
I was Reincarnated as Krillin? Oh boy.

Super huge fan of Dragonball dies and goes to a new world and chooses to be Krillin. ...Yep no worries about choosing to be a main support character here! he does his best to keep balance in this world but something is amiss as the enemies seem to scale with the changes and matches the growth of the main characters from their own growth... something isn't right. and it's up the reincarnated chosen to find out what is wrong.

Silverfang · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
69 Chs

Wish time!

We all travel and train the Namekians so that their race have a kot of competent warrios after losing Nail. And we know Piccolo will reamin on earth with us.

I especially focus on training the Namekian healer and fighter who risked life and limb to protect and heal our key members during that fight. Their names were Tagron and Kumo. Both were happy to learn from me and with the aid of the gravity of the ships device going all the way up to x40 on our trip back to help push the Namekians further they all go past 10k.

And Tagron and Kumo both make me proud.

Kuno the healer goes to 15k. While Tagron the fighter reaches 30k.

Both are very good budding replacements for the loss of Nail for the Namekian people.

We reach earth shortly after and are greeted with the happy faces of our friends and family. Especially the Namekians who came here with their dragon.

After greetings are exchanged we make plans for the Dragonballs and what we can do with the ships and the Namekian people.

Soon after Goku and Chi chi are reunited and kissing while promising to finally work on child number three.

Nadia welcomes back Raditz and hugs him close while whispering thatbshe is looking forward to training with him. She had been trained by Chi chi in his abscence and he could sense her power having been improved to a solid 2000. He was enjoying this future wife of his.

Bulam greets Vegeta and welcomes him back with a hug as well. He hesitantly hugs her back as he is trying to change his ego bit by bit with the lessons of humblness he learned from the Namekians during their flight back.

We all settle in as I ask the other human defneders what we missed while we were gone.

They said we only missed two invasions of a giant tree and an army led by a corrupt Namekian space lord.

I dead pan and ask, "What the hell do you mean we missed two invasions?! We were busy with one! And you dealt with two?! Man... We are slipping."

They all laugh as we get the Namekians used to earth and its people as Capsule corp announces that the Namekains are a visitng alien race here for friendly relations for a year.

I grin and rub my hands as Elder Mori is made the next grand elder with Kumo and Tagron as his personal guards and attendants.

We all say good bye to Guru as his age catches up to him during his stay on earth. And we prepare to use the Dragonballs.

As we set up I notice that Raditz is wrapping an arm around Nadia as she has been personally training with him in her village. And she has recently grown a tail. All I can do is say, "Well at least he actually developed that relationship... Unlike his brother."

Goku sneezes. But Chi chi is looking rather red in the face and her tail is wrapping around her husbands tail. I think we will be seeing Goten after another year or two.

As for Bulma and Vegeta? They are navigsting a relationship togethwe as Vegeta has only ever had one night stands with space hookers. And Bulmas last relationshil with Yamcha left her with a cautious taste innher mouth for powerful men. But Vegeta has been doing his best to change for the better. The lessons from the Namekians have been helping.

As for Bardock? He has been teaching his sons and his grandson how to fight and begin to unlock the Super Saiyan form. It has been slow going but I know out next year full of 13 total wishes will be great for them.

Our wishes are as follows.

1. Gine back. Bardock immediately hugged her and kissed her deeply. Promising thst he will never fail her again. She smiles at him and promises the same before greeting her grandson and grand daughter.

2. A new planet for the Namekians to live on in the next solar system over. This one makes our group happy as it meant a much shorter trip to visit them.

3. A key hint to allow the saiyans to unlock their own super saiyan forms so they cns begin to master it like Bardock.

This last wish was met with great eagerness from Vegeta and the other saiyans as Chi chi, Gohan, Nadia, little Gine, and Gine all feel an epiphany to whatbthey needed to do for their training.

Three months later and we got a lot of surprises. I was slack jawed as I see Bulma with a blue tail. And a little growth tonher stomach. Vegeta was rubbing hisnhead as Bulma adorably hugs his arm close.

Raditz was hugging Nadia from behind as she rubs and caresses her swelling belly as well.

Chinchi is in the same boat and was showing with her third. Gohan and little Gine were both happy to have a sibling on the way.

