
I am a swarm of insects

The tale of a feeble larva with a human soul, journeying towards becoming the master of the stars.

Salazar_2399 · War
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39 Chs

The Army

Luo Wen decided to suppress his curiosity in whatever he said this time, and resolutely refused to watch the excitement. The last time I was "sent you away, thousands of miles away", this time the sense of crisis is so strong, I don't know what will happen when I go out.

Five minutes later, Rowan crawled cautiously towards the surface.

For this, he didn't want to explain anything, he could only say that curiosity was too strong, and he didn't overcome it.

But when he climbed close to the transfer station above, he found that this place was invaded, and the sound of densely packed unknown creatures crawling in the passage was sensed by the fluff on his body.

Is it an ant nest invasion? After thinking about it, he thought it was impossible. He would go undercover for a while every day to carry food, and if there was a major transfer of them, he would not be unaware. Moreover, with the wisdom of the black ant, it is impossible to act in front of him and achieve the purpose of deceiving and paralyzing him.

So it seems to be a foreign species, Luo Wen inexplicably thought of the yellowish ants he encountered this evening, and his heart tightened.

You have to take a look, otherwise you don't even know what the enemy is, and you are too passive.

Luo Wen carefully opened a hole in the passage connecting the transfer station, and when he looked inside, there were really dense swarms of earthy yellow ants. Could it be that they came here for revenge?

Wouldn't that be the case, wouldn't it just kill seven worker ants who were exploring the way? As for sending a large army to suppress the border? Is there any important person among the seven spies? The prince and princess of a certain ant empire or something. MD, if this is the case, it's too bloody. Compared with this, Luo Wen still thinks that the probability of this is a coincidence is higher.

However, no matter what, the enemy is too powerful to be provoked for the time being. There are hundreds of yellow ants in the transfer station, but compared to the vibrations from the upper surface, these are only a very small part.

Rowan guessed that there must be at least tens of thousands of khaki-colored ants on the surface to cause such a strong sense of vibration. Otherwise, if only a few hundred passed by, he would not feel the vibration at all deep underground.

Without attracting the attention of the yellow ants in the passage, Luo Wen quietly withdrew his head.

Fortunately, the original intention of the transfer station was established as a cover-up, a fake nest.

Because it is dangerous to be directly connected to the ant nest, in case the ant nest finds you by mistake, follow the passage. If the channel is directly connected to the insect nest, it will be in danger at all times, and it will be very passive.

Therefore, making this fake insect nest above the insect nest, in addition to serving as a transit food, can also play a certain role in confusing.

Every night after the waiting transport team and excavation team returned, all traces of the passage connecting the bug nest and the transfer station would be destroyed and refilled.

If any ant nest wants to launch a sneak attack, if you simply follow the passage, you will never be able to find the location of the insect nest. If they kept probing, they might hit another ant nest.

This trick is called misfortune to the east. But now the role that might have been a disaster has been replaced, but Dongyin can still play a role. Now Luo Wen can only pray that the ant nest can resist the invasion of yellow ants, otherwise his granary will have to be searched again.

Returning to the worm nest, Rowan didn't feel like going to sleep anymore, and focused on sensing the movements above. Fortunately, many vibrations were far away from him, and the yellow ants didn't realize that there was a nest hidden below.

The vibration from above lasted for a long time, and Rowan was a little numb.

If the yellow ants are not acting and rubbing back and forth above the nest, then it means that their number is quite large, hundreds of thousands or even millions.

Luo Wen felt that they were not acting. First, it was unnecessary. Second, he could feel that the vibration was always going from one end to the other, which meant that the yellow ants were always heading in one direction, and there was no sign of returning.

He felt that he had underestimated them, even if it was him, the existence of seven earthy yellow ants would be eliminated every minute. If it appeared on the surface at this time, it would be instantly submerged by the army, and there would be no waves.

Therefore, Luo Wen carefully directed the many bugs in the nest to stop working and rest on the spot without making any noise.

In the dark cave, the bugs were like machines that had been unplugged, and they all kept silent. While it was quieter here, it also made the vibration and friction sounds from above clearer.

Rowan couldn't imagine how huge the nest is, and how rich the resources are to support such a huge army of ants. Luo Wen was a little lucky, fortunately, the bugs didn't have any fear, otherwise they would have collapsed long ago.

As time passed, the vibration above gradually stopped, and the army of ants finally passed here. But Rowan still kept quiet, waiting for them to go further.

After a long time, Rowan finally got up. The army of ants should have really gone away. His little insect nest is not worth their whole move to return the carbine.

Although he already had guesses in his heart, he still cautiously touched upwards. Now that we are near the transfer station, there is still a little sporadic movement inside. It may be that some yellow ants did not keep up with the main force and were trapped inside.

Luo Wen didn't go in to check, first bypassed the transfer station, continued upward, and quietly drilled out of the ground.

The temperature difference between day and night in this area is not as large as in the desert before, and there will be no frost at night, but the temperature is still very low. Two rounds of cold light sources in the sky shrouded the earth in a layer of hazy light and shadow.

In the field of vision, the ground seemed to be plowed by something. The army of yellow ants fully explained what is meant by a large army crossing the border. Not a single blade of grass grows. The vegetation here was originally considered dense, except for some thick trees, everything else has disappeared.

At a glance, it seems that the sky is three feet higher.

The desolate scene made Rowan almost think he was back in the desert.

A few earthy yellow ants were still lingering in the distance, as if they were looking for something. Their eyesight was not good, so they didn't find Rowan. But even if they were found, they wouldn't be able to cause any harm to Rowan based on their number.

Glancing around for a few times, Luo Wen didn't stay on the surface for too long, turned around and returned to the transfer station, and dealt with the earthy yellow ants trapped here one by one. Then climb towards Ant Nest No. 1.

A few earthy yellow ants scattered on the road couldn't cause him any trouble, they couldn't even slow him down.

Although their individual strength is not worth mentioning to Luo Wen at this time. But when their number crossed a threshold, Rowan had no choice but to escape.

This experience made him truly understand the power of the insect sea, but he scoffed at it. This method of crushing purely by numbers has no tactics at all.

In terms of skills, it is far inferior to his Roche fighting technique.

It's just that when I thought about it, I don't know why the secretion of formic acid in the mouth suddenly increased a lot. Could it be because the ants ate too much?