
it rains in August

I cupped his face in my hands and looked him in the eye, those midnight eyes that have held my heart for the past 6 years. "I love you" A tear rolled down my eye as I waited for his reply... I hope this was enough to get your attention Hope you enjoy my book. You can follow me on inkitt, Wattpad and Instagram for more information about the book, also I'd love to know what you guys think about the book

BenitaIgil · Urban
Not enough ratings
26 Chs

Chapter 10


I screamed in the taxi. I was such a a liar. The taxi driver looked at me obviously confused but I didn't care at all.

My head was spinning around in circles, why did I agree to George's invite in the first place? If only I had said no none of this would have happened.

I felt more dumb due to the way I ran out like a fool. I should have said hi at least right or told my brother where I was heading to.

So many years have past and I'm still acting like this. "Pathetic Gwen, so pathetic" I screamed in my bag.

"Are you okay miss" the taxi man asked with a concern look.

"Yeah... I'm fine" rubbing my nose, I cleaned my face and slumped back on the chair.

Things were getting more and more messed up for me, looks like this isn't my month. I looked at the time on my phone, it was past 10. I need to get home quick to catch up with my busy schedule tomorrow.

I got home quite late, August was sleeping on the couch while Francis was watching a movie.

"Thank you" I whispered as I carried August in my arms

"George called, what happened" Francis looked worried.

"Nothing I got tired and nauseous that's all" I climbed the stairs gently. "Are you spending the night" Francis waved her hands to say no. She picked her bag and keys

"Bye dear, just so you know you owe me" I smiled and nodded before going to August's room.

  I laid August on his bed and sat beside him. Looking at him right now reminds me alot about Darren. A smile creeped through my face, those midnight eyes I fell in love with. I looked at the hand Darren held earlier on and my eyes became watery. I felt cornered, but at the same time free, seeing Darren proved a lot to me. Though years had past since we last saw each other, my feelings for him still burns. Wait, Darren holding my hand those that also mean he misses me...

"Ahhhh..." I yelled in a pillow on the bed. There was so much on my plate so I guess feelings were at the least.

I removed my clothes and got changed to something lighter before laying beside my boy. It was so difficult for me to sleep, Darren kept popping up in my mind.

"I wish we at least talked to each other" I kept asking myself what had made my legs move before I could even think, I turned to August and guilt swallowed me. I felt like I just made a terrible mistake.



"Good morning Miss Gwen" Jesse tapped my back lightly waking me up from my sleep.

"Why did you wake me up jesse" I goaned in anger and tiredness.

"Well I'm sorry miss it's just that Mr Grey called and..."

"Can't you ignore his phone call, I'm fatigued right now I don't have time for some lousy guy who thinks his a hot shot" I blatantly stated.

"Well, that's one way to put it " my eyes snapped wide open.

"Mr Grey!!" I stood up immediately "I didn't know you'd be coming today" I arranged my hair gently and cleared my throat.

"You know as a hot shot that I am I like to keep things professional" Grey walkef in majestically and brushed off a few strands of his hair. As usual he wore an all grey outfit.

Jesse smiled a little, I peeked through the corners of my eyes and I could see her cheeks burning red. I couldn't help but roll my eyes.

"So any advancement in the new style" I sat down on my seat and pulled one of the drawers.

"Well it's still a working progress but I sketch down a style yesterday hope it would suit your taste" I pulled out my tab and scrolled to the picture I made last minute this morning. Grey picked the tab and scrutinized the style I drew. There was a long silence in the room.

"It's impressive..." Jesse smiled widely afterall she helped me out with a few touches. "For a style worth half a billion" I felt like had arrows pierce my heart and a hammer hit my head. Jesse on the other hand looked shocked and discouraged.

"Really?" I tried to sound oblivious and hide my annoyed tone. Even if the style didn't cut the deal, he didn't have to grade it like that.

"Sorry miss Gwen but you would have to try harder, I can't possibly picture myself wearing this" Grey closed his eyes and folded his arms, was he complaining or something?

  I closed my eyes and took deep breaths, I knew this was going to happen right from the beginning. This man was going to be a difficult person to deal with but I made the deal anyway and right now giving up won't cut it.

"I'll see what I can do" I sighed heavily

"Good" he replied...

I and Jesse stared at each other obviously confused. "Emm aren't you leaving Mr Grey" I asked.