Gine was happy to form a female saiyan group to lead them through their pregnancies as apparently in this universe the female saiyans did go through narutal births and breastfed their babies for the first 6 months before putting them in nuturing pods on their planet to help the young grow safely. But since they don't have that luxury they all begin plans to birth together and support each other as mid wives. With their husbands helping of course.

Much to the resulting shudders up the male Saiyans spines from that news.

Not only thst but all our saiyan members

Piccolo had been training with Kumo and Tagron and both Namekians champions were growing well to being 50k and 100k respectively.

The dragon askes what the next wishes are as we say out.

4. The humans now have clues to unlock their own super forms.

5. A new planet Vegeta in the same new galaxy as the Namekians with plenty of game and resources for them to begin regrowing the Saiyan race. Complete with x10 gravity.

6. A clue to Kumo and Tagron to unlock the Neo Namekian form as well.

I was happy we were making such progress. And we were in good standing to have our forces reach new heights before King cold decides to visit us.

Our next few wishes were fun to have. And the growing baby Saiyans were a joy to see devleop. Especially when I was askes by Gine to watch the young ones for a bit while they got ready to birth the young new generation.

It went well and I was so happy to be named a godfather to all of them.

I had to make the next wish though to the dragon to allow us all to care for them and make sure we could take care of ourselves as well.

7. Each of our z fighter members win a lottery of at least 1 million zeni.

8. Teleporters for us to use betwen our new planets so we can respond to any threat to any of our allied planets.

9. I wish for Goku,Piccolo, Vegeta,Raditz, and Bardock to know the instant transmission technique.

The others wondered about that before Piccolo explained that Kami broke it down as how he teleports between the check in station and earth.

They are all excited to master it as they now had the general knowledge of it and the understanding of how to practice it.

The next three month break showed a now 8 year old gohan and his sister of 5 now enjoying themselves with their little brother Goten who is babbling with his saiyan sibling. And Bulma has a bouncing baby trunks in her arms. While Nadia is holding a cute baby saiyan named Arj.

All three saiyan fathers look proud while Bardock is enjoying being a grandfather. Gine is enjoying all the Saiyan babies and being the grandmother to two of them and honorsry grandmother to Trunks.

The final round of wishes are used by the Namekians as a way to thank them for being our friends and for being there for us as a whole. And now as our permanent allies for future threats.

Their wishes are.

1. New Namek to have a lot of trees and pre tilled fields.

2. A fresh round of eggs to raise.

3. For them to all be able to have a radar sensor that covers both Galaxies to make sure they csn come aid us if any new threat comes.

The dragon agrees and we say farewell for now to our friends as they use the teleporters to go to their new world.

We all wish them luck except for one young one who has become close friends with Little Gine and Gohan and was hoping to stsy on earth since he is a healer Namekian and wanted to learn more about the world. His name is Dende.

I smirk as I ask if Piccolo would like to take him up to the tower to train him as a replacement for Kami should he ever have to refuse with the old man.

He goes to rebuke me but pauses as he remembers my soul and its knowledge. He gices in and nods and heads up there via transmission technqieu with a waving Dende.

After all our goodbyes are done I turn to our group and ask Vegeta, "Hey big guy. Question?"

Vegeta scowls as I interrupt his flirting with his wife and he goes, "What midget?"

The currently 4000 powered Bulma smacks her husbands head hard. He feels it while Trunks babbles and claps as if to ask her to do it again.

Vegeta grumbles and goes, "I mean what Krillin?"

I ask the big bomb, "Do you know if Frieza had any family that may want revenge? After all he had to come from slmewhere right?"

Vegeta goes to answer then his eyes widen before he gasps loudly and starts swearing up a storm.

He goes, "We need to train harder! We have to deal with his fathee and brother soon! Their pride at having their youngest member be killed by us won't let them rest until they take their revenge!"

Everyone gulps at that before I smirk and wiggle my eyebrows, we summon Shenron.

I wish, "Shenron! Can you give everyone the x5 training boost you gave Piccolo?"

Everyone gasps before putting together how he was able to keep up with the Saiyans and their Zenkai boost now.

The dragon does so as I then say, "Alright! We have our training boost! Now to train and be ready for either of Friezas family members coming for revenge!"

We all cheer and prepare for the next few months should they come for revenge.