
Hybrid in the hybrid universe (HPxMarvel)

Klaus always wanted to travel to a magical world, and experience how it feels to be able to use magic and have superpowers. When he wakes up in what looks like his old room,and is given chance to do just that. Only price is that he must make sure that his new world isn't destroyed by humans, mutants, wizards, crazy aliens and many others. While he is at it he should probably do something about all those animals that are going extinct, and that ice that is melting. What is newly created Hybrid to do,but give it his all. ----‐------‐---------------------------------------------------------------------- Mc is tasked with keeping Earth from being destroyed by humans,but at the same time he must let humans prosper,explore and be free. The story will concentrate a lot on magic and how it works while mc lives through human history. (Marvel × Harry Potter)and there might be some elements from DC. This is my first time writing, so constructive criticism is welcome. I am trying to get better at grammar as well as story writing. I noticed that everyone does this so I am going to do it too. I don't own anything except mc and some original characters this is a fanfiction everything else is owned by companies that own them. (Cover isn't my creation, and if the creator wants it removed please contact me.)

Strongi · หนังสือและวรรณกรรม
48 Chs

Setting up camp

Lilly kept drinking for a while. After she was done she jumped up, she was practically vibrating in place "Wow I feel so full of energy, like I could move boulders."

"Yes ,yes calm down a bit, you will make a hole where you are standing."

"Why does it taste so good, shouldn't it be metallic or something?"

" Well it tests good because you are a hybrid, if it didn't we would have an miserable existence."

She look thoughtful "Makes sense. How do you know so much about hybrids anyway?"

"Well that is because I was one that wrote what hybrids are." She looks at me confused "You wrote what hybrids are? I don't get it didn't that guy turn you into one?"

"Well yes he did, but he gave me all my powers based on character I wrote in my previous reality"

She looks at me in surprise "You are from different reality."

I answer "Yes I am, but first you should try to transform, and then we should start searching for a place where we can set up camp. Preferably one near some water."

It took Lilly only few minutes to figure out how to transform, her forms are similar to how I look in my female form, except she has different coloring and she is bit shorter. Her eyes are emerald green, her fur is kinda off reddish. Now when I look at her, it would seem that her human forme change a little. Her hair is crimson red, her skin is pale and her ears have turned bit pointed.

After she figured out how to transform, we started walking in a random direction in search for water.

While we were walking I explained how I came to be here, then I started explaining about Marvel comics, movies, cartoons and so on. Lilly seams fascinated with my story and kept asking questions.

But then when I got to Harry Potter franchise she exclaimed "Wait there are books named after my son?" "Yes there are seven books and they follow his life through Hogwards."

Then I started telling her what I remember from the books, but she had already been shown most of it by guy that sent us here.

After sometime we actually found a perfect spot it was what looks like small lake surrounded by trees there are few boulders around. "Yes this looks perfect, if we make a nice camp we probably can live here for a while." I said.

"Why? Shouldn't we try to find humans?" I shook my head "No we should first try to figure how to use magic ,because we won't find any wands and I don't think there are any books out there that we could use to learn from. We will have to figure it out by our self, and I need to learn to use my other powers."

She nods "I guess that is best we can do for now. Thank god we only need blood to survive, else this would be hell."

"It won't be easy now either, but you are right. When I figure out how to put animals to sleep using my telepathy we won't even need to kill any of them, we can just drink from multiple ones."

She continues my sentence " And it will help us learn control when around blood ,so we don't kill any humans by accident."

I agree with her "Yes you are right. So do you want to collect branches or grass ,we will use as a tent?" She thinks for a second "Grass!"

"OK I will go get wood."

After I get wood ,and she gets grass we start cleaning area that is in between two boulders. After we are done with that we stuck branches in between two borders thet were close to each other ,and then we put the grass and leaves on top of them, and we tried to add some wet dirt to stick ot together.

After we are done it is already night ,and moon is high in the sky. We have something of a shelter that should at last alarm us if something starts breaking it. So we move inside, I had to transform in my female form for Lilly to let me sleep next to her, like I am some kind of pervert.... OK I am but I wouldn't do anything to a sleeping woman, and it is not like being in a female form would prevent me....

"Goodnight Lilly"

"Goodnight Klaus"

Next Chapter is going to be about magic. I hope you enjoyed this one, sorry if there are too many grammar mistakes.

Strongicreators' thoughts