
in the mcu with a machine to cross the multiverse.

my first time writing plz keep in mind hop you enjoy and review. carl is your typical guy on his way to comic con when he unexpectedly dies. he is now sent to the mcu and in order to deal with the coming threats he is given and machine that will let him travel threwout the multiverse. main world: mcu world jump list. 1.Star Wars 2. dragon ball those will be the first 2 worlds. im not to sure on the others yet but I’m up for suggestions on the 3rd and 4th world I’m thinking that’s about as many times he will jump world till the story’s done but will see if we can get more.

Kyroru · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
33 Chs


For the next two weeks Carl trained with Revan in everything about the force. Carl seemed to pick up on the force at a astonishing rate. It was mainly due to him not having the force before and then suddenly having it, he can feel it better compared to someone who has had the force all there life. Because he didn't have a lightsaber in order to learn the basic of lightsaber combat Carl had to make do with a vibroblade he found on the ship.

In addition to his force training he had HK-47 instruct him on piloting the ebon hawk. While learning how to pilot he learned the only hyperspace destination they had was to Mandalore, so when he was ready to head out that would be his destination. 

  In the middle of the second week Revans force ghost left the holocron with the parting words, "there's much more you can learn in the force, but you are now at a point we're you can take your training on your own. I would rank you as a newly knighted Jedi from my time. You can still use the recordings I have left in the holocron but you should have a general grasp of the force that I'm confident you will succeed on this path you have embarked. Just remember to have balance and I wish you the best in your endeavors and may the force be with you." And with that he was gone. All that was left were pre recordings left from Revan. Carl placed the holocron on a shelf in his room in the ebon hawk and would periodically use it to rewatch some of Revans old recordings.

   At the end of the second week as he was in the middle of his training he got a feeling he needed to depart as soon as possible. He knew this is the force telling him to get a move on so he ordered HK to get the ship loaded and prepped for departure.

As soon as everything was in the ship and the ramped closed Carl rushed into the cockpit and started the ship for takeoff. As Carl was taking the ship off planet HK-47 was making the calculation needed to make the hyperspace jump to Mandalore. After clearing the planet and the corse set HK pulled the lever to go into hyperspace. The stars seemed to stretch as the familiar blue glow of hyperspace Carl has seen in the movies appears before his eyes. before he can get lost in thought he hears HK, {it will take approximately 1 and a half days to reach Mandalore master}

 that caused Carl to pause, ' that long, I knew it wasn't instant but I kinda forgot about travel time.' of course in the movies they would skip travel time.

Carl instructed HK to let him know if there's any problems and went to his room to get some sleep and think on what he's going to do when he gets to Mandalore. When he woke up he went to see how much longer till they reached Mandalore. HK informed him around 12 hours, so he slept for a full day. He thanked HK and went back to his room to meditate till it was time for their arrival.

   After what seamed to be only one hour Carl could hear HK-47 {master we are 10 min from exiting hyperspace.} Carl was amazed at how much time flew by but he just chalked it up to force shenanigans. He got up and made his way to the cockpit. 

   Shortly after getting situated in his seat they came out of hyperspace and what awaited them was 3 venator class Star destroyers orbiting around Mandalore. Before Carl could do anything something starts beeping on the console. 

   {it appears there trying to establish communication master.} HK states. 

   Carl took a deep breath, 'ok Carl you can do this.' He mentally psyched himself up.  After a few seconds of mentally stabilizing himself he pushed the button to open the coms. 

   Right as he opened up the coms an authoritative voice came over, "this is acting captain of the venator class cruiser for the 501st legion you have entered and active war zone.  Reveal your identity or prepare to be fired upon." 

   Quickly carl said, "this is Carl Dearman captain of the ebon hawk. I'm friendly please don't fire." Carl was sweating bullets, if they fire on him he really didn't have an escape plan. 

   The captain of the venator then asked, "what is your purpose for coming to the mandalore system?" 

