
In MCU as Acnologia

Rincarnated as Agnologia in MCU... Its droped because drafts got lost and I don't feel like writing again..... but I may continue it if I get inspiration again..

MrSleepyAsh98ij3g · Movies
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10 Chs

Chapter 7: Final Fight

Agnologia : " ' Fire Dragon Iron Fist ' " cry out Anologia, plunging in the direction of Ironman..

Before Agnologia reach him. Ironman used his repulsion rays from the foot and plam of his suit and got away from his position. When Agnologia reached his previous location, he hits the place with his attack.

There was a loud explosion sound, heat from the attack can be felt from far away. Dust rise and Ironman flew to the sky as fast as he can. When the dust settled, he can see the enemy looking right at him with a feral grin.

They stare at each other for a while until a Hammer flew right at Agnologia. Agnologia seeing the attack turn his right hand into a more dragon like hand. His fingers turn into claws and his hand turn comletely like a dragon.

Ironman seeing Agnologia getting attacked flew away from the place..He knew nothing they do will work, he need another plan. He need to think outside the box, his attacks..no, all their attacks has no effect on him.

Agnologia turn towards the incomming hammer. He used his dragon like hand/claws and stoped the attack on its track. Thor seeing his hammer stopped for the first time was shocked. He always thought his weapon, which was one of the best weapon you can find in the whole universe was unstoppable. His father can do it but that does not count. He is the Allfather after all.

Agnologia throws the hammer on the ground and proceed to hold the handle. The hammer ressisted and the enchantment on the hammer, which is made by Odin begins appearing. Agnologia seeing the enchantment just smiled.

Agnologia : " Its futile" said the Dragon hybird as he begans using his mana to destroy the enchantment.

In the end he is unable to destroy the enchantment completely because of his limited mana but he is able to wield it. He holds the hammer and throws it in the direction of Thor with insane amount of strength.

Thor seeing Agnologia pick up his hammer is astonished. He sees Agnologia throws his hammer back at him. For the first time, Thor experience what its like to attacked by Mjolnir. It hits him right in his chest and the hammer dosen't stop there. It keeps going and and it thrust Thor into buildings and cars. It finally stops about a kilometer away from his current position and Thor fell to the ground in pain.

Seeing Thor flew away Captain America throwa his shield on the back of Agnologia. It hits him and it rebound back in his hand. Agnologia turns towards him with annoyance in his eyes and rushes in his direction.

Captain America sees Agnologia throws a punch with his dragon like fist. Captain puts his shield forward and he braced himself for the attack. When the punch strike his shield, he felt like his whole body was about to explode from the force of the punch.

The bones in his arm breaks and the legs on which he stand also get crushed. His body was unable to take the force of the punch and he is sent flying. He crashed on the ground, about 30 meter away from the enemy.

Even with his broken body. Captain America. forces himsef to stand up. He uses his willpower to rise from the ground. He can feel his broken ribs, arm and legs but he continued to get up. His super soldier body helps him adapt to the pain and he finally brought his damaged body up.

He checks his body while breathing heavily

and his breath stops when his eyes land on his shield. His shiled which can even withstood the attack from Thor himself, His shield which could withstood any firearm, his shield which is said to be unbreakble has a fist sized dent on it.


--Location : SHIELD

Nick Fury seeing his team gets beaten down like a bunch of kids was not in a good mood. The enemy is stronger than expected and the Avengers are beaten down hard. He spoke on the communicator.

Nuck Fury : " Blackwidow do you still have the sceptre? "

Natasha : " Yes sir, it is with me"

Nick Barton : " Good. Agent Natasha, Barton stop the assult, the enemy is too strong. "

Natasha : " But Sir the enemy..." she was cut off by Nick Fury

Nick Fury : " The enemy is too strong for you, both of you are just normal human you stand no chance against the enemy. I will send a jet to pick you up, go to the coordinate 'xxxxx' and be there before an hour. And bring the Sceptre with you. "

Natasha : ".....yes sir" replied Blackwidow with some hesitance.

Maria Hill : " What about the others?"

Nick Fury : " They need to buy some time, I am sending fighter jets in New York. They should be able to hold him down for few minutes. We can't let an enemy as powerful as him get away" he replied with an emotionless tone

--Back to the Avengers

Captain America was brought out of his stupor when he heard Ironman's voice through his earpiece.

Stark : " Guys, I have a plan "

Captain : " Say it Stark " said Steve impatiently.

Stark : " Do you see the tall bulding to your right "

Captain America looked on towards his right and saw a tall building about 500 meters. It was about 70 yards away from him.

Stark : " I need you to bring him near or below that building, I have a surprise for him " said Ironman

Thor : " That would be hard but it is doable " said Thor while getting up from the ground.

Captain : " Are you sure this plan of yours will work. "

Stark : " Its 50-50 " said Ironman

Captain : " I guess beggars can't be choosers"

Thor : " Are you sure your human body can take it " asked Thor

Cpatain : " Don't worry about me...I can do this all day.. We will get him there Tony" said Steve with a chuckle.

