
I'm Spider-Man (MCU)

As Peter Parker of Earth-199999(MCU) dies shortly after being bitten by a radioactive spider, another soul takes his place. A teenager who committed suicide due to his tragic life gets a second chance in the body of everyone’s favorite neighborhood Spider-Man. Male Lead: Peter Parker or Spider-Man (Tom Holland) Female Lead: Michelle Jones or MJ (Zendaya) Ps- I’ve changed the timeline a little. Peter (15y/o) will get his powers in 2010. A few months before Ironman 1 takes place on his first day of high school, which is when the story starts. Also, Peter is 6 feet tall instead of Tom Holland’s 5’8. (A/N: I came back to writing recently and was fairly rusty (I didn’t write for almost a year) and lazy. I was doing short chapters and dragging things out far to long in my last story. This is my redemption story, so to speak. I’ve learned from it and hopefully this one will be better. Also, the romance will start earlier since I’m not writing about 11 year old kids going to magical schools anymore. Lol) No Harem BTW If you like my writing, check out the Patreon! Advanced chapters are available there. VVV Https://www.patreon.com/AlienWarlord

AlienWarlord · ภาพยนตร์
716 Chs

C59 Avengers Initiative Debut

(Want to read ahead of what I've posted so far? Go to my patreòn and get early access chapters.

As of this chapter, the patreòn is 13 chapters ahead at chapter 72. I'll be writing 1 or 2 more chapters today.


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Once the first interview was completed, Scott was sent off to play with the other children. They would need him to film his powers later, but they could find him at that time.

As soon as he left the room, Charles looked at Peter disapprovingly.

"Did you have to ask such personal questions?" The Professor asks with a tired sigh.

"People need to know what has been happening to meta-humans. Without an interview like that, they won't believe these things happen. At least not fully." Peter explains his train of thought. "What I want to know is where was this orphanage and who ran the place?"

"You're right..." Charles mutters as he thinks carefully. "I'll try speaking with him about it when you leave."

"Good, they've most likely moved since he escaped, but we may be able to follow some clues left behind. That is if he can remember where it was." Peter says as he motions toward the couch. "Until then, let's finish this video."

Peter spent the next few hours doing the interviews for Charles and Kurt. Kurt's interview was kind of sad, as Peter could tell right away that he didn't feel comfortable in his own skin.

The man said as much himself in the interview, but it's good to show that to the viewers. They need to see that behind the more monstrous-looking meta-humans is just your average self-conscious insecure human being.

Just like everybody else.

Professor Xavier's interview was all about the school and his mission to safely integrate meta-humans into normal society. It was pretty much the same as his presentation to the United Nations.

After the interviews were handled, they all went out to the huge backyard, including Scott. Peter recorded each of them using their powers and that was it.

Kurt teleported a bit. Charles telekinetically lifted some fist-sized rocks as if he were juggling them.

Scott was the most interesting and dangerous of the bunch. He took off his glasses for just a moment and shot a pillar of red energy into the sky.

Superman's heat vision had nothing on Scott's eye power. It was truly impressive and powerful.

Cyclops is 100% a glass cannon though. He has extreme firepower, yet his body is the same as any other normal human on this earth. As long as someone can dodge his attack, winning a fight against him would be fairly simple.

Once the recording was over, Peter hung around the soon-to-be Xavier Institute or whatever he'll call the school. Instead of returning home, Peter edited the video on his laptop while spending some time with Charles and Kurt.

While he was editing the video, Logan woke from his second consecutive knockout, which definitely ruined some of the man's confidence in taking on Spider-Man.

Though that did mean he gave up. No, for the third time, Wolverine attacked Peter like a wild animal.

While dodging Logan's attacks once again, Peter's phone rang and the name 'Bald Cyclops' appeared on the screen.

"Sorry, it seems I'll be leaving early. My friend is calling." Peter says as he dips away from some sharp metal claws. "I'll see you guys another time. Expect the video to be up tomorrow."

After easily knocking out Wolverine for the third time, Peter left the mansion and portal'd home before answering the phone.

"What's up?" Peter ask.

"Get to Starks. We need to talk." Fury says and hangs up the phone immediately.

"Can't even greet people properly..." Peter mutters as he opens yet another portal and appears in Tony's mansion, where he found the man himself sitting on the couch with some tiny devices in front of him.

"Web-Head!" Tony notices Peter's arrival and motions toward the tech in front of him. "You were right about the bugs. I swept the house and this is what I found."

"Looks about right..." Peter says as he looks them over. "Which ones do you think belong to Shield?"

"Half of them." A voice says as Fury walks into the room with a stack of folders.

