
Chapter 8: It will be fun...

Captain : " Lets not get ahead of ourselves " said Steve seriously, not sure whether that was enough to stop an enemy as strong as Agnologia.

As if the universe agreed with him, the ground began shaking. Tremor spread through New York as buliding started trembling because of the intencity of the tremor.

They see the mount of stacked pieces of cement, metal, glass etc. caused by the collapsed building.

The pile started moving and shaking and something massive slowly rises from the debris.

The massive thing slowly rises and the debris on top of it fell of and you could see its massive sharp blue eyes and mssive teeth.

The eyes were dragonic and it focuses on the Avengers and the Avengers were frozen in fear, unable to move or utter a single word.

Their courage, their ego, their pride, their heroic spirit, their little confidence, their belief, their faith and....the little bit of hope they had crumbled as they were destroyed by the gaze alone.

The thing continues rising until it reaches about a 100 feet.

When it finally got up, the three Avengers can see what the 'thing' was..

It was a massive Dragon...

It lets out a ROAR so powerful the soundwave alone was enough to crack the road and the tall buildings of New York.

The drones of SHIELD that flew over the area got destroyed and the ears of the people that heard the Roar kept ringing after it.



Nick Fury watched the video feed of the fight and thought it was finally over but Oh how wrong he was.

When he saw the giant Dragon form of Acnologia he knew he bit off more than he could chew. He should have never attacked an unknown enemy no matter the gain or profit.

That was unlike him but with all that happened today and with the Council keep pressuring him, asking for information about Loki and the invasion going as far as to launch a nuclear missiles on their own soil while his team was still on the area. It was to be expected.

This caused him some suspicion on the Council but that was for another time.

Seeing the Dragon he can't help but blame himself for the shithole they are in.

"What the fuck did I messed with?" he can't help but mutter out loud clenching his fist.

He can do nothing...and he hates this feeling. Being so weak and easily bullied. This was the whole reason for 'PHASE 2' and also the reason for the 'AVENGERS INITIATIVE'

But it seems he still end up right where he started, nothing seemed to change no matter what he do. It only seemed like he found enimies more powerful than the last. More enimies to fight, more threats to prepare for

Like a frog in a well that dosen't know the vastness of the sky, he was ignorant of the vastness of this Universe.

He is still right where he started, weak and.....



--Acnologia's POV

Letting out a roar after transforming I am pretty sure that was badass.....not for them but for the readers or the viewers...not like they existed but i can't help wanting to impress them...weird.

Anyways my current transformation is smaller than the last time. Maybe it is because of my pitiful amount of mana but this one is also pretty big, slightly larger than the original Acnologia.

I feel like I am on one of those trash fanfics where they have an OP MC but dicided to nerf them.....but I also think I am pretty OP and the curse is not going to be there forever...not if i decided to do something about it.

I feel awesome.. I feel like I am on magic steroids whatever that felt like but I just felt like it.

My huge dragon body is brimming with power that I feel like I am a God. I know how it felt like from my memories but experienceing it is more awesome.

The Avengers are frozen in fear and I also saw Loki, I made sure to warn him not to get away with my bloodlust. Haha they were not like that even when they face Thanos and his armies. Just goes to show how awesome i am.

I opened my huge mouth or should I say jaws and sucked in a huge amount of air. The suction sommoned a hurricane like wind.

I take the air and turned it into mana.

I didn't do this in my human form because eating air is not as efficient as eating fire if the element is natural. It is different if it is produced by magic but eating natural air barely produce mana.

It heals some wounds and i feel refreshed but thats it. So eating air with my small mouth is inefficient, same thing with water and earth. Natural fire is the most efficient but things like electricity and explosions are quite efficient to gain mana.

I can eat anything but that dosen't mean I can devour everything anytime.. Like how people can't eat foods thrown at them. I am also immune to almost...anything.

Anyways taking in the huge amount of air I can feel my mana rise a little. Oh i hate this shit and I hope whoever nerfed me suffer in hell.

( Author : He means Proteus..hopefully 😅 )

I saw the Avengers came out of their stupor.

And I got on my hind legs, spred my wings and laughed uncontrollably. It sounded so evil and maniac....I love it.

I can't help it. I may be Acnologia but Joshua's personility remains. And you can't expect a 15 year old kid to remain serious in this situation.

I am so happy and excited. Thor's whole body shook when he saw my wings and it doesn't escape my sharingan...i mean my dragon eyes.

He uttered words that peak my intrest.