"Fortunately, I'm not" he replied calmly, he noticed our continuous gaze on him and then said further " you see I cancelled a lot on my schedule to be here only to be disappointed so I have at least an hour to spare"

  Jesse turned to me, although we were through with the discussion about the style I could still see the sadness in Jesse's eyes. Ever since I met her, she had showed a great interest in fashion designing just like me. So most times I'd pipe her in when making a new style.

  Mr Grey is the first customer I have encountered that had actually belittled a work made by both Jesse and I, well I'm not so surprised. From the first day we met I had a hint of the kind of man he would be, Hard to please.

  I sighed and waved my hands to Jesse to leave. I was still sleepy and was gradually getting nauseous.

"You look tired" I turned to mr Grey and smiled "hope creating a masterpiece style isn't too hectic for you"

  I waved my hands and laughed a bit "no no I'm just a little bit tired I attended a party last night so I'm just experiencing the aftermath of staying up too late" Mr Grey nodded slowly and then stood up. "Are you leaving?"

"Yes, I just remembered a place I need to visit..." He bowed slightly and smiled "thanks for having me"

  If I hadn't been in this room all this while I would have thought Mr Grey had an identical twin who is completely composed and understanding. I ushered him out of my office before shutting the door and slumping on my chair.

  As I was gradually drifting off, I couldn't help but wonder what Darren would be doing right now, I smiled to myself. "I really am head over heels for him"


In a board room.

Darren sat the nonchalantly on his chair. His huge office had a few furnitures around. There was a large glass wall behind him that led to a majestic view of the city.

Darren had his hand on Gwen's bracelet from the previous day. He had a bright smile plastered on his face as he recalled the past memories he had with Gwen.

  "Good morning sir" a moderate height man walked in, he looked very young and naive.

"What is it?, Mikel" Darren turned to his personal assistant with a gruff look. He didn't smile at all and he emitted a cold aura though Mikel didn't seem bothered by it.

"I've done my research sir" Darren's eyes glimmered a little and his face twitched "she's a top leading entrepreneur who had a grand plaza west of the city, she is a infamous fashion designer well known in the industry. She lacks any incriminating files and she's financially stable. Also she isn't married and is yet to be in a relationship, although rumors have it that she adopted a child..."

Darren arched a brow "adopted?"

"Yes, but that remains rumours since it's hard to dig up her private life, that's all I could find about her" Mikel stood tall and proud though he wasn't that tall but his pride could cut it.

"Hmm, you did well Mikel, thank you"

"You're welcome sir, after all I'm greatly inde..." Suddenly the door opened and a woman walked in majestically.

Mikel turned to see who had come in, while Darren just closed his eyes and turned his chair to face the glass wall.

"Welcome, Mrs Everest "

"Thank you" Everest's Mom smiled warmly and pat Mikel's back. She turned to her son who didn't bother to look at her or greet her at least. "You don't seem pleased to see me"

"I'm not" Darren blatantly replied, Mikel who stood there blinked twice in surprise.

"Arrogant as always you cold-hearted seed of mine" Mikel turned to Mrs Everest shocked by her words. "I know you are only disappointed that your prayers of me dying in an aircraft didn't work"

"So you do realize how much I hate you" Darren's words sounded like lighting in Mikel's ears. "Care for refreshments mother?"

"Of course not, I fear I'll be poisoned"

She laughed out lightly as she sat on one of the chairs facing Darren's desk.

"I didn't ask you to sit" Darren turned to face her, he stared daggers at his mother

"I don't need your permission to sit"

As the two members threw heart wrecking words at each other, Mikel could only think of the darkness behind this family.

"... Mikel leave us" Mikel bowed to both of them and hurriedly left the office, he didn't want to spend another second in there. Once the door closed, Darren relaxed on his chair and sighed "what do you want this time?"

Mrs Everest smiled warmly like a loving mother "you know what I want so just send it already"

"I told you I can't"

"What do you mean by that, you're head now aren't you" she dropped her bag on his desk and folded her arms. "Or I'm I wrong?"

Darren didn't reply to her, he just stared at her like she wasn't there. "Tch! You know, your father would have done this in less than an hour. I seriously don't understand why you are being this stubborn"

"And I still don't understand why you killed the man that would respond to all your wishes" Darren glared at her intensely. He hated this woman with every blood in his body. She was a wolf in sheep clothing, no worst than that she was a beast in a beauty.