
it rains in August

I cupped his face in my hands and looked him in the eye, those midnight eyes that have held my heart for the past 6 years. "I love you" A tear rolled down my eye as I waited for his reply... I hope this was enough to get your attention Hope you enjoy my book. You can follow me on inkitt, Wattpad and Instagram for more information about the book, also I'd love to know what you guys think about the book

BenitaIgil · Urban
Not enough ratings
26 Chs

Chapter 12

"Hello" I picked up the call on my phone. "Yes I'm on my way" I hung up and drove out of my plaza. I had a meeting today with Mr Grey at his office. I had some new styles I wanted to share with him.


Gwen's car drove out speedily, A black BMW drove in after and packed at the entrance of tge plaza. A few people around seemed curious about the car parked. A hulk man stepped down from the car and walked to the backseat to open the door. Mikel stepped out of the car and adjusted his suit and glasses, he stepped into the plaza in a haughty manner. Right now he was currently undercover to survey Gwendolyn's Empire.

"Good afternoon sir" a worker walked up to him and bowed lightly " Welcome to Gwendolyn's Empire, the top fashion plaza in the city" he streched his hand to Mikel but Mikel eyed the worker and scrutinized him.

"I'm here to purchase a Hermes wristwatch, I hear I can find the rarest and most expensive collection here so I wanted to find out how true it is" Mikel's voice was deeper than it actually is, and his waxed hair revealed  much more of his manly traits.

"Ahhh, Hermes wristwatch" the worker smiled and ushered him to an elevator at the end of the entrance hall.

The ride in the elevator was quite tense for the worker. Mikel eluded a cold aura that was somewhat suffocating.

"Where's Mrs Gwendolyn?" Mikel asked with his eyes closed.

"She's presently off to a client's office for a meeting" the man bowed slightly "but her personal assistant is available at the moment, that is if you need anything"

"Well then send for this personal assistant already, I wouldn't want to be in the care of an amateur"

Invisible tears rolled down the worker's eyes, the elevator stopped and the worker led Mikel to a couch in the section."I'll be back in a few minutes sir"

Mikel picked his phone and dialed Darren's number.


"She's not available sir" Mikel's voice had changed back to normal. "She's off to a client's office for a meeting, that's the information I got"

"Tch!!" Darren sat in the backseat of the same car Mikel came in with. "Fine, get the wristwatch and come back" he's voice was filled with disappointment.

"Yes sir "


At Mr Grey's office

  I was led into an extravagant office, it was decorated with a lot of expensive looking furniture and artifacts that I didn't quite get their shapes. The man who led me had an uptight expression that made me feel uneasy.

"Mr Grey would be with you in a minute" the man ushered me a sit on one of the silver couches and left.

I relaxed my body and stared at the ceiling. My eyes widened in shock. The ceiling was literally a portrait of Mr Grey. I couldn't help but sigh, he did look different in the picture, at least he looked more like a model than the usually all grey business tycoon. "Interesting"

"I see you like the portrait" Mr Grey stepped in dressing causally.

"Goodday Mr Grey" I stood up and stretched my hand for a handshake.

"Welcome Mrs Gwendolyn" Grey smiled warmly and ushered me to seat. He then sat opposite me and crossed his legs. "So care for refreshments, tea? "

"It's fine" I waved my hands slowly " the meeting would end by 3pm so there's no need for refreshments I'm fine"

"Fine, suit yourself" I bowed slightly and brought out the documents and styles I had designed.

The meeting was quite peaceful and less annoying than I expected. Mr Grey was most cooperative, something about him I was yet to get use to.

"Mrs Gwen..." I turned away from my pad and looked at him. There was a look in his eyes I didn't quite get. " I was wondering if you are free this weekend?"

"Free?" I arched my brow "I thought you hate meetings during the weekend" well the next day after my encounter with Mr Grey, I received a package from him. In it was a document filled with things Mr get found compatible with a business partner.

"Well, it's just a hangout or so I heard" he looked shy somewhat though, I couldn't tell. "If you're free and you can come along with your husband you know I'd like to know your husband maybe make a partnership deal with hi..."

He paused for a while and stared at me with eyes wide open. "What's with the face?".

"Huh?" I touched my face there was nothing wrong with it

"Just forget about it" he waved his hands and sighed.

"You look disappointed" I smiled "I'll be free this weekend but I'll be coming with my son"

"Your husband?" He looked up with a hint of joy in his eyes.

"I know you are fully aware that I'm not married, it's part of my files" I stood up ready to leave.

"I'm sorry, I thought maybe you used to avoid criticism from society and all" Mr Grey stood up as well and walked to the door.

"It's fine, I don't mind the criticism after all I have my empire to cover up the shame" I tailed behind him.

"I'll escort you" Mr Grey offered, I smiled and walked beside him. I could see the smug faces of some workers. I couldn't help but feel irritated, women who hate others because of a man they admire or have feelings for. It reminded me so much of a girl who turned my life to a living hell in college. Jamie, her name still makes my body quiver.

"Thank you, Mr Grey" he smiled warmly

"Call me Grey, Mrs Gwendolyn"

"Fine, Thank you grey and goodbye"

I got in to my car and drove out, I had to pick August.


