
in the mcu with a machine to cross the multiverse.

my first time writing plz keep in mind hop you enjoy and review. carl is your typical guy on his way to comic con when he unexpectedly dies. he is now sent to the mcu and in order to deal with the coming threats he is given and machine that will let him travel threwout the multiverse. main world: mcu world jump list. 1.Star Wars 2. dragon ball those will be the first 2 worlds. im not to sure on the others yet but I’m up for suggestions on the 3rd and 4th world I’m thinking that’s about as many times he will jump world till the story’s done but will see if we can get more.

Kyroru · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
33 Chs

ch 9

Carl stayed in the cockpit for a bit to do a final system check. After he was done he told HK-47 that he was going to get some rest and to wake him if there's any problems. HK gave his affirmative as Carl left.

Carl made his way to his room and upon opening the door he noticed Ahsoka sleeping on the bed. 'Nope' Carl thought and promptly turned on his heel and made a swift retreat. He's read too many clichés and he is not wanting to deal with any misunderstandings.

He made his way to the communal area and not seeing Rex assumes he took the other room on the ship. Making his way to the med bay cause it had the only other bed on the ship. 'How did I get stuck sleeping in the med bay on my own ship?' Carl thought, self deprecatingly to himself as he laid in the med bed and tried to get some sleep.

After a few hours Carl woke up from his sleep and went to the cockpit to see if anything has changed. after confirming everything was still good he inquired to the hoi-poi capsules HK had. HK told Carl he got two gunships with supplies onboard both and the third was a crate of supplies. Carl asked if the crate is small enough to open on the ship and HK confirmed that it was so he took that capsule and told HK to hold onto the others and to make sure they arnt opened on the ship.

After getting a nod and a verbal confirmation Carl went straight to the storage area of the ship to check out what he got. On the way he noticed that Ahsoka and Rex weren't Present yet, they were probably still in the rooms digesting all that's happened.

As carl made his way in the storage area he took out the hoi-poi capsule and looked at it. It was a small pill like capsule no bigger than his thumb with a button on the top to de-capsule the item. Carl pressed the button and casually tossed the capsule to the middle of the room and not a second later a poof of smoke enveloped the small section the capsule was tossed at. After the smoke cleared out of the way there was a crate three feet high and 4 foot wide. He went over to the crate and opened the lid. The crate was sectioned off into three. One held six blaster rifles. The second held 6 blaster pistols. The last section took half the crate cause there were two what looked to be advanced rocket launchers. There was also a bunch of ammo Underneath the weapons in each section.

As Carl was sorting threw his loot he didn't notice Rex coming up from behind him. Rex looked over carls shoulder and commented, "so this is what you were able to take from the venetor?"

Carl jumps in fright and turns quickly to see Rex. Carl sighs in relief, "don't surprise me like that." He says as he places a hand over his heart.

Rex chuckles, "sorry didn't mean to startle you." He then walks over looking into the crate. "I guess its good you got some supplies off the ship before it went down. Lot of good they will do anyone now." He says in a self mocking tone as he lightly kicks the side of the crate.

Carl feels kinda awkward with the atmosphere "I'm sorry."

Rex looks at Carl then sighs, "it's alright kid, none of this is your fault." He then leans on the crate. " so you said in your reality you've seen a lot about ours, does that mean you know the future?"

Carl replies, "I know 'A' future. Things that will probably happen if things don't change, tho I'm not sure if there's enough time."

Rex looks down in contemplation, "why not tell us? Ahsoka and I could help in coming up with a plan."

Carls eyes widen at that. He never thought about telling people about the future events, but then again he wasn't going to tell people about his reality hopping and he was to lazy to keep that ruse up. Carl thinks what would the harm in telling them be. He's going to change things anyway so it won't matter if they know and both Ahsoka and rex are more experienced than him so their help in coming up with a plan would be helpful. He looks at Rex, "ok. I think you and Ahsoka will be a big help. But I got to ask you really believe me about my reality hopping."

Rex shrugs his shoulders, "kid I've seen a lot and the Jedi do a lot of mysterious things and are said to see into the future." He stands up fully and walks to go get Ahsoka. "As I see it I have no reason to not believe you and so far all you have said has been on point." Before heading out the door he turns to Carl, "and my gut tells me to believe you as well and that's never lied to me." Rex then heads out the door to get Ahsoka. Carl heads out to the communal area to meet up with the two of them thinking on things.

After Carl got to the communal area it wasn't long till Ahsoka and Rex walked in as well. "Rex said something about forming a plan?" Ahsoka asked as she sat down in a seat followed by Rex.

