
Wong the light...

Drake went to Kamar-taj directly as Wong sounded urgent on call. He opened the potal to Nepal and located Wong. 

Wong was sitting inside a small shop eating some kind of round food there. 

"Try it, it's called Yomari, it's rice ball with sweet fillings basically, a delicacy of here" Wong said as Drake sat on the same table as him. 

"So what do you call for me, you sounded urgent but I don't see any.... Well Problem here" Drake ate the Yomari and asked Wong why did he call him here. 

"You remember the book, you gave to Ancient One" Wong

"Yes, Why? Do you want one too? " Drake teased him as he knows he many times curses him in envy as he can use other magic other than Eldritch magic too. 

"Well I do want it" Wong replied sheepily as Drake said what he wanted directly. 

"Okay, you can have it" Drake said as Dom is already studying the intermediate knowledge, plus he is not going to give him system only book but a simple circle based magic book, unlike the system only book that contains all Magic knowledge, the one he will give to Wong will have only a single attribute knowledge. 

"Really you will just give it to me, won't you ask for a price" Wong asked. 

"Ouch, you hurt me Wong, you have been my mentor, of course if I can help you with something, I will, also that book belongs to me, so it's upto me weither if I want to give it to someone or not" Drake replied comically. 

"I guess I don't have to say thankyou then, " Wong said as he laughed. 

"That's true" Drake also laughed. 

"So, when will you give it to me" Wong asked as he is now eating his meal happily. 

"I have to see what your affinity is first" Drake said as a portal opened and a crystal dropped from it to Drake hands. 

The portal was opened by Max, as he bought a Affinity crystal that is used to check ones affinity towards element. 

One good thing about Circle magic is you only need spirit strong enough to sense magical elements and as Kamar-taj master and future Sorcerer Supreme during Strange absence Wong has more than enough spirit power. 

"Affinity? " Wong asked as he looked at the pure white crystal Drake placed upon table. 

"Yes, Elemental magic that is the other Magic system I use, it needs one to gather Natural energy from environment and locked it in near our heart in the form of Circle, then draw energy from circle as a source to perform Magic" Drake. 

"As you know there are many elements and Every Human is more attuned to certain elements, and if he or she use Same element magic she is attuned to, it will lower the difficulty of learning as well increase the power of spells" Drake. 

"So now we will see what element you have affinity with Wong" Drake said as he asked Wong to place his hand on the crystal. 

Wong nodded and placed his hands on the crystal, which later shows golden light dots and flame dots in it. 

"You have high affinity for Light Magic and medium for Flame" Drake said seeing the amount of dots appearing in the crystal. 

This time Dom opens a portal and drops a book on light magic upto Tier 3 that he has made from basic magic book, he has made several different single element book from Basic magic book for all attribute. 

The light magic book he dropped to Drake is one of them. 

"Here Wong, it contains all Light Element Magic knowledge" Drake said as he passed the book to Wong. 

"I may not be able to help you much, but call me if you ever need me for something" Wong sincerely said as he received the Magic book. 

"By the way, you could have borrowed from Ancient one So why asked me" Drake asked as knowing Ancient One generosity she might have given the book to Wong and if he were to complain she would have shouldered all responsibility. 

" I don't want to get it without your permission " Wong replied honestly. 

Drake nods and continued his meal with Wong. 


Back at Isle

"Focus, girl, in any fight, if you loose Focus you lose your life" Selene said to Emma as she sparred with her. 

"You can make a whip and sword with your Psionic energy, right! But have you ever tried to shoot it like bullets or beams" Sam said to Psylocke as he is trying to let Psylocke use moves he has seen in anime. 

" No I have only uses it for shape weapons of close combat, or slightly larger range if I use whip" Psylocke shakes her head as she replied. 

"Hmm then why don't you try it now, come on its somewhat same but instead of holding it try to imagine it leaving out of your body at fast speed" Sam said as he tries to teach her. 

Psylocke nodded and tried to focus her energy to her fingers that she has pointed towards the wall, a small purple glow appeared on her fingers. 

"Yes you are doing great, now try imagining it going straight towards the wall, like a beam" Sam said. 

Psylocke closed her eyes as she tried to do what Sam is saying, the glow intensifies and exploded harming her hand. 

Sam hurriedly used healing magic on her hand fixing it back. 

"You didn't created any opening for it, that's why it exploded, next time try to open a path for the psionic energy to move " Sam said as he healed her. 

"Can't you explain it in simple way" Psylocke said as that explosion burned her hand upto elbows causing so much pain. 

" Hmm, see this water ball I made now if I try to increase the amount of water in it with out increasing its size a lot of pressure will be build and if I don't open a path for that pressure to came out, the water ball will explode, just like your explosion just know, the Psionic beam I am teaching to you works similar to this water ball I showed to you, now will you continue or rest" Sam said in most simple way he could. 

"Let me rest for a bit then I will try your.. Waterball method" Psylocke said as she sits on the ground. 

Drake nodded and went to see how Felicia doing, Edward now training her in Aura as surprisingly she have great talent for it. 

So Max asked Edward to train her in Aura as he has knowledge of Aura Grandmaster and now it's unlocked upto intermediate level. 

{A/N : Basic or low - medium or intermediate - high or advance - Perfect - Mastery , Grand mastery is overcoming natural limit}

Title : Wong the light Mage


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