
I am a swarm of insects

The tale of a feeble larva with a human soul, journeying towards becoming the master of the stars.

Salazar_2399 · สงคราม
39 Chs

explore the road

All the way to Ant Nest No. 1, I carefully dug up the wall of the hatching room in the nest.

Luo Wen didn't rush in to investigate, but waited for a while, a khaki ant poked its head out of the hole when it heard the movement, before it could see clearly, it was killed by Luo's attack.

As soon as it dragged its juice-splattered corpse into the tunnel, another khaki-colored round head couldn't wait to get out, and Rowan didn't hold back, he exploded it and dragged it out of the hole.

In the same way, he kept killing five yellowish ants that came to investigate. After waiting for a long time, no head came out of the hole again.

Only then did Luo Wen poke his head in.

Although he had guessed in his heart when he saw the yellow ants just now, when he actually saw the scene in front of him, he still took a deep breath.

The cave was clean, and the soldier ants, worker ants, larvae, insect eggs and food debris all disappeared, and even the wall skin seemed to have been scraped off several layers.

Luo Wen didn't go in, just to take a peek, the hatching room was scraped so clean that there was no need to check the rest of the ant nest, it is estimated that even the queen is in danger.

Returning to the insect nest by the same route, Ant Nest No. 2 and No. 3 cannot go directly through the ground, and both have to pass through the surface for a certain distance. He pondered for a while, and finally decided to take the risk and go for a look.

The troubles encountered on the road were all solved by Luo Wen, and it took some time to investigate the two ant nests.

Although they are larger than Ant Nest No. 1, with thousands of members. But not to mention that the individual combat power of the black ants is not comparable to that of the yellow ants, and even the sheer number is crushed. They cannot resist in front of an army of millions of yellow ants.

So their endings are exactly the same as Ant Nest No. 1.

A few earthy yellow ants that stayed here were killed casually, and Luo Wen felt a little heavy in his heart, this time he was in big trouble.

Although his worm nest is developing rapidly, it is based on the continuous blood sucking from the ants nest. Now that the granary has been destroyed, it is no longer easy to feed such a large nest of bugs.

But now the situation is even worse. If it is just that the granary is gone, then with the number of adults in the nest now, disperse to find food, and then temporarily stop the spawning of the brood, and cut down on food and clothing to barely survive this crisis. After a large number of larvae mature, the nest can start to expand and develop again.

But the premise of all this is that food can be found in the wild, but considering the appearance of the surface of the sky three feet high, this plan will definitely not work.

Luo Wen planned to go back and check the surrounding area first to see how big the area that the yellow ant army was infested. If it really didn't work, the nest might have to be relocated.

Dragging the corpses of a few earthy yellow ants back to the insect nest, every bit of food is very precious now, and there cannot be any waste.

Connect to the mother's nest, give an order to save energy and temporarily stop laying eggs. Although his size has grown very rapidly since having a stable food source, the brood is now a bit larger than him.

It shouldn't be a problem for him to drag the nest now, but the nest has no legs and no wheels. If the dragging time is too long, it will definitely cause a certain degree of abrasion on the bottom of the nest.

If you want to move the nest, the mother nest must be taken away. At that time, you must find something to cushion it. Otherwise, the brood cannot withstand being dragged for too long.

He also ordered the worms to halve their daily food and forbid going out, so Luo Wen hurriedly crawled out of the worm's nest and went to investigate the surrounding area.

Half a day later, he realized that he had far underestimated the number of the yellow ants army, and they were far more than tens of millions.

Because the place where the army of yellow ants passed by, the landform that was completely different from before was very easy to identify. And under this landform, many dangers have been ruled out.

It was also the first time that Luo Wen let go of his speed and ran with maximum force. The scattered yellow ants he encountered on the road mainly avoided them without too much entanglement.

With the insect nest as the center, he continued to expand the scope of investigation. However, in half a day, Luo Wen ran all over the surrounding land with a radius of about one kilometer, but he still didn't get out of the ravages of the army of yellow ants.

At this time, the sky was already slightly bright, and Luo Wen returned to the worm's nest, took a short rest, and straightened out his thoughts by the way.

He was able to search within a radius of one kilometer in half a day, relying on several points.

One is the ultra-distance vision. His glasses have been enhanced all the time, and now he can achieve a clear vision of about 30 meters. It may not be worth mentioning among humans, but it is definitely one of the best clairvoyance among insects.

The second is to rely on the geographical advantages created by the yellow ants. Their style of scraping the ground has eliminated the risk of hiding many things underground. And except for some tall trees, even the turf has been cleaned up, so there are few obstacles, which is very conducive to long-distance observation.

The third is that it has a big body and big steps, so it can climb fast and has good physical strength. Even if it takes an ordinary ant for a week, it will not be able to search the territory with a radius of 100 meters.

Fourth, he just glanced around, without searching carefully. The purpose of his investigation was not to find anything in this area, but to see how much the earthy yellow ants had harmed. The place where they scourge must not have enough food to support the survival and development of the insect nest.

It took him half a day to explore such a large area with the addition of various points. Other bugs in the nest would absolutely not be able to replicate his achievements.

In other words, there is no food source within a radius of at least one kilometer, and any further distance is too far for other bugs, so migrating the nests is imperative.

And the new nesting site still needs him to continue to explore. The main problem now is that he doesn't know how many places the yellow ant army has ravaged. If we still follow today's circular detection mode, the efficiency will be too poor.

It is necessary to choose a direction to go straight and get out of this desert in the shortest time and the shortest distance, which is also conducive to the migration of insect nests.

After thinking about it, Rowan decided to start exploring along the direction of the underground river bed. It was along the underground river bed that he found this place all the way from the desert.

Water is the source of life, and only by following the water source can we find the next prosperous place as quickly as possible.

Now that a decision has been made, it is not too late. Although there are still some reserves of food in the worm nest, it can last for a few more days when the rations of the worms are halved.

But after all, there is no supplement, it is water without source, tree without roots, and it will always be exhausted. He went out to investigate this time, and he would not be able to turn back until there was no result, so he didn't know how long it would take and when he could return. If the time is too long, the bugs may not be able to persist until then.

Therefore, one minute and one second cannot be wasted, and only by going back quickly can the insect nest be preserved to the greatest extent.

After sealing off the rooms of the brood and strictly ordering the insects to approach, Luo Wen embarked on the road of finding a new place of life without hesitation.