Carl nods to Ahsoka, "ya, Rex brought up how it would be helpful to reveal what I know about future events to get both your insight and come up with the best plan we can."

Ahsoka nods, "I agree, but let's focus on the events on mustifar. We shouldn't be clouded by other things at the moment." She says.

Carl agrees, "sure I can reveal more afterwards, tho depending on what happens some things may change."

Ahsoka then states, "we'll just have to deal with that when the time comes, so tell us what happens on mustifar." She then crosses her arms waiting for Carl.

Carl sighs then revealed that mustifar was the planet the so called leaders of the CIS was hiding. Once order 66 happened, Anikin was sent by the chancellor to mustifar to kill them all. Ahsoka gasped at that and rexes eyes widen. Carl continues saying obiwan learns of Anikins fall and looks for him leading him to padme amidala. Padme knew were anikin was and cause obiwan told her that Anikin fell to the dark side she went to go confront him herself without knowing obiwan followed her. Padme gets to mustifar and confronts Anikin about what he has done and she tries to get him to come back to the light. Obiwan reveals himself making Anikin think she brought him and he force chocked her in anger.

Ahsoka yells out, "HE WOULDN'T" with Rexs eyes widening in disbelief.

Carl raised his hands to calm them down, "you're right he wouldn't normally but he's being corrupted by the dark side. The slightest mood swing will set him off. Seeing obiwan coming off padmes ship not knowing he was a stowaway made him feel betrayed. He does immediately stop when he realizes what he's doing." Ahsoka calmed down taking a deep breath and waits for Carl to continue.

Carl continued saying after that obiwan and Anikin get in a fight to the death that takes them all around the complex there in but it ends with obiwan cutting off Anikins remaining limbs and leaving him to burn on mustifar. Ahsoka has tears in her eyes and Rex is looking down in contemplation. Carl continues with saying how obiwan takes padme off planet to some asteroid base we're senator organa is. That's where he ends by saying This is we're padme dies in child birth by losing the will to live, and where the children are separated and hidden from Anikin.

Everyone is quiet for a bit till Carl pipes in trying to bring there spirits back up, "I'm hoping to change things for the better, maybe with us going there and knowing what's going to happen we can change it."

Rex perks up and Ahsoka smiles at carls words, "you're right. I'm sure with all of us we can make a difference." And with that they all discussed on what there corse of action should be. They all realized that will highly depend on when they get there but their main goals are to save Anikin and also save Padme. Carl reveals his force healing and Ahsoka is astonished to learn that's a light side power. Carls unsure if that will be enough to keep her alive but Ahsoka assured him it won't hurt to try. Carl also said that if they save anikin and let Padme know they have him, that might help in giving her some more will to live. Rex and Ahsoka nod to that plan and disappears to do their own thing till they arrive. Ahsoka commandeered carls room for meditation cause that was the only room with a mat for it. Rex went to clean and repair his equipment at the workshop station, he also grabs some ammunition from carls crate for his blaster pistols saying it was there's to begin with anyway. Carl didn't mind tho, and Carl just resupplied his ammo for his pistols and rested in the cockpit till they arrived.

Time went by with the three doing their own things to pass the time. After so long the console started to beep with HK pressing some buttons. {20 minutes till we're out of hyperspace master.} Carl nodded then pressed a button to tell Ahsoka and Rex over the intercom that they are almost there. After Ahsoka and Rex arrived in the cockpit the blue glow of hyperspace vanished to regular space. Out the view port they could see a volcanic planet. Carl and Ahsoka felt out in the force and could already tell obiwan and Anikin have already engaged in combat. Carl and HK-47 controlled the ebon hawk to the planet were they could feel the battle going on. On approach they could see volcanos and lava everywhere. As they were making their way to the nearest complex, they see in the river of lava obiwan and Anikin hanging on to a giant piece of floating debris, still swinging there lightsabers at each other.

"over there!" Ahsoka points at them leaning over carls chair to get closer.

Carl sees them as well, " ya I see them. HK let's get behind them"

{affirmative master} HK-47 respond as he help Carl maneuver the ship to follow the two Jedi.

Rex puts on his helmet, "so what's the plan."

Carl thinks, "there isn't much we can do right now till they get off that thing."

Rex looks out over beyond them, " well they better hurry there about to hit a lava fall."

Carl after hearing that then says, " then if I'm not mistaken it shouldn't be lo- oh there he goes. " in the middle of carls sentence obiwan grabbed a hanging cable and started swinging on it followed by Anikin. Obiwan used the momentum to swing onto a footing platform that was floating on the lava.

