to my room. I dove into bed, it felt so nice to finally rest my body, but I couldn't help but think, my mind was racing. Would moving back to Nebraska be a good fit for Jimmy and I? What if I came across Kane? Then there was Bryce, did I just make a full of myself? Oh, and my poor dad, I'm sure moms going to need all the help she can get. I was mentally tired, I just kept my eyes close until I drifted to sleep.

The next morning, Bryce came by earlier than expected. Luckily for me, I was up already dressed for work. I greeted Bryce at the door, "Good morning. Come in, Jimmy is just grabbing his backpack."

"Good morning," replied Bryce. "If this is too early, I can come back in an hour, I just figure we could grab breakfast before we start our day."

His suggestion was thoughtful, before I could give him an answer he wrapped his arms around my waist and gave me a deep kiss at the door. When we pulled apart, I looked at him surprised. "Was that to much?" He asked.

"I was just off guard, it felt nice."

"Just nice?" He replied.

"It felt really good, I just don't want to lead you on."

"I know where I stand, you don't have to worry about me," replied Bryce.

I took in a deep breath, luckily Jimmy was in his room feeling his backpack with toys. I called out for Jimmy, "It's time to go Jim!"

We left my place and grabbed breakfast at a near by bakery. Jimmy and I normally come her when we were craving chocolate croissants. It was the perfect blend of buttery and chocolate. After we were done eating, Bryce and I dropped off Jimmy. Bryce stayed in the car, and as usual I walked my little guy to class and gave him a kiss.

Bryce and I were now heading to work, when he asked for my thoughts about moving back to Nebraska. Thinking it over, I couldn't help but feel a force pulling me back home. I couldn't help but fight with myself. I gave it a second thought and wondered what was I really running from. That's actually a stupid question, I was running away from the monster that attacked me. I was running away from whatever Kane was in, could it be some type of demonic cult? What are the odds of me running into Kane? They should be slim, considering he lived 30 minutes east from the university and my parents live 45 minutes west from the university. But then again, what do I really know about Kane? I was just a stupid, naïve girl. I never really asked Kane anything about him, I was just living in the moment.

Taking in a deep breath, I spoke before I lost my confidents, "I accept."

Bryce was excited, he was blabbering about processing the transfer by the end of the day. He was kind enough to offer a helping hand in packing and mentioned he can extend his stay. While he was making arrangements for me, I drifted in thought. I thanked Bryce for making the arrangements and excused myself.

I was pulled out of thought when my phone went off, it was my mom.

"Hi, mom!"

"Hi baby girl, I just wanted an update about the holidays," replied my mom.

"Well mom, I think I can make your day today! I got offered my own department at my old job in Nebraska. I'm coming home, for good!" I said anxiety.

We spent time talking about the move. Already anxious, she was planning on rearranging the rooms to accommodate Jimmy and I. She planned on making the guest room next to my old room Jimmy's room. I had to explain to my mom it would only be temporary. I've been living on my own for quite sometime, I'm use to my own space. At this point she was just happy I was going to stay closer to her and dad.