
In Marvel with Greatest System

"haaa, nothing new coming" ??? "damm, writer strikes" ??? Max cursed at the news of writer strikes news, cause its delaying his favourite movies from releasing, Suddenly he heard a shout but pay it no heed until... ************************* "hey, Kid watch out!" I helplessly watched a teenage kid moment away from just truck crashing into him, but i still tried reaching out to him but..( Random passerby) #screeeech# #Bam# "Huh, what- cough i-is t-this" Max looks at the clear blue sky, feeling pain all over his body. But soon realisation dawned him "I guess, I won't be able to watch my favs any more....." Max closed his eyes thinking it's over but is it.... ############################## Cover and other images aren't owned my me If the owner wants it to be removed plz tell me

Boring_World · ภาพยนตร์
140 Chs

Midtown high

"Class, today we have two students joining us, please welcome them" Teacher. 

" come on you two" Teacher said to class and invited Sam and Felicia in. 

"Hello, Everyone my name is Samuel Heart, but you guys could call me Sam, I am good at sports and science stuff" Sam

"Hi, My name is Felicia Hardy, I love science too" Felicia. 

"Hah, two nerds" Random student

*laughing* *laughing* whole class laughs

"Okay okay, enough" Teacher

"Mr. Heart you can sit next to Mr. Parker, and Miss Hardy you can sit next to Miss Stacy, they both are excellent students of our class, they can help you guys if you need any" Teacher. 

Sam went and sit next to Peter that is Andrew Garfield, the coolest Spiderman, He already knows about him and Gwen Stacy, they both have the same look as in Amazing Spider Man but it not ends here, this class also has The cool Mj, cool Harry, cool Flash from Ultimate Spiderman. 

Meaning potentially there could be Carnage Queen, Anti-Venom and Agent Venom superheroes. 

Also Doctor Octavius and other Supervillains from Spiderverse. 

Thanks to Blood Clone and Blood Transformarion skill Sam is different from other Clones by being different in age, he is currently 16 same as Peter and Felicia, meaning it's only a year before Peter got his Spider powers. 

Next year when they will go to Oscorp tower for a tour, that time Peter will obtain his powers, till then he has a lot of time to befriend him. 

After all who doesn't want a Spiderman as a bestie, this guy can go against 6 super villains alone, the Sinister six. 

{A/N: Slightly changed the timeline}

"Hey Samuel right, names Peter Parker, how do you came middle of term here, I mean we get new students coming in our class, but it usually happens at the start of term " Peter said and also asked. 

"Well certain circumstances led to it, you can call me a Sam by the way"Sam replied. 

" So wanna get a tour after class"Peter

"Yeah, show me around" Sam replied. 

Sam aslo tried to listen to Felicia and Gwen conversation, and it made him doubt his ears. 

"Hey, Felicia is he your Boyfriend" Gwen

"Nahh, he tries to Ask me out many times but i always rejects him, heheheh" Felicia said smugly. 

"Pfft~~you sure making it hard for him, I mean he is quite handsome right? " Gwen replied with a chuckle. 

"Oh, do you have eyes on him, you can ask for my help you know" Felicia said with a mischievous smile. 

"No, I don't have eyes in him but can't say about other girls" Gwen replied pointing at girls who looks like hyenas now. 

"He got such attention everywhere he goes, after all his looks and build enough to Attaract many bees" Felicia said

"You aren't bothered by it" Gwen

"No, as said in our case he is the hyena" Felicia laughed. 

'Just how shameless has ahe gotten'Sam lips twitched fiercely hearing their conversation causing him to regret eavesdropping on their conversation. 

"So where do you live, I can come to your house to hangout sometimes, Right? " Sam said to Peter. 

"Well you don't have to" Peter smiled. 

"You mean I am not welcome" Sam teased him. 

"No I don't mean that, of course you can come anytime you want" Peter replies while laughing.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Back at Drake place. 

"Hello Master, I would like to ask something" Drake said as he confronted Ancient one. 

"What is it that made you came to ask me Drake" Ancient one asked with a smile. 

"Well, can I bring in someone here, so that She can learn Eldritch Magic of Kamar-taj" Drake asked as now that he knows Selene is genius in Magic he want her to learn all magic she could.

"Are you talking about Selene, you can bring her here, I can see her talent is even better than yours" Ancient one replied looking toward North. 

"You know about her already, since when" Drake asked her. 

"Since the day she came here, and one more thing Max, Necromancy is very dangerous branch of Magic, it can grab the attention of someone that you can't even fanthom currently, so don't use it again with out proper shielding" Ancient one said as She looks at his eyes, that made Max who is comfortably sitting on his couch feel he is stared by Someone. 

"Did you shield it that time, " Drake asked as if what she is right then he dodged a Nuclear bomb of galaxy size. 

"I did it, thinking of as it a rookie mistake, but let me warn you I won't help you next time, anything that goes against the laws especially against high laws like Life and Death has severe consequences, you almost got the attention of Death goddess though She is imprisoned right now but don't do it unless necessary and without proper shielding" Ancient one replied with a calm smile. 

'Death goddess who is imprisoned, is she Hela, it fits her description ' Drake thought hearing her. 

"Thank you master, I will take care next time" Drake said. 

"So you will do it, after all" Ancient one chuckled. 

Drake gave a toothy smile. 

"Oh yes Master I can help you gain infinite lifespan, if you want, you don't have to rely on Dark Dimension energy any longer" Drake said as he doesn't want her to die. The reason Thanos came to Earth was because both Ancient one and Odin was dead but what if one of them lives, will he still dare to come here. 

"How? I don't think there is any way to gain infinite lifespan, if there is a way I could have done it long ago and have not relied on Dark dimension energy" Ancient one replied. 

"Vampire have infinite lifespan" Drake said. 

"They have fatal weakness of Sun, it's not suitable method for the Guardian like me" Ancient one said. 

"Not the one I know, She could make you Daywalker Vampire, though you might still retain the weakness of Silver but it's still better than Dark energy right" Drake replied . 

"True weakness of silver is nothing compares to Dark energy corruption, I will become a Vampire if you can make me a Daywalker" Ancient one said. 

Drake nodded, he is happy cause Ancient one lives and Selene will sire a New Vampire which will increase her Vampire powers, One Stone two birds. 


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