

Hello there, Before you dive into reading this novel, I would like to mention that it is not a story written for entertainment purposes. I am writing this as a way to improve my English skills. I work at an IT firm, which means I will only be able to upload 2-3 chapters per week. Please keep in mind that I am not an experienced writer, so expect a mid to low-level novel. However, my colleagues are supporting me, so I hope you can give it a try. Please note that there will be no harem in this novel. There will be a romantic aspect to it, but it will be slowly revealed. The main character is overpowered but likes to be in the spotlight.

The_Zephyrous · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
51 Chs

CH 025

The sound of the alarm woke me up. I moved my hand inside my bedsheet, feeling my naked body in the process. "my mother is gonna kill me." Said Momo who was also naked in the same bed. As you can see, we had a fun night. Here is what happened alright, do you remember the time she went to shower? At that time I ordered some alcohol, having no ill intention. At first, she was really angry and tried to break the bottles but slowly but surely I convinced her to drink. The rest is history, she was too drunk and agreed to everything I said. I used this opportunity to relive all the urges I had. Stealing her innocence in the process.

Momo looked at me while tightly holding the bedsheet around her. "hey what do you think you are hiding? I have counted all the moles in your body. The one you have on your honey pot as well." I said with a chuckle. She had a blushed look "You did say you would marry me. That's why I let you do whatever you did yesterday" she said in a guilty tone. "when did I say that my dear Momo? I think you are hallucinating " I mumbled, her eyes widened "You are lying, I only did it because you agreed with the proposal. Please don't play with me," she said in a pained tone collecting her loose hair. "give me good evidence first. Then we can talk about it." I said standing up naked. Momo quickly blushed and hid her face in the bedsheet but her eyes were focused on my shaven balls. I jogged to let my whinner get some air, "you pervert, stop jumping" Momo roared while still focused on my dingdong. I smiled and pulled the bedsheet. "hey stop that" Momo said trying to create a bedsheet to hide her bosom. I didn't wait for her to hide her beauty so I jumped on her. She was caught off guard. For the next two hours, we mated like rabbits in heat. After all that, I summoned a portal and we both left for our school.

The first class had already passed and the second class was all about the history of heroes in America. The third one was on the field with our teacher Robert, we did a normal rescue drive. Due to my power, Robert asked me not to participate in practical classes any more. I was ok with that. I also saw Momo give me a side eye whenever she turned a page in our fourth period. I would just smile at her for which she blushed and looked away. After the fourth period, it was lunchtime when Betty came to my table and asked me to join her to meet the president. For which I said yes. I mean I've already promised him that we will be having a coffee at the white house. I went to Momo to tell her about the situation.

"When will you come back?" she asked in a concerned tone, "I don't know, maybe after dinner," I said and hugged kissing her on her forehead. She was surprised by my behaviour and looked at me with longing eyes. "after you reach there call me" she said returning the kiss. "I will," I said.

"I was just wondering If I could attend the meeting tomorrow, It's not that I am busy today. "I said to Betty who was waiting for me near a black SUV. "sir wanted to see you as fast as possible, he was already devastated by the fact that you weren't able to meet him on a Sunday. which is his free day" she said opening the door. Inside the SUV was a well-knitted seat, the material seemed to be of Jute. I entered the SUV and asked Betty "Do we have some soda to drink". She looked at the nearby bodyguard, and he nodded. After five minutes the soda arrived; it was grape soda, not the best one. "the president just called me and asked you to use your teleportation. Since travelling from Boston to Washington will take unnecessary time" she said. I puffed my cheeks "Alright" I opened a portal Betty and the other bodyguards jumped inside the portal.

 The sun on the horizon was about to set as the clouds cleared the sky. We all landed in front of the white house. Betty was alright but one of the guards threw up. I took my cell phone and called Momo since I had promised to. After talking with her I looked at Betty, "Can we go now?", "yes, Mr. Nagisa we can just walk inside.". I looked at the majestic white building and started to walk. After a few minutes of walking, we arrived at the door of the white house. The guards in the building were already notified about my arrival so they didn't stop me. Both of us walked inside, and the temperature around us dropped suddenly.

"Welcome to the white house, Kaneki" a feminine voice interrupted me. I looked back it was Katie and Cathleen Bate. "thank you for saving me," said Cathleen Aka Star and Stripe. "oh it was nothing really, so what's up" I replied, Katie looked energetic "The president invited us to have a meeting with you". "kid if you ever want to do an internship. don't look elsewhere," said Cassie. I nodded "No ma'am, I won't look into any other hero period.". we all had a few more chit-chat when one of Betty's guards called us to a meeting.

The meeting room was a solid one with a projector up and running white screen. The room was fancy with a red carpet and red leather furniture with a spruce round table. Timothy was looking through a bunch of paper, and there was also the president who was smiling at us the whole time. "hello Kaneki, I think I can use your first name even though we only talked on the phone" he said with the same smile. I don't remember right but I think he was already using my first name in the call. "yes sir, nice meeting you. May I know your name though" Yeah right I did not look up his name because I was really busy you see? Everyone except Timothy laughed. "that one was hilarious, my name is Benjamin Trump. It's not your fault for not knowing my name, well Kaneki now that you know my name let's head with the meeting.". at that moment Howard Stark our dean showed "did I missed the party, why are you all laughing". "I will tell you all about it later, let's now focus on our meeting first" Timothy said knocking his papers on the desk.