
I Wield Shadows

In a world ravaged by monstrous manarites, humanity clings to survival. A breakthrough discovery - the ability to harness manarite power within their genes - offers a glimmer of hope. However, this newfound strength comes at a cost, blurring the lines between human and beast. Kai is no stranger to loss. Scarred by the brutal murder of his family at the hands of a monstrous manarite, he is driven by an unrelenting vendetta to hunt down and kill the creature that took everything from him. On the day he is to receive his manarite core, Kai’s life takes a dark turn when he is bound to a shadow-shrouded core—a heretic power that twists the very fabric of light and darkness Now, thrust into the enigmatic NYX Academy, a place where shadows hold secrets and light is a weapon, Kai's quest for vengeance becomes even more perilous. The academy is a labyrinth of rivalries, secret factions, and ancient prophecies, where the powerful seek to manipulate Kai’s unique abilities for their own ends. As he struggles to master the shadows within, he discovers that his enemies are not just the monstrous beasts outside the academy, but the darkness lurking within the very walls—and his own heart.

31 Chs

Descent into the Light

The world was white, an endless expanse of nothingness. For a moment, Kai thought he had died—that the blinding light had consumed him and pulled him into some otherworldly realm. His body felt weightless, his senses dulled by the overwhelming brightness that surrounded him.

But then he heard a voice a soft, familiar voice cutting through the void.


His eyes snapped open, and the blinding white receded just enough for him to make out a figure. Lysandra floated a few feet in front of him, her body still wrapped in the glowing tendrils of light. Her expression was serene, almost peaceful, but there was a sadness in her eyes that unsettled him.

"Lys!" Kai called out, trying to move toward her, but something held him back. It was as if an invisible force had bound him in place, preventing him from reaching her. "What's happening? Where are we?"

Lysandra's voice was gentle, but distant. "We're in the heart of the light, Kai… a place between worlds. The abyss, it couldn't follow us here. But this is only temporary."

Kai's mind raced. The last thing he remembered was the explosion of light, Lysandra being pulled away from him, and the abyss's monstrous form thrashing as the ground cracked open. Now they were suspended in this strange, glowing void.

"This doesn't make sense," Kai said, frustration boiling beneath the surface. "What happened back there? Why did you"

"It's the light's doing," Lysandra interrupted, her voice taking on a distant quality. "It called to me… and I answered. The abyss had been feeding on our world for so long, but there was another force buried beneath it a power just as old, just as hungry. But instead of devouring the darkness, it consumes the light."

Kai's breath caught in his throat as he realized what she was saying. "You're telling me we swapped one threat for another? That's not an escape!"

Lysandra shook her head slowly. "It's more complicated than that. The light isn't like the abyss… it doesn't want to destroy everything. But it does want balance. It's why it called me. It wants to fix the damage the abyss has caused to restore the world to what it once was."

Kai's frustration bubbled over. "At what cost, Lys? You don't know what this thing is. For all we know, it could be worse than the abyss!"

She looked at him, her eyes filled with that same, unshakable sadness. "I know. That's why I have to do this."

The words hit Kai like a physical blow. His heart pounded in his chest as he processed what she was saying. "No… no, you can't mean that. There has to be another way. We can get out of here, together. We can fight this thing, just like we fought the abyss!"

Lysandra's smile was soft, almost wistful. "Kai, I've seen it. I've seen what happens if I don't do this. The abyss… it's not gone, not entirely. It's still tethered to our world, still feeding on the shadows. If I leave now, if I don't let the light complete its work… the abyss will return, stronger than ever."

Kai clenched his fists, anger and fear warring inside him. "So what, you're just going to sacrifice yourself? Let the light consume you so it can 'fix' the world? That's insane!"

She didn't answer immediately. Instead, she floated closer to him, the tendrils of light dimming slightly as she reached out to touch his hand. Her touch was warm, soothing, but it did little to ease the turmoil inside him.

"I'm not sacrificing myself," she said softly. "I'm becoming part of something bigger. Something that will heal the world. The light showed me… if I stay, if I let it take me, I can guide it. I can make sure it doesn't go too far."

Kai shook his head, his throat tight with emotion. "I can't lose you again, Lys. Not like this."

Her eyes shimmered with tears, though her smile remained steady. "You won't lose me, Kai. I'll always be with you. In the light, in the shadows… I'll be watching over you. You'll never be alone."

Kai's chest ached with the weight of her words. He wanted to scream, to fight, to do anything to stop what was happening, but he knew deep down that there was no stopping this. Lysandra had already made her choice.

The light around them began to pulse, growing brighter and more intense. Lysandra's form became less distinct, her features blurring as the tendrils of light tightened their hold on her. The void around them trembled, and Kai felt the pull of reality creeping back in—the cold, harsh world they had come from was trying to reclaim him.

"Lysandra…" His voice was barely a whisper now, his heart breaking as he reached out to her.

She smiled, her fading form glowing with an ethereal beauty. "Goodbye, Kai. Remember what I said… you're never alone."

And with that, the light surged, swallowing her completely.

Kai was thrown back as the brightness overwhelmed him. His mind screamed in protest, his heart shattering as he felt her presence slip away, leaving only emptiness behind.

When the light finally faded, Kai found himself back in the cavern, his body sprawled on the cold, hard ground. The abyss was gone, its monstrous form reduced to a lingering darkness that clung to the edges of the cavern. The crack in the ground had sealed, and the air was eerily still, as if the entire world was holding its breath.

Kai pushed himself up on trembling arms, his chest heaving with the effort. Lysandra was gone. The light, the warmth everything had vanished, leaving behind a hollow ache in his chest.

The only sound was the faint drip of water from the cavern ceiling, echoing in the oppressive silence.

Kai stared at the spot where Lysandra had been, his mind numb, his body exhausted. He had fought so hard, endured so much, only to lose her at the very moment they thought they had won.

A low rumble reverberated through the cavern, snapping Kai out of his daze. He glanced around, his senses on high alert. The shadows were shifting again, moving with a life of their own. But this time, they weren't forming into monsters or tendrils of the abyss. They were… retreating, as if being drawn toward something deeper within the earth.

Kai's heart pounded in his chest as he realized what was happening.

The abyss wasn't gone.

It was awakening.

Before he could react, the ground beneath him cracked open again, and the shadows surged upward, enveloping him in a suffocating wave of darkness.