
in the mcu with a machine to cross the multiverse.

my first time writing plz keep in mind hop you enjoy and review. carl is your typical guy on his way to comic con when he unexpectedly dies. he is now sent to the mcu and in order to deal with the coming threats he is given and machine that will let him travel threwout the multiverse. main world: mcu world jump list. 1.Star Wars 2. dragon ball those will be the first 2 worlds. im not to sure on the others yet but I’m up for suggestions on the 3rd and 4th world I’m thinking that’s about as many times he will jump world till the story’s done but will see if we can get more.

Kyroru · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
33 Chs

ch 5

After about an hour Carl could feel that a dark force presents has just arrived on the ship. 'That must be maule. It's weird feeling his darkness like this, the best way I can describe it is having a cold feeling.' He thought to himself. 

(in the main hangar bay)

   The shuttle bringing the party that was escorting maule back to the ship was finishing landing and slowly opened. Once fully opened it showed Ahsoka tano, the clone trooper Rex and more clones bringing the bound up form of maule in what look like a coffin/box with intricate designs. 

  Ahsoka and Rex stepped to the side to allow the other clones to take the prisoner maule to a holding cell for transport. 

   After the clones took maule Ahsoka notice the Ebon Hawk parked over to the side. " I didn't know we carried ships like that." She pointed to the Ebon Hawk.

   Rex walked up beside her examining the ship. "We don't commander." He looks the ship up and down. " an old republic ship? How's it still operational?" 

   Before they could ponder on it further the clone that took Carl to the interrogation room made his way to them to give his report. "Commanders." He greeted them. 

   Rex gave the trooper a hard stare, "tell me Lieutenant, why is there an unfamiliar ship in my hangar bay?" 

   The clone trooper stood at attention and saluted. " sir, yes sir" he then recounts how the ebon hawk came out of hyperspace from the unknown region and how captain carl clamed to have found the ship that had only Mandalore as its only destination. 

   Rex was looking at the trooper with a stern face, " and did you verify his claims?" 

   The trooper nodded, " we checked the log data of the ship and the only other route it has was the unknown planet in the unknown region so that checked out." 

   Ahsoka then asked, "what about the ship itself? Did you find anything interesting?" 

   The trooper nodded again,  "we did a scan of the ship and it may look old but she's up to galactic code and heavily modified."

  Rex asked this time. "What do you mean?" The trooper then listed how the turrets and shields were buffed up and how the engines on it could outrun all there starfighters. Rex then crosses his arms over his chess. " and you said he found this ship?" 

  The trooper nodded, "that's what he says sir." The trooper then motioned to get something from the satchel on his waist. " we also found this sir." He then pulls out Revans holocron that Carl had in his room on the ship. 

   Ahsokas and Rexs eyes widen at the reveal of the holocron. Rex first takes the holocron to examine it, he then hands it over to Ahsoka. "Is he a Jedi?" He asked as Ahsoka took the holocron to examine it as well waiting for the troopers answer. 

   The trooper shook his head no, "I don't think so sir he's not dress like any Jedi I've ever seen before." 

  Rex then turned to Ahsoka who was still examining the holocron. "What do you make of it?"

  Ahsoka still examining the holocron answered. "I'm not sure. This isn't like any holocron I've seen before. There's a mixture of dark and light in this holocron witch I was led to believe was impossible."  She ponders on it for a bit. 

   Rex looks at her questioningly. "What does that mean?" 

  Ahsoka shakes her head. "I'm not sure." She then looks to Rex. "Perhaps we should go and pay a visit to our mystery guest." She pocketed the holocron intending to take it with her and made her way to the room Carl was being held in 

   Rex smirked as he followed behind her. "Yes that sounds like a good idea, don't want to keep our guest waiting." 

(Back in the room Carl is being held in) 

   Carl was pondering on what he should do when he's eventually questioned. If he's going to be meeting who he thinks he is he doesn't think he can lie cause if he remembers Jedi can sense when someone is lying. He can omit part of the truth tho Revealing he's from another reality is a big nope at the moment. But how much can he say that he saw everything through force visions? 

   Carl was sitting in his chair meditating on what to do when the door to the room finally opened. Carl opened his eyes and his eyes couldn't help but widen in recognition of Ahsoka Tano and rex from the clone wars tv series. They both entered the room Ahsoka taking the chair across from Carl and rex standing behind her to the side. 

  Ahsoka took a minute to look at Carl. Typical human with odd clothes. She was surprised to see how young he was but When she sensed him through the force she was taken aback by what she felt. Light and dark co-mingling with one another. She's very confused with this person in front of her. "I'm Ahsoka Tano advisor to the 501st legion and this is commander Rex, your captain Carl right?" She decided to start things off with introductions.   

  Carl nodded his head in affirmation, "yes ma'am that's right." 

   "And you just found that ship thats in the hangar bay?" Ahsoka asked and Carl nodded his head. "You do realize how unbelievable that sounds." Ahsoka couldn't help but point out. 

   Carl couldn't help but have a sheepish smile. "I really don't know what els to say but that's the truth." 

  Ahsoka could sense he wasn't lying but she could tell he was hiding something still so she takes out Revans holocron and places it on the table causing carls  eyes to widen in slight fear before he schooled himself but Ahsoka caught it. "Mind explaining this?" She asked as she rolled her fingers over the holocron. 

 Carls face was passive but on the inside, 'FUUUCCCKKK I should of put that away somewhere els I'm so stupid.' He looked at Ahsoka. "Came with the ship." He wasn't lying it really came with the ship.

  Ahsoka fingers stopped and her eyes narrowed slightly, she felt he didn't lie but she can feel that something is strange with this boy. She then tosses the holocron to Carl. " we'll we're about to be on our way to coruscaunt we can get you help there and I bet the Jedi would love to have a word with you." She sends a knowing smirk towards Carl. 

   Carl let's out nervous laugh, "ha ha is there any way I can just be on my way." He smiles innocently while thinking, 'No no no I need to get off this ship.' Ahsoka simply  smiled widely while shaking her  in the negative. Carl slumps, "I thought not." 

   Ahsoka couldn't help but chuckle at carls misfortune and gestures Carl to follow her and Rex. "You may not be able to leave but commander Rex and I will be your escorts till we arrive on coruscaunt, so at least you won't be confined to a room right?" She told and asked Carl. 

   Carl sighed, "ya I guess your right." While inwardly thinking, ' well at least I'll be by Ahsoka and Rex. They're suppose to survive all this so sticking with them should be good.' 


   They made there way to the command deck and as soon as the elevator opened up one of the clones in a naval uniform ran up to Rex, "commander rex the latest briefing has come in" As soon as Carl herd this his blood ran cold. 

   Rex turned to Ahsoka, "want to have a look, they might have an update on general kenobis efforts." Carls face turned paler after every word. 

  Ahsoka shook her head, " you go, I'm sure it's more good news. I have to look after our guest anyway." Rex nodded and went to go get the report. Ahsoka turned to Carl and noticed his state and could sense his fear. "Are you alright?" 

   Carl snapped out of it and looked at Ahsoka and spoke in a rush, "we need to get out of here somthing bad is abo-" before he could finish both Ahsoka and Carl could feel the  disturbance in the force. they could hear what has transpired on palpatiens office and when it's was all over Carl could hear in the other room palpatiens voice. "Execute Order 66." one thing ran through carls mind, 'FFFUUUCCCKKK'