
I Wield Shadows

In a world ravaged by monstrous manarites, humanity clings to survival. A breakthrough discovery - the ability to harness manarite power within their genes - offers a glimmer of hope. However, this newfound strength comes at a cost, blurring the lines between human and beast. Kai is no stranger to loss. Scarred by the brutal murder of his family at the hands of a monstrous manarite, he is driven by an unrelenting vendetta to hunt down and kill the creature that took everything from him. On the day he is to receive his manarite core, Kai’s life takes a dark turn when he is bound to a shadow-shrouded core—a heretic power that twists the very fabric of light and darkness Now, thrust into the enigmatic NYX Academy, a place where shadows hold secrets and light is a weapon, Kai's quest for vengeance becomes even more perilous. The academy is a labyrinth of rivalries, secret factions, and ancient prophecies, where the powerful seek to manipulate Kai’s unique abilities for their own ends. As he struggles to master the shadows within, he discovers that his enemies are not just the monstrous beasts outside the academy, but the darkness lurking within the very walls—and his own heart.

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31 Chs

The Abyss Awakens

The ground shook as the enormous shadow entity slithered free from the shattered monolith. Kai instinctively grabbed Lysandra, pulling her close, but she was still weak, barely conscious, her body limp against him. The light that had been radiating from her hand flickered and dimmed, retreating like a candle about to be snuffed out.

In the distance, the massive shadow's form solidified, shifting into something more tangible. It was a writhing mass of tendrils and monstrous limbs, its core a swirling vortex of darkness so deep that even Kai's shadow abilities seemed powerless before it. It loomed high above them, its presence more oppressive than anything Kai had faced before.

The thing's shadowy eyes if they could even be called eyes locked onto Kai and Lysandra, and a guttural sound, half-roar, half-screech, echoed through the cavern. The force of it sent shockwaves across the ground, knocking Kai to his knees. He clutched Lysandra tighter, shielding her with his own body as the abyss's monstrous form advanced.

"Not now," Kai whispered through gritted teeth. "Not like this."

His shadow blade flickered in his hand, barely holding its shape as the monstrous shadow approached. Every instinct screamed at him to run, but there was nowhere to go no escape from the crushing darkness closing in on them.

The entity raised a massive tendril, its shape solidifying into something resembling a claw, and Kai knew they had only seconds before it would strike.

Suddenly, Lysandra stirred in his arms. Her eyes fluttered open, glowing faintly with the last remnants of the light she had summoned. "Kai…" Her voice was weak, barely a whisper, but it was enough to give him hope.

"Stay with me, Lys," Kai said, his voice laced with desperation. "We'll get through this. I just need you to hold on a little longer."

She tried to speak again, but a violent tremor from the abyss cut her off. The shadow entity brought its claw down, aiming directly for them.

Kai reacted without thinking. He spun on his heel, using the last of his strength to summon a protective barrier of shadows around them. The barrier flickered, weak and unstable, but it was enough to block the brunt of the attack. The claw slammed into the shadows with a thunderous impact, sending ripples of force through Kai's body. His vision blurred from the strain, but he held on, refusing to let the barrier fall.

"Come on, come on…" Kai muttered through gritted teeth, feeling the pressure from the abyss bearing down on him.

The barrier buckled, cracks forming along its surface as the monstrous shadow pressed harder, intent on crushing them both. Kai's knees buckled, and he felt his strength ebbing away. His shadow blade flickered out, and the darkness around them surged, hungry for his defeat.

But just as the barrier seemed ready to collapse, Lysandra's hand shot up, her eyes glowing brighter than before. A beam of light erupted from her palm, cutting through the barrier and striking the abyss directly.

The creature let out a deafening screech as the light seared into its form, its tendrils writhing in agony. For a brief moment, the pressure on Kai's barrier lessened, and the shadows recoiled, giving them a fleeting chance to escape.

"Kai…" Lysandra gasped, her strength fading again, the light dimming once more.