Grey watched Gwen's car leave the parking lot, he couldn't stop the bubbling sensation in his chest. A wide grin drew on his face "I have a chance, I really have a chance"

He popped and skipped back to his office humming and singing. Some of his workers looked bewildered and confused while some were enchanted by his genuine smile.

"Everyone lunch is on me, order anything you like" everyone praised him for it.

As the narrator of this book I'd love to say if only he knew

Darren looked down throughout the ride back to the office. He didn't even open his eyes, Mikel watched his boss act like a baby that missed an ice cream van.

"Hello, yes dear" Mikel picked his phone call and whispered, Darren on the other hand was in too much of a bad mood to even react to that. He opened his eyes and looked at the moving vehicles.

They somewhat reminded him of the times he would take Gwen along with him for site seeing.

He wished so much he had gone looking for her even if it meant letting go of his father's business and just focusing on his.

"Brandon, take a u-turn here" Darren had a faint smile on his face.

"Yes sir"


Both I and August were singing some nursery rhymes while we drove back home. Today August was in a much more good mood than yesterday. He passed his test and wouldn't stop singing about the praises he received from his teachers.

"Ahhh, so what do you want?" I smiled and rubbed his cheek while he sat beside me.


"You have a real knack for sweets huh" I laughed out. "Fine I'll get you some sweet"

August had that doey eyes vibrant smile that always makes me blush. Can he ever be less adorable, NEVER

I parked at a usual supermarket I know, just then I got a call from Jesse.

"Hey Jesse"

August got down on his own and ran into the supermarket on his own. He was quite familiar with most of the workers.

"No running... Yes, how much does it cost"


Darren stepped out of the car before Brandon could open the door.

"Sir?" Mikel was about to get out when Darren intervened.

"Why don't you stay in and talk to you dear hmm"

Sarcasm was filled in his voice with a hint of jealousy. Mikel couldn't help but grin widely and nod.

Darren slammed the door and walked in, he wore black pants and navy blue suit, his hair was waxed nicely revealing his face perfectly. He looked like some celebrity attending a red carpet.

Some people leaving the supermarket had their eyes on him, a few highschool girls took pictures of him and giggled when he turned to them. Darren wasn't used to these kind of things so he could only stare awkwardly, to the crowd reverse was the case. They all gasped when he turned to the highschool girls looking so dashing.

Darren stepped into the building.

"Ahhh look at him walking in with no clue of how blessed he is to have that kind of face" Mikel mopped sadly.

"Will I ever be as handsome as Boss?"  He turned to Brandon.

"Wake up to reality" Brandon replied in a cold manner.

"Why do you hurt my feelings" Mikel wailed sarcastically.

Just then a car parked beside them, and a little boy ran out. Mikel could hardly believe his eyes when he saw the boy. He and Brandon had their mouths wide open.

"No running... Yes how much does it cost" Mikel's face twisted in a way that creeped Brandon out.

"I see" Mikel chuckled darkly like some wizard in a fantasy story.


  Darren stood for about fifteen minutes deciding which flavor of popsicle he would buy. He wasn't aware of the crowd of girls behind him giggling and waiting for him to make a choice.

"I guess I'll take this one" he stretched his hand to a popsicle then a little hand held it to.

Darren looked up and turned to the child. At first he frowned but then slowly he looked surprised. The boy on the other hand has his eyes on the popsicle.

"Sir" August looked at the man in front of him with his adorable eyes "please let go" a few girls sighed at the words of the adorable boy.

"No" they felt lighting hit their chest. What kind of an adult says no to those eyes.

"But that's not fair" August defended

"Why?" Darren asked indifferent to the boys doey eyes "and doesn't that strain your eyes, popping them out like that"

"It doesn't, also you have to let go cause I'm younger than you" August puffed.

"I don't do that" Darren sighed

"Fine let's share, but you're paying" Darren blinked a few times, just how old was this boy.

"Why should I pay?" He frowned.

"Cause I'm younger than you, I can't pay" Darren looked round trying to spot the mother of the small daring boy.

He felt like he was fighting his little self. "Where's your Mommy?"

"She's coming" August pushed out his chest to imitate Darren. A slight smile drew across Darren's face.

"Fine, pick any other flavor you want then I pay" Darren offered


"No?" He was completely lost with this kid." Why no?"

"It's my favorite flavor and Mom said she'll pay for sweets today" August stood at akimbo.

"You little..."

"Sharing is much more applopliate in this case"

"Applo..." August frowned when he noticed the man was laughing at him.

"I don't want to share anymore"

"Fine we'll share, we'll share and I'll pay deal" Darren streched his hand for a hand shake. August had to stand on his tiptoe to reach him.


The ladies around began to applaud them like they had just finished a movie in the cinema.


"Hello sir" Mikel grinned ready to spill the tea but then he paused when he noticed Darren smiling like a baby with ice cream."Sir?"

"Let's go Brandon" he leaned on the window and licked the half slice chocolate and vanilla mixed popsicle.

Mikel smiled cheerfully, he decided to keep it until later.

August stood at the entrance of the supermarket as he watched Darren's car drive out of the gate.

"There you are" Gwen sighed heavily "I was looking for you, where were you"

"With a friend, he bought me popsicle see" August raised his hands and grinned.

"I see, come on let's go home" Gwen held his hand and walked to the car together.