Both Thor and Captain went towards the enemy again. Captain America can barely stand but with his willpower and adrenaline coursing through his body. he began running.

Hulk also healed his broken hands and ruahed towards Agnologia, more angry than ever before. Hulk was the first to reach the enemy. He charges straight at him and strike a punch. Agnologia redirected the punch and hits Hulk right at the liver. He takes a second and third shot at his body before finally kicking Hulk with a round house kick.

Thor coated his hammer with lightning and leaped at the enemy he swing his weapon at the enemy but the enemy dodges the attack, he kept swinging his weapon again and again.

But the enemy keeps evading his assult and also counter attack whenever he sees an opening in his defense.

Agnologia evades the furry of asults but he also hits hia opponent whenever the opponent drops his guard. He hits him hard but not hard enough to be knocked down. He avoids any leathal hits as he doesn't want to end the fight quickly.

Agnologia saw Hulk getting up and charging at him again. He grab Thor's arm and pulled him towards him. He give an uppercut right at the God's chin and he send him flying. He immediately intercept Hulk's attack and give Hulk his first magic attack.

Agnologia : " 'Sky Dragon Compressed Fist' "

( I suck at naming,🤧 )

Agnologia gathered air around his fist and give Hulk a mean right hook. When the Air compressed fis hits Hulk. He was sent flying towards the sky. Giant hurricane of air spreads from the punch and Hulk flew towards the end of the city.....never to be seen again.

He noticed Captain America comming towards him and he got to give the guy some respect seeing his broken body. But he also saw the determined eyes that he had, he is just a normal guy from Brooklyn with Mathe. only about 10 times stronger than average, nothing like Thor or Hulk with insane strengths. He dosen't have spy or assassin training or a high tech suit. He was just a soldier.....a super soldier.

Seeing Captain America, he adjusted his strength to his level and they exchange blows. He was better no..far more better, that much was clear but the man never gave up. Even though he knew the enemy is pulling his punches and played with him he gave his all, he don't let it discourage him. ' Another punch, just one more, just one more, a little more' those were his thought while fighting the enemy he would never win against.

It kind of remind him of his youger self. Even if all the Universe told him killing a God was impossible for a man, he never gave up and found a way. A small smile adores his savage face while thinking his past on Marvel.

Thor also joined the fight again but it doesn't matter. They never stood a chance.

Without Agnologia kowintrembled lead him towards the tall building. Agnologia was thinking about the past so he doesn't notice how Captain Anerica and Thor lead him to the tall building. He was too confident, he should know better than to be distracted during a fight with his experience but Joshua Miller can't help it.

Thor and Captain America attacked from both sides of Agnologia who catched their attacks. He spun and throws the both of them like a rag doll. Captain America shouted when he lands far away because of being tossed by Agnologia.

Captain : " TONY, NOWW!!! " shouted Steve while quickly getting up and running in the opposite direction of Agnologia. Dragging his broken body away as fast as possible. He ran as fast as his broken legs can take him.

Agnologia was confuced about the situation until he noticed a giant shadow looming over him. He looked up and sees a giant piece of building about 100 meters falling towards him with high speed. The building fell from about 400 meters. The giant chunk of steel and glass decend towards him and it makes a sound 'Fwoosh' while falling because of the friction between the air and the vibration.

Seeing this, Agnologia can't help but remember a similar situation like this that happened a long time ago. It was like this but on a much larger scale. It was a fight between him and some Gods, They lead him to a trap where they decide to crush him with a giant meteorite. Apocalypse (God of Gravity) twin brother of Zeus and Gaia who was a primordial being and the Goddes of Earth were the one who casted the spell.

Getting out of his thought Agnologia looked up at the giant object and showed an excited smile. This is the second time he was on a similar situation and that means he could do this cooler and more awesome than last time.

The object finally hits the ground...


A stenstanous sound was heard when the giant piece of building hit the ground, crushing Agnoligia with it. Shockwave spreading at a rapid pace and the earsplitting sound resounding the streets. The ground of New York trembled with vigour. Airwave spread from the place where the object crashed and it shattered the glasses of cars and houses.

Ironman flew down from the sky and went towards Captain America and Thor.

Thor got up and helped his fellow warrior.

Thor : " Did we get him? " asked Thor

Stark : " I think we did " said Tony.

Captain : " Lets not get ahead of ourselves " said Steve seriously, not sure whether that was enough to stop an enemy as strong as Agnologia.

As if the universe agreed with him, the ground began shaking. Tremor spread through New York as buliding started trembling because of the intencity of the tremor.


Author : This will be the final fight. I will try to settle the dispute next chapter but I don't know how I am going to do that.....Hopefully I cook something up soon or you won't get chapters..😂😂

Anyways, thank you for reading the chapters.and I hope you enjoy it.

Sleepy Ash will see you on the next chapter.