Thor : " Imm..Im...Impossible....He is Agnologia "

--Thor's POV

Seeing his balck wings and blue tatoos, i recognise him, The being that destroyed Olympus...Agnologia.

There are drawings of his current form in Asgard but not his previous form so I don't recognise him.

I thought it or i guess he died on battle between the Olympian Gods. How ia he here and he said he was finally free, does that mean he was not killed but was mearly sealed.

How did he escape from wherever he was...was it because of the tesseract??

If he truly is Agnologia than we never stand a chance.

--Loki POV

How does it come to this.....I can't help but watch my brother and his team get beaten..I should have escape as soon as i can...Now i can't even run away because I am sure he won't let me away..

One look and I sure get the warning....'run and i will kill you'

This suck..maybe I shouldn't have attacked Midgard after all...


--Acnologia POV

He knows about me...not too suprising considering my histroy, he must be really terrified.

I stopped my laughter and asked the God of Thunder if he knew me.

" Oh!! So you know of me?? " I spoke in a deep and powerful sounding voice but I honestly don't know how I talk without my lips but maybe mana shaped my voice. I also went near them.

" Yes, you are the Agnologia, Dragon God of Apocalypse and the God Eater. You are the only being stronger than Allfather " replied Thor, gathering his courage he repleied without stuttering this time.

" HAHAHAHA!! Yes that is who I am, So why did you attack young God " I relpied, I have some idea on who decided to attack me.

--Avengers POV

Stark : " Thor what are you doing??" asked Ironman in a whisper

Thor : " Guys he is not one of them.. He is much worse, we don't stand a chance before him so stand down " wishpered back Thor..

Captain : "How do you know him " asked Steve

Thor : " We know stuff about him on Asgard, No time to explain "

--Acnologia's POV

" We are sorry but that was a misunderstanding. We just have a battle with Chitauris and we thought you were one of the. There was no picture of your human appearance so i do not recogbise you. " Thor said trying to be respectful..

Well misunderstanding or not I am not letting them go that easily.. You could even consider me a saviour of humanity considering what I did..

It was mostly personal but the ponit is I freed them from those Egoist bastards and this is how they repay me. Unforgivable I know they must also have their own reasons but i fucking couldn't care less

While I was thinking about this i noticed the 5 fighter jets comming towards here and I also noticed the Quinjet.

I spread my wings and I flew towards the jets leaving the three stunned Avengers. Every flap of my wing produced a strong gust of wind that swept everything away the object beneath me.

I flew at relative speed and when I reached the jets I swiped my claws and destroyed one of them. I opened my jaws and take the whole jet in my jaws and if expolded. I immediately ate the explosion and I proceed to destroy the other like toys.

I leave the Quinjet and i flew towards the two presence i felt, they were Blackwidow and Hawkeye. I can't wait to meet them.

--3'rd POV

Natasha and Barton reached the place they got from Fury and waited for the retrieval team.

The place was the roof of a tall building. The building suddenly shake but it stopped after a while before another quake shook the building harder than before.

" What was that?? " Asked Barton which Natasha replied with " I don't kniw..maybe its an explosion"

They saw the jets far away but they saw it destroyed by a giant balck dragon. The Dragon then headed straight towards them.

" What do we do ??" asked Natasha in a little panicked tone.

" We can't do anything..we just wait and see what happen " replied Hawkeye with a helpless sigh.

--Acnologia's POV

When I reached the roof they were in, they did not even try to run away. It seems they knew they can't run away at least.

When i flew over the. my shadow loomed over them and I changed back to my human form. My body shined with a dark blue and it started shrinking.

When I am back to my human form i fell down from the sky. I landed on the roof with a cool landing and the roof cracks.

I stand up and gaze upon them with my piercing look. And they seem slightly nervous. I can see their body tense up. It was amusing, making the heroes you watched in your past life nervous.

A grin full of excitement appeared on my face.

It will be fun...living a life on Marvel...

____________________________________( Skip if you want )

Author : Hey guys its Sleepy Ash here hope you like the new wrting style...I stopped writing in 3'rd POV alone and tried writing in 1'st POV...We starting online calss now so im pretty busy...Have you guys read 'My Dress up Darling' ? Totally amazing manga, I watched the trailer but can't wait for the anime so i read the managa and binge the entire thing...Marin best girl..she is ZeroTwo level so i recommend reading the manga it has amazing arts..

And I also noticed i spelled Acnologia as Agnologia which is wrong but i won't correct the previous chapters (Im too lazy😩) so i will use the correct spelling from now on..

Anyways Thanks for reading the chapter