
I was Reincarnated as Krillin? Oh boy.

Super huge fan of Dragonball dies and goes to a new world and chooses to be Krillin. ...Yep no worries about choosing to be a main support character here! he does his best to keep balance in this world but something is amiss as the enemies seem to scale with the changes and matches the growth of the main characters from their own growth... something isn't right. and it's up the reincarnated chosen to find out what is wrong.

Silverfang · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
68 Chs

Simply Divine

After coming back home I began to train in earnest with the time chamber, my eternal youth, and my new divine form to master it.

But without the use of my power level scanning power I felt true growth now.

I manage to begin to reach Goku and Vegeta in that area and they both begin to naturally make strides towards unlocking God Saiyan form naturally.

But I was contemplating how to go about the Buu fight in 7 years as all of our younger members had begun to enter teenage years.

It was a conundrum to think since Gohan, Gine, and Goten had all been born earlier and have gone through quite the age and power bump thanks to the time chamber and the training grounds Kami helped create.

I thought it over then snapped my fingers. I decided to use the dimension hopper for one quick trip to the demon world take over dimension I helped solve to see how they were handling it and how best to formulate a world where we could possibly integrate buu into it since I'll have a strategy to deal with both evil and good sides of him.

I jump after making sure I explain to my wives and my friends where I am heading to. 18 and 21 both make me promise that I will be back with time to spare as they are at this moment 8 months along and 3 months along respectively.

I dive into the gate using my dimension time ring and prepare my celestial form for any fighting coming my way.

I enter after a near 3 months absence from this world and come to see a much better off earth in front of my eyes.

The demon castle was being patrolled by human soldiers.

The demons are all but eliminated. I could sense some stragglers here and there in hiding.

And I see that the surviving Z warriors had gained respect as I see statues and banners with their faces and battle poses saying, "Praise the Heroes!"

I grin at that and head to a specific area where I sense four high power levels all fighting.

I find the now ruined coliseum as I see a third form Goku fighting a Second form Vegeta, an Ultimate form Gohan and a good Majin Buu who are all training, (Playing if you ask Buu).

I watch for a bit before I sense Kaio shin beside me as he watches alongside me.

He looks at me and goes, "Thanks for your aid. I feared that I would be unable to free Gohan and Myself from those stone prisons as the elder Kaioshin was without anyway to aid us as his connection to Beerus was destroyed after I took over. But you freed us. I am sorry what happened to your version and your wife's version in this world. But thank you all the same."

I nod and ask, "So... How did you take out evil Buu from the now remaining good Buu down there?"

Kai explains what happened and I smile widely at the method as I now have a plan.

I ask him the way to train it for myself as I show him my now changed physiology and my current powers and he nods back.

We go to his Kai world to train for a while.

About two weeks to be exact. With the help of a favor and special friend.

And then I head back.

I now had a new method to try.

Before I left I casted one last glance at the surviving Z warriors who were laughing and enjoying a large meal prepared by Chi chi and Bulma as they laughed and enjoyed their after training meal with the new pink friend they made.

I had a goal, and now I had a plan.

I go back and tell Goku and Vegeta that I will be doubling down on training them while saturating our mortal boosted training facility with my celestial chi. They would need it for the method taught to me by Kaioshin.

We got to it and about two weeks later 18 went into labor.

It was sudden.

And she didn't panic or scream.

She woke 21 and I up in the middle of the night saying, "My side of the bed is cold and wet."

We looked and found her water broke.

21 immediately got to work thanks to her doctorate and her experience in the cybernetics field aiding her.

Meanwhile I did my best to keep calm and call our friends over.

Piccolo flew over. The Son family came next after some half awake talking from Goku thinking I was a pizza place, and tried to order 100 pizzas before waking up enough to realize it was time.

Bulma was ecstatic and said she would be right over. Thank goodness we had moved into the capsule Corp compound temporarily to be near her for this.

Vegeta yelled my ear off for disturbing his night training for this. Before I heard more yelling from Bulma about getting his training addicted ass over to our temporary house immediately if he wanted his wife to continue to fix up and maintain his gravity room.

He was silent and compliant after that one.

Tenshinhan and Launch came next with Chiaotzu.

Roshi, oolong and Purar came with Yamcha who had been staying at the Kame house for a month now to save on bills while he pursued a career as a martial arts instructor.

For some reason he was popular. (Especially with the ladies.)

Soon we had all Z warriors there right as we heard crying from the room we had set up for the birth. With a happy 21 yelling out, "Nice 18! We have a daughter in the family!"

18 simply responds with, "I'm glad. Now let me hold my daughter, stop gushing over her, and get me some pants. NOW."

21 rushed off to gather some swadling cloth after she stopped gushing over her pseudo daughter.

We all stayed silent while I stayed near my wife and new daughter while 18 agrees with me about calling her Maron. I asked an important question.

"Should we see if she wants to become a fighter later in life?"

18 looks at her, thinks it over before turning to me once again, "I think we should let her decide that once she is about 8 years old. Let her enjoy her human life before seeing if she wants to become ingrained in ours."

I nod at that while 21 comes back with the cloth to swaddle our shared daughter in.

21 coos and hums as she then drops a bomb on us, "Can't wait for my twins to be born."

I go pale while 18 looks at her with a dead pan stare, "And you couldn't tell us this before... Why?"

21 giggles and sticks out her tongue while saying, "I wanted to be sure before I told you. And I'm glad my DNA allowed me to incubate multiple children at once. It isn't easy keeping them to two with my regeneration ability after all. You should be glad I managed to stop the fertilized egg from dividing into more! Once I learned how to make sure it divided once... Well they were tempted to divide again and again! I could have had octuplets! Count your lucky stars I stopped them there!"

All the women where stunned at her nonchalantly talking about carrying 8 children in her womb.

While the men all went pale.

I went unconscious at that scary thought of keeping track of more than the two children coming.

I fell unconscious and had a final thought, 'You know... Despite all the weirdness of this life... I think it is simply divine so far.'

Unknown to all of us. A certain robot suited enemy hidden in the shadows was making a deal with a certain green wrinkly skinned sorcerer and his army of Majin brainwashed soldiers.