
Hybrid in the hybrid universe (HPxMarvel)

Klaus always wanted to travel to a magical world, and experience how it feels to be able to use magic and have superpowers. When he wakes up in what looks like his old room,and is given chance to do just that. Only price is that he must make sure that his new world isn't destroyed by humans, mutants, wizards, crazy aliens and many others. While he is at it he should probably do something about all those animals that are going extinct, and that ice that is melting. What is newly created Hybrid to do,but give it his all. ----‐------‐---------------------------------------------------------------------- Mc is tasked with keeping Earth from being destroyed by humans,but at the same time he must let humans prosper,explore and be free. The story will concentrate a lot on magic and how it works while mc lives through human history. (Marvel × Harry Potter)and there might be some elements from DC. This is my first time writing, so constructive criticism is welcome. I am trying to get better at grammar as well as story writing. I noticed that everyone does this so I am going to do it too. I don't own anything except mc and some original characters this is a fanfiction everything else is owned by companies that own them. (Cover isn't my creation, and if the creator wants it removed please contact me.)

Strongi · Book&Literature
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48 Chs

Magic for beginners

We first tried intent. We would just sit there and try to will this small leaf to float. While Lilly didn't have any results, I had a different problem. Instead of magic I would trigger my telekinesis.

"This isn't going to work." I said after a while "I don't feel anything. We should probably try to feel mana inside of as first before we try to manipulate it." Lilly looks at me "Mana?"

"Yes like magical energy, it's is easier to just call it mana." She nods "Yes you have a point, both, about the name and about feeling mana."

"Only thing I can think about that we could do is meditation." She agrees with me but adds "it will be hard not to end up in our mindscape."

"Before we start I want to ask. What area of magic did you excel at? I know that ether in books or in fanfictio thay say you were about to become a charm mistress "

She looks at me with a raised eyebrow "Charm mistress? No, I mean I was good at charms ,but that was mostly because I have good memory so I could easily remember all wand movements and words for spells."

I nod " I see, so what is your favourite area of magic?"

"That would be potions , runes and arithmancy." She says proudly.

"What are those exactly? I mean I know what they are but how are they exactly done?" I ask.

She looks thoughtful "Well first potions. They aren't some precise science where you need to know exactly how much of something you need to put were. Potions are more art, like cooking, you put ingredients than balance them with another until you get effect that you want. There is of course much more than that, but you get the point." I nod at that and she continues.

"As for runes they have many useful. Rules are used for enchanting, rituals, alchemy, warding, even potions use them so there is a lot."

"That is a lot ,I am curious will we be able to use a rune language that wasn't invented yet." I say

Lilly looks interested and nods "Well we will try when we figure out how to use magic. Now last arithmancy is complicated it is kind unholy mixture of painting, music and mathematics. It is used to calculate how wand should move to shape magic in a way you get a spell you want. It is also used in rituals to calculate what you need to secrefice."

After that we push our self in meditation...

15 years later...

"Klaus I can feel it. It is here my magic" She point right between her brests "It is so small like size of my finger."

I bring a small stone "Try to manipulate it to push this." and she does. She pushes it and pull it back, she keeps repeating this until she abruptly stopped looking tiered.

"Wow that is exhausting" She says.

"I don't get it why is it so small, maybe it's because you were using a wand and you were technically reborn so maybe it got restricted and if you use it ,it will get bigger."

And it did 5 years later it was a size of her first and it seems to be spreading out of that spot it begun at ,so we theorised that it's maximal size will be when it feels her entire body.

Around a year later I managed to find my core. While I was trying to do it ,I also spent a lot of time practicing my telepathy and telekinesis so that took a lot of my time.

I started same exercise of pushing objects with my magic and it worked in enlarging of my core.

10 years later Lillys mana was now covering her entire chest area, and this is around time she first discovered how she can use that mana. She discovered elemental manipulation.

