
I'll Surpass The MC

I claimed to be better than the MC. An Eldritch entity decided to put my claim to the test and reincarnated me into the world of the novel I read. But, I’m not alone. There are five other reincarnates? Wait, wait, wait! Why is the MC a regressor now? That wasn’t part of the script! ... Contact me (Discord): anvelope Discord Server: discord.gg/BR5kt99dhV

Anvelope · ตะวันออก
714 Chs

The Power of Attribute

Varahan Enclave!


Arriving at a sudden halt from a high-speed run in his human form was Brangara, looking around the place as he frowned, 'Did any of those bastards enter my home?'


"Check them out!" He said and released dozens of Tangible Natures of Razor Rats, one of the native Pranic Beast races of the Varahan Enclave.


Primary Nature—Shredded Lunge!


Razor Rats lived in the swamps of the Varahan Enclave and spent their time hiding right underneath the water surface. The moment a Yoked Wyrm appears near the swamp, it'll lunge towards its target at great speeds, unleashing a flux of wind at the end of its path that is capable of shredding its opponent.


Brangara casually swallowed a group of Razor Rats and condensed their Natures in his Astral World as Tangible Natures. Following that, he manifested them outside, making them condense in the same shape as their original bodies.