He didn't waste a second. Kai scooped her into his arms and bolted. The ground trembled beneath them, the entire cavern shaking as the abyss entity thrashed in its pain. Kai could hear the creature's furious roars behind them, but he didn't dare look back. His only focus was getting them out.

Ahead, in the distance, he saw a faint shimmer—an opening. It was barely noticeable against the suffocating darkness, but it was their only chance.

"Hold on, Lys," Kai muttered, his legs burning as he ran.

The opening was still too far away, and he could feel the abyss closing in on them, its presence looming larger with each passing second. Kai glanced over his shoulder just in time to see one of the massive tendrils whipping toward them, faster than he could react.

It struck like a lightning bolt, slamming into Kai's side and sending him and Lysandra tumbling across the rocky ground. Pain exploded through his ribs as he hit the ground hard, skidding to a stop against a jagged rock. He gasped for breath, the impact knocking the wind out of him, but his first thought was of Lysandra.

She lay a few feet away, unconscious again, her body limp and motionless.

"Lys…" Kai tried to push himself up, but a wave of dizziness overtook him, and he collapsed back onto the ground.

The abyss's tendrils slithered toward them, closing in like a predator about to devour its prey. The air grew colder, and the shadows thickened around them, making it impossible to see anything beyond the massive, writhing form of the creature.

Kai's body screamed in pain, every muscle aching, but he forced himself to move. He dragged himself toward Lysandra, his breath coming in ragged gasps. The tendrils were only inches away now, reaching out to claim them both.

Just as Kai's hand brushed Lysandra's, something shifted. A low hum, almost imperceptible at first, began to vibrate through the ground. It wasn't coming from the abyss but from beneath them.

Kai froze, his heart pounding in his chest. The humming grew louder, a deep, resonant sound that seemed to pulse in time with the abyss's thrumming energy. The ground beneath him trembled, not from the abyss's wrath, but from something else something ancient.

Before Kai could react, the ground erupted in a blinding flash of light, engulfing them both. The shadows around them recoiled in shock, retreating as the light cut through the darkness like a knife. Kai shielded his eyes, the intense brightness burning into his retinas.

When the light finally faded, Kai lowered his arm, blinking rapidly to adjust his vision.

The abyss's monstrous form was still there, looming in the distance, but something had changed. The ground beneath them had cracked open, revealing a deep fissure that seemed to stretch into infinity. And from that fissure, tendrils of light pure, radiant energy were spilling out, wrapping around Lysandra's body.

Kai watched in stunned silence as the tendrils of light lifted Lysandra off the ground, her body floating weightlessly in the air. Her eyes snapped open, glowing with an intensity Kai had never seen before. The light engulfing her pulsed, brighter and brighter, until it was almost blinding again.

The abyss creature roared in fury, its massive form thrashing as the light from the fissure began to pull it downward, dragging it toward the crack in the earth.

"Kai…" Lysandra's voice echoed in his mind, calm and strong, though her body was now surrounded entirely by the radiant energy. "I can feel it… the light... it's calling us."

Kai struggled to his feet, his mind racing. "What… what's happening?"

"The abyss... it was always going to claim us," Lysandra said, her voice filled with both awe and sorrow. "But now... there's another way."

Kai looked at her, fear gripping him. "What do you mean another way? Lys, we need to get out of here!"

Before he could reach for her, the light around Lysandra surged, pulling her further away from him, toward the abyss's core. The shadow creature screeched again, its form growing unstable, its tendrils lashing wildly in every direction.

"Kai, trust me…" Lysandra whispered, her form almost completely lost in the light now. "This is the only way to stop it…"

The ground rumbled again, and Kai felt the pull of the fissure beneath him, dragging everything toward the void. His heart pounded in his chest as he watched Lysandra being pulled further into the blinding light, her words echoing in his mind.

And then, in a sudden, blinding explosion of energy, everything went white.