   Carl couldn't help but let out a snort. " would you believe that I found this ship on a planet and the only hyperspace route it had was to Mandalore?" Carl really didn't know what els to say he needed information and right now he feels the quickest way to his goal is to tell a little of the truth. 

   There was silence on the coms for bit, Carl was just hoping he made the right call. 

<on the venator> 

    Most the clones on the bridge that heard carls response were a little dumbfounded. "

"does this guy expect us to believe that?" 

  Then another chimes in, "but what if he's telling the truth?" 

The same clone from before, " aww come on you can't be falling for that kriffing story." 

  Multiple clones were quietly discussing the strange ship that looks like it came straight from the old republic era. Before all the talking could get out of hand a clone looking to have more authority than the rest rose his voice. "QUIET!" After all the other clones got quiet the lead clone then stated, "I know this sounds quite unbelievable but we can't do anything without the commanders approval." He then thought to himself on what to do.

<back on the ebon hawk> 

   It was a long ten minutes for Carl waiting for a response. Right when he was thinking he fucked up he heard a response. "Dock into the lead venator and we can take a look at your ship logs to check the validation of your story." 

   Carl breathed a sigh of relief. " I'm fine with that." 'Not like they would give me another choice.' Carl thought the last part to himself. With the coms cut Carl could see the lead venator ship opening up for his ship to land in the main hanger bay so Carl and HK maneuver the ship in. Carl has a bad feeling cause if he's right there's not much time till shit hits the fan in this galaxy.

After docking and shutting down systems Carl turned to HK-47. " ok so there most likely going to check out the entire ship not just the logs. I want you to stay out of site till there done." He then pulls out three of the discs devices to store items in hoi-poi capsules. " these will turn items into small capsules once you stick them on and press the button. When its all clear go out without being seen and loot some items." 

  HK takes the discs and places them in a storage compartment on his side. {affirmative master, they won't even know I was here. Anything I should prioritize master?}

   Carl thought on it, " if you can try and get one of those gunships, other than that armors and weapons." Carl grabbed a communicator and was making his way to the exit then he thought of something, "oh and if you can try to get the hyperspace route to mustafar and coruscaunt." HK gave his confirmation and went to go stay hidden from the search party while Carl made his way off the ship. 

   As soon as Carl stepped off his ship he was surrounded and had blasters pointed at him by clone troopers that had orange markings on the face of there helmets. Carl immediately raised his hand in a show of surrender. " hey hey hey I don't think I did anything to warrant guns to the face."    

  The clones parted in the middle to make way for another one that addressed Carl. " standard protocol for unknowns such as you." He gave a gesture and another group of 4 clones rushed past Carl to check his ship. The one clone that appears to be in charge gestured for Carl to follow him. 

   As Carl fell behind the other clones that had there blasters on him also followed. 'I get the feeling I'm a prisoner right now.' He looked around some more. 'The orange on there helmets confirms that I have very little time. I guess it's good that they don't know I'm force sensitive.' As Carl is thinking they made there way to what look like a room. 'Well at leas it's not a cell' Carl thought in slight amusement. 

   The clone motioned for Carl to go into the room. "Wait inside our men are checking over your ship now. Once that's done the commanders should be back from the planet with maule." 

   That cause Carl to stop mid step in the room. "Darth maule has been captured?" He asked

  The clone didn't think much of it. " hmmm? Oh ya commander Tano really let him have it, anyway in you go." 

 After Carl entered the room the door promptly shut. ' this looks like an interrogation room.' Carl thought as he sat down in one of the chairs by a lone table. After he sat down he buried his head in his hands. ' fuck fuck fuck, after maule is captured and brought to the ship that's when everything happens.' He took deep breaths to calm down. ' calm down Carl freaking out will get you nowhere, hopefully it's not as instant as it was shown in the show. There's probably some time for me to do something but not much. Guess all I can do is wait for now.' He let out a sigh and decided to meditate to calm down and to get a feeling on what to do next.