"Klaus, Klaus , come here!" She yelled from her spot close to lake.

I run over "What's up? Is everything OK?"

"Yes, yes, everything is great. I figured out how to use magic again!" She was dancing and jumping around me as she yelled.

I couldn't help but laugh " hahaha okay , please calm down and explain!?"

She visibly collected herself "OK, so I was pushing and pulling that boulder to enlarge my core." Wait boulders... really.

"After a while of doing that I kinda got bored ,so I decided to try something else. I spread my mana all around my self but tried to keep it connected to me, and I succeed. I could feel something in that field that I instinctively know that I can not control but I could guide it give it directions ,instructions of what shape to take. After I tried I figured out it was wind around me, earth beneath me, water in the lake next to me ,and even the heat around me."

At moment I was gaping at her, but she continued "Well I tried to guide it and turns out it isn't that easy only thing I managed to do is make wind move my hair a little."

After Lilly somehow managed to create domain in witch she can control elements ,I tried to do the same.

I was trying for months to recreate what Lilly did ,but I couldn't I either don't have any talent for elemental manipulation ,or I don't have enough mana. I would guess it is the first case since I was able to recreate the domain but I couldn't feel anything inside it except Lilly when she passed through it.

That is how we found out how to find other wizards ,but it has a downside of broadcasting your own location to everyone else.

It's has been probably around 50 years since Lilly discovered domain her mana core is now covering her entire torso and mine was cowering my chest.

Lillys mana begun to raise much faster since she discovered her new magic. As for me , while my control ower telekinesis is still rising a lot. My magic is staying stuck.

I was currently walking around the lake trying to clear my mind in hope thet I will get an idea how to use magic.

On the sides of the lake I noticed a strange rock. I picked it up and look at it ,it looks like deformed animal or something, and then it came to me if I can't use magic to influence things from a far what about things I have my hand on.

I started channeling my mana into a rock and willing it to become shaped like horse. I could feel rock trying to change ,but it couldn't something was missing. Rock doesn't know how to change the shape, I need to show it how. I started imagining entire process of rock molding into the shape of a horse while channeling my mana in it ,and I succeed.

I run to Lilly with my new discovery of transfiguration.

"That is awesome, but I can't help thinking that we should be able to do charms in a similar way." She said.

And we could. It was a similar process. Except instead of telling a rock what it is, with charms you tell it what is happening to it, for example [You slowly rise to this hight and then you stay there until you run out of mana].

While we now could do spells it took to long to set one up ,but fortunately we discovered that if we practice for a while our magic kind of remembers what it did ,so we can do spells much faster ower time.

Thanks to this discovery we managed to make a theory what wands actually do, at last part of it.

They accept orders that casters have to give to objects directly into them self ,and fire it as a beam/bolt of focused magic, if you try to do that whout a wand spell disperses soon after it leaves casters body.

We first thought it was problem with the control, but we tried from a long time and finally came to conclusion it just isn't possible to control the mana to that degree without a focus when it is outside casters body, and it doesn't work through domain either because domain is filled with mana and it is disruptive to formed spells.

There is probably much more to focuses than just that, but we still didn't figure it out.

Anyway now we only need to practice, learn spells and enlarge our magical cores.

4900 BCE

It been a while since we figure out how to do magic. Just as we have thought when our magical core filled our entire body it stopped growing.

We have both managed to learn a lot of magic, Lillys control over elements is astonishing. As for me, I have grown in leaps. Only issue is that my telepathy didn't grow much ,but that is mostly because I didn't have anybody except animals we feed on to practice with.

Now as we are preparing to leave home we lived for who know how many years, I can't help but be excited for what awaits us.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter ,and like how I see magic working in this world. Well at last small part of magic , this is just the surface. There will be many more things , most of them less instantaneous then transfiguration, elemental manipulation and charms, but probably more important ,and definitely more complicated.

Comment what do you think about, do you like how magic works in this world.

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