
India movieverse

a fanfic about indian movie start with 1 ala vaikunthapurram. suggest some work in info page i dont own anything of this fan-fic . only oc

white_poison · ภาพยนตร์
82 Chs

Have been busy

The flickering fluorescent light of Raj's dingy apartment cast long shadows as he leaned across the table, his voice conspiratorial. "Rajen," he began, the name dropping off his tongue like a bad habit, "it's time we put your...unconventional skills to good use."

Rajen, a wiry man with a perpetually suspicious squint, chuckled, a sound like gravel grinding together. "Unconventional skills, eh? Sounds fancy, Raj. What kinda trouble are you cookin' up now?"

"No trouble," Raj countered, a glint of manic energy in his eyes. "Justice. PK, that smug son of a-" he stopped himself, forcing a cough. "That fellow has been fleecing people for far too long. It's time someone took him down a peg."

Rajen's eyebrows shot up. "Taking down PK? That's a bold move, my friend. You sure you know what you're getting yourself into?"

"We'll need some muscle," Raj admitted, "actors really. A fake raid of sorts. But they need to be believable, gotta make PK sweat a little."

Rajen grinned, a wolfish display of sharp teeth. "Actors, you say? Now that's something I can arrange. In fact, I know just the guy." He pulled out a crumpled cigarette, the tobacco spilling as his lighter flickered to life. "Koda Rammohan. Runs a whole troupe of drama students by the docks. Bunch of good-for-nothings with a talent for deception if you ask me, perfect for the job."

The following day, the air crackled with nervous anticipation as Raj and Rajen sorted through a dubious collection of "borrowed" police uniforms and jackets. Rajen whistled, holding up a plastic badge. "This here says 'Inspector Dangle'? Real subtle."

Raj snorted. "Who cares? As long as it looks official. We just need to rattle PK's cage, make him think the Income Tax department is breathing down his neck."

With a shared grin, they prepped their fake documents, the weight of their audacious plan settling on their shoulders. Tomorrow, PK was going to get a taste of his own medicine, courtesy of Raj and his band of borrowed actors.

The morning sun filtered through the trees as Rammohan arrived at the address Raj had given him. He strutted out of his car, followed by a group of nervous but eager-looking actors. Rammohan's demeanor was one of smug confidence, a stark contrast to his submissive nature when under pressure. Today, however, he felt invincible.

Raj and Rajen stood waiting by the entrance. Rajen cast a wary glance at Rammohan, who sauntered up with a self-assured grin. "Morning, gentlemen," Rammohan said, his tone dripping with arrogance. "I've brought the best of the best."

Raj nodded, acknowledging Rammohan's arrival with a curt nod. "Good. Let's get everyone inside and brief them."

They gathered in a spacious living room, the air thick with anticipation and a hint of nervousness. Raj stepped forward, his commanding presence instantly capturing everyone's attention.

"Thank you all for coming," he began, his voice steady and authoritative. "Today, we are shooting a movie scene where you will role-play as tax officers. I will be leading as the head officer, and you all will be working under me."

The group nodded, exchanging curious glances.

Raj continued, "On the other side, the people you'll be confronting are acting as gangster-turned-politicians. You represent a good, honest police force aiming to bring them down."

One of the actors raised a hand hesitantly. "Are there actual cameras?"

Raj gave a tight-lipped smile. "Yes, there are hidden cameras placed throughout the mansion. We need to capture this in one take. If someone makes a mistake, continue with the scene. Do not stop."

A murmur of surprise rippled through the group. Rajen could see the skepticism in their eyes. Sensing their doubt, Raj raised his voice slightly. "You will each receive 50,000 rupees upon the completion of this scene."

Gasps of astonishment filled the room. The promise of a month's salary for a single day's work was almost too good to be true. Rajen noticed a spark of determination in their eyes now, the initial doubt replaced by eager resolve.

"But," Raj added, his tone turning stern, "anyone who messes up will not be paid anything. This is serious. I expect you all to act professionally and take this seriously."

The room fell silent, the weight of Raj's words sinking in. The actors exchanged determined nods, their expressions serious.

Rammohan, sensing the gravity of the situation, shifted uncomfortably. "Don't worry, Raj. They'll do their best," he said, his previous arrogance giving way to a more deferential tone.

Raj gave him a hard look. "They better. This has to be flawless."

The actors, now fully briefed and understanding the stakes, dispersed to prepare for their roles. Raj and Rajen moved to gather the final pieces of their own preparations.

Rajen leaned in close to Raj, whispering, "You think they'll pull it off?"

Raj's eyes flickered with a mixture of hope and determination. "They have to. Failure is not an option."

As the actors took their positions, the house buzzed with an electrifying mix of tension and excitement. The stage was set, and the players were ready. Now, it was all down to execution.

Raj took a deep breath, stepping into his role as the commanding officer. "Alright, everyone. Remember, one take. Let's make it count."

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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