Obiwan looked over to the ebon hawk and could feel Ahsoka and Rex onboard but didn't know who the third was. In the middle of wondering how and why they were all here Anikin managed to force jump from the debris onto a droid floating on the lava and use that to reengage obiwan in a lightsaber duel.

"Ok there off it now what." Rex asked.

Carl maneuvering the ship to fly slightly above and next to the two fighting Jedi response, "I'm open to suggestions. They're fighting over lava right now. We can't stun them cause they may fall in. If I fly to close they may take the fight on top of the ship. Our best bet is to wait for them to take this on land. You can go and open the ramp. Be ready for when they take it to land. Obiwan should jump to land that's when they have a little talk and Anikin tries to jump over him only to fail." Rex and Ahsoka nod at this and leave the cockpit. Shortly after carl see a light indicating the ramp has been lowered causing him to fly a little higher so the fighting Jedi can't jump up.

Not long obiwan finally jumped to land and Carl swiftly went to land not far from them. From the view port he could already see Ahsoka running up to them followed by Rex. 'They must have jumped off' carl thought to himself. Carl told HK to finish landing as he rushed out himself.

As carl rushed out of the ship and ran up to the group he hears Ahsoka yell, "ANIKIN STOP ALL THIS."

Carl makes it to the hill and sees obiwan on the classic high ground not taking his eyes off Anikin who is geting ready to jump and test obiwans high ground, and Ashoka and Rex slightly to the right on the same hight as obiwan looking at Anikin, Ahsoka with a face full of sadness.

Anikin looks at Ahsoka and tells her, "I have to do this Ahsoka, you wouldn't understand." Anikin then refocused on obiwan.

Ahsoka was about to say something els before obiwan says, "don't try it."

Before anyone could do anything Anikin takes a mighty leap and Ahsoka screams out, "NOOO!!" But it's too late and obiwan has cut off Anikins limbs leaving his robotic arm as he slides down and stops before burning. Ahsoka was about to run to him but obiwan extended his hand for her to stop.


This is when Carl pipes in, he needs to do something or everything will go the same. "That's the problem right there, the contradiction." Everyone now looks at Carl even anikin as he noticed Carl for the first time. Carl got nervous with so many eyes on him but he took a breath and continued. "I'm not saying the Jedi are bad cause they're definitely not but from what I know they contradict themselves. The Jedi want balance in the force but deny the dark focusing on the light side only…that doesn't sound balance to me." Carl points at Anikin, "I agree with him the the some jedi and I do emphasize on 'some' are hypocritical like master windu, his whole fighting style is channeling the opponents dark side into him to power himself. His excuse he's disciplined enough to handle it, why not teach more this style?" Everyone was quiet to that they all new the Jedi order wasn't what it use to be, it's one of the reasons Ahsoka left.

Carl used the force to lift Anikins body and bring it away from the lava closer to them. Ahsoka had a thankful look and obiwan still looked wary of Anikin. Anikin still had a hateful look on his face but knew he couldn't do anything. "All this is playing into sidious's plan." He points at Anikin. "If you commit to this path your wife 'WILL' die like you have seen in your visions in child birth causing you to fall deeper to the dark side." Anikin looks angry thinking Carl is threatening Padme. "She will be so heartbroken buy your choice that she will technically lose the will to live." Anikins eyes widen at that.

Obiwan comes in saying, "is that what all this is about? Aniking seeing Padme die in a force vision?"

Ahsoka pleads to Anikin, "please anikin believe him, I know it sounds unbelievable but he's telling the truth." She looked into anikins eyes trying to convey how sincere she is.

Anikin seams to be thinking while carl says, "I'm not trying to rush but we have very little time, the chancellor, well I guess emperor now will be on his way soon."

Obiwan points out, "Padmes ship is to far away I can't take him there, plus there's only one med bed and Padme will be using that."

Carl shrugs and points to his ship not too far away, "I got my ship just right there. We can get Anikin onto the med bay there. Rex can stay and help me look over Anikin while Ahsoka gose with you to help with padme."

Obiwan agrees, "alright then and I want to know who you are I don't think I've ever met you before."

Carl waves that off, "Ahsoka can explain all about me on the way out of here but we need to hurry." He looks over at Anikin who seamed to be thinking on everything so far. "So Anikin Skywalker? Are you coming with us or staying here to wait for the emperor? Cause I won't have someone hostile on my ship that can crush it like a can with his mind." Everyone els then looked to Anikin waiting for his answer and Carl hopes this is enough to get him to cooperate.