
Hybrid in the hybrid universe (HPxMarvel)

Klaus always wanted to travel to a magical world, and experience how it feels to be able to use magic and have superpowers. When he wakes up in what looks like his old room,and is given chance to do just that. Only price is that he must make sure that his new world isn't destroyed by humans, mutants, wizards, crazy aliens and many others. While he is at it he should probably do something about all those animals that are going extinct, and that ice that is melting. What is newly created Hybrid to do,but give it his all. ----‐------‐---------------------------------------------------------------------- Mc is tasked with keeping Earth from being destroyed by humans,but at the same time he must let humans prosper,explore and be free. The story will concentrate a lot on magic and how it works while mc lives through human history. (Marvel × Harry Potter)and there might be some elements from DC. This is my first time writing, so constructive criticism is welcome. I am trying to get better at grammar as well as story writing. I noticed that everyone does this so I am going to do it too. I don't own anything except mc and some original characters this is a fanfiction everything else is owned by companies that own them. (Cover isn't my creation, and if the creator wants it removed please contact me.)

Strongi · Book&Literature
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48 Chs

Awakening in the new world

Around 5400 BCE

I woke up feeling a weight on my chest, as I open my eyes I have blurry vision and can see all crimson red ,but as my view comes in to focus I realise that it is actually Lillys hair.

'Wait why is Lilly lying on my chest?' then it all clicks 'Damn him he did this on purpose. OK I just need to slowly try to.' As I try to slowly move her off me I hear a moan.

"ahhh" 'o crap' She pulls her head up ,looking at me blurrily "What is going on? Did that just happen? Why am I feeling soo hungry?"

"Well it seems it did happen. As for why you are hungry that is probably because of the last step of transformation ,you need to feed."

She looks at me in realisation "Blood!" , and then she starts crying 'Oh crap I forgot, that room was keeping us both calm. She just lost her husband ,and found out that she won't see her son for 7000 years.' in a attempt to try to calm her down I hug her awkwardly, and pet her back.

She keeps sobbing as I try to console her "I know it is hard ,and I can't even imagine what you are going through ,but you need to stay strong. With time it will become easier ,and you know you will see your son and be there to raise him no matter how long it takes to get there."

She rises her head and looks me into eyes " You are right I have to move forward, I will be there for my son. Thank you" I nod at that ,and as I do I look down "O crap" I jump up dislodging her of me ,and avert my eyes.

She first yeps as she falls of me and then she noticed that I am naked " Why are you naked!" "Hey you are naked too" we stay quiet for a while.

Until she brakes the silence "Now when I look back at it. We were both naked in that room to ,but nether of us seems to notice at the time."

"Yes it was that dame room it was keeping us calm ,so we would make our decision rational."

After thinking for a second she speaks "You seem to accept all this easily?"

"Well this is dream come true for me. What about you? You seem oddly calm for someone who almost died had a talk with god and got turned into completely different race."

She smiles wryly "When you spend most of your life after school ether fighting war or in hiding you learns to just accept things and keep living."

"I see. Well we should find you something or someone to feed on." As I say that I look around we seam to be in some kind of steppe.

In the corner of my eye I notice Lilly nod. 'hmm she seems to accept that easier than I thought. Turning into hybrid really does seems to make sure we can survive as one. I don't even have any issues with idea of waiting so long to play video games, so I probably won't have issues with living forever.' I snickers inwardly at that thought.

Anyway, deciding that it would be best that we both transform and try to find something for Lilly to feed on. What animal can be found in steppes?

Antelope I think, so this should be somewhere in Africa.

"Lilly, I should probably show you how to transform...." I trail of on that ,and remember she can't transform until she feeds first time.

"Transform?" she looks at me questioningly

"Yes hybrids have two transformations, but I just remembered you can't do it until you feed first time." thinking for a second I say " You know what I will transform to show you and also so you can ride on my back while we search for food."

She looks intrigued " OK go ahead. Now I am really curious."

'Oh my god she is looking at me like some kind of science experiment. I am not sure is that look scary as hell or sexy as hell.' [AN: btw I didn't say this before but this '___' are thinking and this "___" are speaking for telepathy i am goingto use *___* ]I keep talking " OK, but first I didn't mention this but I am Telepath. Although I never used it it should be Instinctive, can I link our mind on the surface level so we can talk when I transform in my full form?"

She looks even more interested " Telepath is that a hybrid thing or just you?" "It's just me I have someone other abilities ,but we will talk about that later ,hybrid abilities and my own. Now we need to go you are starting to look pale."

She nods "Yes I am starting to feel weak seems similar to magical exhaustion."

I first transform in my hybrid form to show Lilly and then I turned full lion.

Lilly looks impressed at me. I then concentrate trying to fill for my powers ,and when I find it instincts guide me how to achieve what I want.

It is crude , unrefined ,but I still managed to do it .

*Hey Lilly can you hear me?*

"Yes I hear you ,and I can feel like it probably because of my mind magic. It feels so strange. Unlike mind probe this isn't trying to access my thoughts directly it is like, closest thing I can think of is like wearing an earing if I didn't try to think about it I would still know it is there but it wouldn't feel anything me. how do I answer to you."

*I think you just need to concentrate on sending me what you want*

*Like this*


"OK then let's go" and as she said that she jumped on back ,and held on using my mane.

We were moving for a while when I caught a scent of something ,and started following it. After a while we could se a herd of antelopes.

We were coming from their back so they couldn't see us.

*You should get of my back ,so I can try to cache one*

She slowly got of my back *How are you going to do that?*

*Like lion should* I puffup my chest a bit.

She holds back I laugh ,and with mirth in her eyes says *I await your return your majesty*

*Just you wait, I will have last laugh*

After that I start sneaking behind the herd ,but after few moments it proves that I wasn't as sneaky as I thought when they start running.

I give chase after them. Thankfully I am much faster ,and cache up to them shortly. As I was coming close to one of them I prepare to lunge at it , and in a secund I do.

I was flying through the air towards my prey ,and flying and flying and flying. I hit the ground hard few metres in front of my prey.

Growling in agitation I could hear Lillys laughter. Annoyed I try again, and... fail , and again this time I menage to lend on top of one and seem to have broken its spine as it falls over and keeps making pitiful noises I use my paw to hit its neck. I hear a cracking sound as it neck breaks ,and it dies.

After it died I noticed that all others are gone I transform in my hybrid form ,so I can drag it easier to Lilly.

When I come where she is supposed to be I find amused looking Lilly waiting for me.

"There you go. Now just let your instincts guide you and feed." as I say that I use my claw to make small cuts on its neck.

Lilly looks hesitant as she comes closer to it ,but then her canines elongate , her sclera turns grayish, her iris and pupil turn cat like while staying emerald green around her eyes grayish black wains show up ,and she bites in starting to drink its blood...

I hope you enjoyed ... tell me what you think. Sorry it there are to many grammatical mistakes I am trying go get better.

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