"Well, don't leave any more junk in my house. I don't want to clean up again." Tony says as he throws all of the surveillance equipment into a nearby trash can.

"Don't worry, you're moving to New York so there's no point in bugging this place anymore." Fury shrugs as he slams down the pile of folders in front of Peter and Tony.

"What's this?" Tony asks as he grabs the top folder and opens it up.

"This is every encounter Shield has had with Magneto." Fury says as Peter grabs a file as well.

After speed reading through every file, Peter and Tony found some odd recurrences in every single file. They all depict Erik and his team of 'mutants' attacking Shield bases to steal information, technology, and other things.

Meanwhile, some of these items either don't exist or were never in these bases, to begin with. A good amount of them wouldn't even pique Magneto's interest in the first place.

Why would Magneto, a man who commands a team of super-powered individuals, need mundane weapons or tech.

Not to mention the fact that Mystique could infiltrate and steal any information or devices listed in these folders. Erik doesn't need to assault Shield bases like this unless the real reason for these attacks was different from the reports.

"I was right." Peter says as he throws the last folder onto the coffee table.

"Yes, it seems that a high-level member of Shield is interested in meta-humans." Tony agrees with a nod.

"That interest has drawn Magneto's attention, which then leads to these raids on my facilities." Fury agrees as he takes a seat on the couch with a tired sigh.

He's been inside a mountain bunker all this time, looking for each and every one of these files, which were most definitely filed incorrectly. Probably on purpose as well.

"So, which one of your bosses is the shadiest? Because it's definitely at least one of them." Peter asks.

"I don't know..." Fury replies after a moment of thought. "They're all annoying in their own ways."

"Alright, does this mean you agree to accept Charles and Erik as members of the council? Charles is a good egg and Erik can help your little internal investigation. He knows the truth about these incidents after all." Peter says as he points to the folders. "He may even know which one of your bosses is behind this."

"..." The room goes silent as Fury thinks carefully.

Tony didn't speak, as he had no real opinion of these two people. He doesn't trust them, but he does trust Peter, so he'll go with whatever his friend decides.

At least until he meets Charles and Erik.

"Fine, call a meeting." Fury says after a moment of thought. "I won't agree until I've sat down with both of them."

"I'll speak to them tomorrow after the UN meeting."


After editing the meta-human video to completion at Tony's house, Peter returned home, patrolled the city for a few hours, and went right to sleep.

When he woke up, Peter uploaded the video and quickly got ready before he portal'd over to Japan, where he attended yet another United Nations meeting.

Scaffolding was put up by the building, where Magneto ripped his own entrance a couple of days ago.

As the meeting was halfway through, Peter stepped up to the podium, surprising those in the room who didn't see the schedule change. He was never supposed to speak like this, but with the help of 6 different countries, getting his name on the list was easy.

"Hello, I'm here to speak about the Avengers Initiative!"


While Peter was speaking, an army of Hand ninjas stand on the rooftop. They've been trying to track Spider-Man for the past couple of days, yet he would always disappear shortly after leaving the UN building.

Even the beast couldn't find him.

"Once the meeting comes to an end, we attack and lure Spider-Man to Kaiju-samas temple as planned." Alexandra Reid orders as the Ninja scatter into hiding spots amongst the area.


"...With the appearance of meta-humans and other world-threatening situations, It's important that we have an organization that's not only willing to protect the world but strong enough to take on any possible threats." Peter says, getting nods of agreement from everyone in the room.

"Would this be an American Organization?" Someone asks.

"No, we would have more of a worldly viewpoint. No country's interests will be put over the interests of another. The Avengers will simply protect the world when normal means fail or wouldn't be able to measure up in the first place." Peter explains.

"So, you would accept heroes from other countries?" Another asks.

Of course, they have no heroes as of yet, but with meta-humans appearing, they will soon enough.

"Gladly." Peter nods in agreement. "As many countries that wish to be involved are welcome to offer any resident hero's a place in the Avengers. We only care about protecting the world and its people, nothing more. They may have to go through some training though. We won't send inexperienced or untrained individuals into the field."

"Is this not a ploy to ship our heroes to America?" One asks skeptically.

"No, they won't have to live in the United States. World-ending situations aren't exactly common. They may need training but they would return home afterward. We'll simply call upon them when they're needed." Peter explains, calming the room.

After answering a ton of questions, the meeting came to an end. They would be discussing this for the rest of the week before voting on whether to back it.

Though with Peter's groundwork beforehand, there's no chance that they disagree. It's only a matter of time.

As everyone was exiting the large meeting hall, the lights suddenly cut out and Peter could hear the sounds of hundreds of light footsteps in, on, and around the building.

Every single one of them was heading his way.

A/N: 1690 words



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