
it rains in August

I cupped his face in my hands and looked him in the eye, those midnight eyes that have held my heart for the past 6 years. "I love you" A tear rolled down my eye as I waited for his reply... I hope this was enough to get your attention Hope you enjoy my book. You can follow me on inkitt, Wattpad and Instagram for more information about the book, also I'd love to know what you guys think about the book

BenitaIgil · สมัยใหม่
26 Chs

chapter 11

  Mrs Everest smiled sadly as she could see the flames in her son's eyes. "You really do hate me?". No matter how many times she tried to atone, she'd fail terribly.

"It's hard to confine it you know" Darren rested back on his seat. He had his eyes closed, he couldn't stand to look at her anymore. What irritated Darren the most was the fact that he had more of her features instead of his father's.

"I'm sorry" he could hear his mother whisper quietly before getting up and leaving.

"Yeah I've heard that all my life" Darren had a sad expression on his face. "Mikel" he called out and immediately Mikel ran in.

"Yes sir"

"Tell the security to inform me first before letting Katherine Everest into the building" he glared at the door his mother had just passed. Mikel nodded and was about to leave when Darren said. "Find a new door for me"

"Door?" Mikel arched his brow and turned to Darren confused "but the door is not spoilt sir"

Darren stood up gently and strolled to his door. As he passed Mikel, his jaw twitched in a way that had goosebumps rise on Mikel's skin.

"You're wrong, Mikel" with that a huge bang echoed in the room. Everyone close by had their body vibrate in shock.

Mikel stood behind Darren, he's eyes were wide open and his mouth gaped. "See..." Darren had a door handle attached to a wooden piece in his hand. "... the door is broken" as he walked back to his seat he shoved the piece in his hand to Mikel "get it fixed"

"Y-y-yes sir, r-right away"


I drove like a cash thief through the highway, I was beyond late. August would be hungry by now, damn I left off no I slept over and now I'm driving like a criminal chased by the cops. Well more or less.

  I could hear blaring horns behind me as I maneuvered through the traffic. 

"Watch where you're going lady!!!"

"Sorry!!!" I was probablygoing to get a speeding ticket soon but first I had to pick my son.


"Mommy" August clung unto my body tightly. His class teacher walked up to us holding his bag and lunchbox.

I squatted and hugged my boy turning to face him, I jolted in shock there after I got angry. August had a bandage on his nose and cheek.

I turned to his school teacher glaring at her like she was some prey I could tear apart.

"You see Mrs Gwendolyn your son was involved in a little conflict during gym class" beads of sweat formed on her head and her eyes kept darting around.

"Please be more elaborate" I demanded harshly.

"Your son beat up his senior during gym class" I turned to August in disbelief, I always knew august was a little bit stronger than other kids his age but the word beat up sounded like exaggerative story. "Huh?"

His teacher kept on narrating what he did and I could hold back the horror in my eyes. "Currently the boy's parents are filing for a report against the school, but the principal was able to resolve the issue with just a fine"

My mouth was wiped open, I turned to August but he didn't look me in the eye, he had his eyes on his shoe all the time. "I'm really sorry for the trouble he might have caused you" I quickly bowed and held his teacher's hand.

"It's alright Mrs Gwendolyn, I've been August home run teacher for a while and I know he isn't one to hit without a reason"

"Thank you" i sight heavily, I took his things from her hands and picked August hands. "Thank you once again"

She bowed as well and walked back to the building.

"Mind telling me what happened?" I turned to August, he shook his head slowly "fine, lets go"

We walked back to the parking lot quietly.

Our ride home was quite tense, well for me normally August would be hopping and narrating how school went but right now I doubt he wanted to talk about it.

When we got home, he helped with his stuff from school and sulked his way to his room. "Hmm..."


"He actually did" I was on a phone call with Francis, "he's sulking right now so I don't really know if I should scold him right now"

"If you ask me, I'll say you praise him. I wouldn't want my child to beaten up hell no, I'd prefer if he beat someone up" Francis defended August

"Even so I don't think it's right to for him to let his anger out like that, I paid a fine Francis" I whinned out loud.

"Well be grateful you didn't pay a hospital bill, hmm believe me your boy did you a favor " Francis chuckled lightly. " did you notice any recent aggressive behavior from him?"

Aggressive behavior? August had always been calm, very calm that it creeped me out sometimes. He was never aggressive "No, I really don't think so."


"What is it?"  I put on my night robe and put the phone on speaker.

"Well, don't you think it's possible I mean what if August is begining to exhibit some of his father's traits" i really didn't know why but my mood turned sour in an instant.

"Excuse you!" I replied calmly trying hard to suppress the boiling anger.

"We don't have any trait of aggression in our family, so it's only plausible that August got that trait from his father"

"Please don't say offensive things, it's just a school fight, we all had a school fight" i tried to think of a way to change the topic.

"School fight, your five year old son beat up his senior who if I'm not mistaken should be at least 2 years older, wake up Gwen"

"George once beat up his senior in highschool soo..." I trailed off thinking of something else to say.

"Don't you think it's about time Gwen" Francis started off calmly but I knew where the conversation was really going to end "August is turning six soon, he might actually need a father figure right now, yes you're his mother and all but right now there are things you won't really understand about August "

"He's just five!!!" I found the words spill out of my lips angrily "goodnight Francis "

"Gwendoly..." I hung up the phone and threw it on the bed. I didn't understand why I felt so agitated right now. Was it what Francis said or was there something else behind this boiling feelings.

"Get a hold of yourself Gwen" I slapped my face hard. "Ouch!!!"

After a few minutes of thinking I decided to go meet August. I needed to be there for him, afterall his a kid right?


"August" I peeked through the door. I could see him in the dark room wrapped up in his blanket like a ball. I walked in quietly and sat on his bed. I could hear little sniffles under the blanket.

"Wanna talk about it?"  It was quiet for a long while.

"He started it" I smiled when he replied. "He push Lulu and snorted"

" Lulu?" I asked back

"She's my friend and seatmate, she can't walk that much so most times she uses a walkie"

"Walkie?, Like a walking stick " I inquired just to be sure we're on the same page. He lifted his head off the blanket and turned to me. Even when he's sad he looks adorable. I hugged him gently and placed his head on my lap.

"Lulu couldn't play hand ball with us so she had to stand at the corner and watch..." I could see August tiny house balled in to a fist. "Denis saw her, I know he did but he pushed her still and Lulu tripped and hit her head"

I gently stroked his head, he continued " I didn't mean to hit him. My hand hit him before I could think"

   I felt tears brim my eyes, my son was a chivalrous knight. Oh Gwendolyn Kingsley, God has really blessed you with a prince like son. Somewhat it brought back a sweet memory.


"Why did you hit him?" Gwen was wrapping his hands gently with bandages.

"I don't know, my hand hit him before I could think" he shoved his shoulders and stared at her in the eye calmly.

"That's not a reason you know" Gwen shoved his hand away with a snort.

He chuckled in the most breathtaking way, it made Gwen's stomach flutter. "When it comes to you there's always a reason"



"Yes baby" I smiled

"I'm sorry for causing you trouble" August hugged me tightly.

"It's alright let's go to sleep" I adjusted myself to lay beside him."I love you" I kissed him on his forehead gently.

"I love you too, Mommy" we both laid on the bed and hugged each other.

' I love you, Darren' Gwen whispered to herself.


Chapter 12 is a go